Rotating chairs may be entertaining, but why not spook it up even further with SPOOKY RANDOMIZED EMOTES by clicking on your former body parts to make them suddenly perform spooky actions or jiggle inside containers!
Pubbie says, "Boy, there sure are a lot of severed body parts here."
Spooky Ghost (dead) eerily farts on the Spooky ghost's butt.
The Spooky Ghost's butt farts!
Pubbie screams!
Pubbie exclaims, "AI THE BUTT FARTED"
Pubbie adds the Spooky ghost's arm to the backpack.
The backpack thumps around, as if something is trying to get out!
You would fart/scream when on your former limbs and they would play a randomly picked emote.
Head: Moan eerily, wink, say something from the ouija board list, grin, frown, blow raspberry, grimace horribly...
Eye: Stare at random object (like the eyeball plant), roll eye, cross eye, dialate.
Brain: Jiggle inteligently/stupidly, pulsate.
Lung: Inhale, exhale.
Butt: Fart (because why not), clench, TWERK.
Heart: Beat. Drive lodgers insane after they murder you?
Torso: Flex?
Arm: Give random person the finger, shake fist at random person, quiver eerily...
Leg: Dance, twiddle toes...
Pubbie says, "Boy, there sure are a lot of severed body parts here."
Spooky Ghost (dead) eerily farts on the Spooky ghost's butt.
The Spooky Ghost's butt farts!
Pubbie screams!
Pubbie exclaims, "AI THE BUTT FARTED"
Pubbie adds the Spooky ghost's arm to the backpack.
The backpack thumps around, as if something is trying to get out!
You would fart/scream when on your former limbs and they would play a randomly picked emote.
Head: Moan eerily, wink, say something from the ouija board list, grin, frown, blow raspberry, grimace horribly...
Eye: Stare at random object (like the eyeball plant), roll eye, cross eye, dialate.
Brain: Jiggle inteligently/stupidly, pulsate.
Lung: Inhale, exhale.
Butt: Fart (because why not), clench, TWERK.
Heart: Beat. Drive lodgers insane after they murder you?
Torso: Flex?
Arm: Give random person the finger, shake fist at random person, quiver eerily...
Leg: Dance, twiddle toes...