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give medical borgs a tool to put corpses in the cloner
maybe the reclaimer too

it'd be a good change since mediborgs would have more utility and things to do other than spam patches on people
A big meat hook?
A hook would be great in also allowing borgs to do certain specific other tasks like upgrading pods
Kinda hesitant on this. Medborgs already have significant healing capability, I think being unable to flat-out revive the dead is a fair trade-off. Utility-wise, a borg is always going to fall short of a human due to being limited to their inbuilt toolset, but medborgs are already one of the more useful borg types. You can already handle all other aspects of corpse recovery, all it takes is getting a human with spare time to toss a dude into the scanner.
I feel if there ever is a borg that can pick up, move, and transfer things like this, it should be it's own module dedicated to that concept. A courier borg that could double as a vehicle for people to get around the station faster.
One of the reason why I hate playing as a borg is because I can't pick up items. That and they are extremely boring to play as. I think this is a good idea. Anything that I feel makes borgs a tad better is a good thing in my eyes
I'd say nah. Either borgs can click-drag people into the scanner or they can't. Medical borgs are already the most useful AND deadliest of all borgs, no sense in making them even more potent.

One a side note, a scooter borg sounds fucking hilarious.
Nay to this. Borgs already have a lot of utility going on in their set modules - giving them any ability to actively grab people or objects would take away an important balancing factor and reduce borg reliance on humans.
Clearly this requires conveyer belts to the scanner to push people in and out, you just drag a body on there and off it goes
Even a borg could do it

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