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BYOND Username: boaty
My suggestion is for friendly antag gimmicks to be more strongly discouraged. I think it really goes against the spirit of the game and especially when non traitor crew actually go along with it and help the antag. For a very recent example in one round someone who was a vampire broadcast the fact on the radio and other crew actually offered to give blood in exchange for being enthralled. The guy was just hanging out in medbay with his bats and nobody was really doing anything about the situation because he was "friendly" and just hanging out. So what is the point of the round, when this happens it just becomes a boring extended mode. This was not by far an isolated incident, to the point where I have seen people argue to wait and see if a wizard or whatever is friendly before trying to deal with the situation.
Obviously your normal traitor or stealth antag is going to pretend to be friendly at first or to whatever extent is required to achieve their goals, and they shouldnt be required to aggressive or anything like that. But my issue is with the crew that actively go along with helping a known antag, especially obvious ones like wizards/changelings/vampires because of their gimmick.
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
The point of the game is player interaction. If people want to do the friendly route and the crew goes along with then so be it. I hardly see this happen though as the crew tends to attack any known antag. If you have a issue with it then kill the antag yourself. At this point it's guard will be down and even if the crew turns on you afterwards you still have a chance to kill it.
Antags are allowed to play however they want and in return the non antags can do what they want to the antags even if that means playing along with them. Let antags play how they want that's the freedom that makes goonstation amazing. The point of a antag is to have fun and that can range from being friendly to a full blown rampage.
Helping a antag is wrong though and if you see it happen then adminhelp it. Regardless if the crew is okay with it, it is still breaking a rule. There is a clear line of playing along with a friendly antag and helping a antag.
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To be clear, borgs can (and should) help human antags unless their laws have been changed so that the wizard/syndicates/traitors are declared non-human
On a related note
Change borg laws more often so they can kill wizards/syndicates/traitors
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Are we really going to ban-threaten people for being friendly?
I understand the rounds you're talking about. They generally devolve into long-ass rounds of:
Soon to be braindead spaceman shouts, 'It's 180 minutes in, call the damned shuttle!'
Pubbs McWizard says, 'ddddduuuuude.'
Dor Cassnerd shouts, 'No! We only need a few more keys to get the bad end!'
Pubbs McWizard shouts, 'wwweeed ovvveer 1111000000 ppootttenyy maaan! wwee're aaamaazzing!!!'
Butt McWeedman exclaims, 'yyeeaaah bbbrrooo! uu nno iitt!!'
Going braindead spaceman says, 'Oh for Fucks Sake.'
Pubbs McWizard shouts, 'aawww yyyeeeeee!!!'
Dor Cassnerd shouts, 'Hey wizard help me do biodome, the zombies are tough!'
Pubbs McWizard shouts, 'bbe rritte therr fffamm'
You examine Braindead Spaceman.
Braindead Spaceman appears alive, but dead on the inside...
With that out of the way, I'd like to say I agree with Ed. From my perspective the antag can do anything within the rules. The only thing I have ever particularly disliked was artificially extending the round beyond reason. I have always believed that the burden of friendliness lies on the antag, and that friendliness doesn't guarantee non-aggression. I personally don't see any fun in killing the 10 other people on low pop times, and would rather annoy them at most. The era of donut-level activity has long since passed, but the balance from the donut-era still remains in many places.
I'm a horrible writer when I'm tired. To hell with it. POST IT!
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(02-23-2016, 10:31 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: The point of the game is player interaction.
Agreed. If you're playing this game to find and kill antags so that you can "win" you're going to end up getting burned out and frustrated a lot more than you would otherwise.
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I will take the opportunity to grief any antag I know to be friendly and then spend the rest of the round running from the inevitable lynch mob.
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BYOND Username: ErikHanson
Gimmicks are alright.
Friendly antagonist gimmicks are dumb.
People cloning antagonists, or healing wizards is dumb.
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
(02-23-2016, 09:01 PM)ErikHanson Wrote: Gimmicks are alright.
Friendly antagonist gimmicks are dumb.
People cloning antagonists, or healing wizards is dumb.
Sometimes I clone traitors just to arrest them. Death is too easy. They must suffer jail time and a funny punishment. Like being forced to be a clown with a butt stapled to their head.
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I'm with Ed all the way on this. Personally, I'd rather be a "friendly" antagonist over a genocidal one on the basis that more interesting situations can develop from the former.
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(02-23-2016, 09:17 PM)Ed Venture Wrote: (02-23-2016, 09:01 PM)ErikHanson Wrote: Gimmicks are alright.
Friendly antagonist gimmicks are dumb.
People cloning antagonists, or healing wizards is dumb.
Sometimes I clone traitors just to arrest them. Death is too easy. They must suffer jail time and a funny punishment. Like being forced to be a clown with a butt stapled to their head.
Clone them, gib the original corpse, bucklecuff them and forcefeed them traitorburgers
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Antagonists can do whatever, and you can do whatever to them. The system works.