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Allow people to occupy the same square while standing up
Currently only one dude can stand in a square, and Help intent either goofily shunts them to the square you were in, or rudely pushes them out of the way. No intent lets you just walk past a guy.

Allow people on Help intent to stand in the same square, offset their player sprite to show they're walking around them/standing beside them, and begone with the dorky movement systems of aeons past.

Also: Two people in the same square? Walking into them should push one of them outta there.
If only two peeps could stand in the same square as once that doesn't sound too bad.
If this happens then how am I supposed to kill myself horribly with space lube and a monkey?

C'mon Son!
We could go the Dwarf Fortress route.
1. Remove Help intent.
2. All corridors reduced to one tile wide.
3. To pass each other, a spaceman has to lay down and let the other walk over them.

In all honestly this sounds fine to me, there are already plenty of ways to get multiple players on a tile. Though the question of who gets shot first when a projectile passes over a tile with multiple targets is there.
I'd say make it a 50% chance for who gets hit. That allows both using someone as a human shield, and taking a shot for someone.

Edit: Actually, on second thought someone who wanted to take the hit could just move closer to the shooter, so maybe all shots should hit the original square occupant.
This sounds like something that will break a lot of things
Just grab and suplex. There's nothing preventing you from occupying the same space as someone.

Besides, taking back your spot at the bar after someone runs up and swap-steals it is a nice fight conversation starter.
(02-14-2016, 03:14 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Edit: Actually, on second thought someone who wanted to take the hit could just move closer to the shooter, so maybe all shots should hit the original square occupant.

Honestly your 50/50 idea sounds best, just keeps it simple as fuck
If this were to be implemented then disarm intent should do what help intent used to do.
(02-14-2016, 05:26 PM)ErikHanson Wrote: This sounds like something that will break a lot of things

Gameplaywise? Nah, limiting it to two guys a square would stop it from being too messy and make shoving matches to get into the shuttle less chaotic. Codewise? Probably
I don't think this would be particularly bad code-wise. In fact, it could be a gateway to interesting mechanics like human shields from projectiles via grabbing.

That being said, I don't really feel that this idea is in the SS13 spirit.

..So in essence, I guess my stance is quite neutral.
We already have human shields from projectiles via grabbing though?
Oh? Well. Um. Yes, we absolutely do! Spectacular!

(I totally had no idea.)
I really really don't like this idea; but I do not have any logical reason why.
(02-16-2016, 07:01 AM)Dabir Wrote: We already have human shields from projectiles via grabbing though?

Human shield is a bit unreliable, since choking someone makes them go prone and projectiles can pass right over prone players, hitting the doofus holding the shield by his neck.

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