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Targeting and Critical effects
Basic idea
  • Targeting different areas (arms, legs, torso, and head) is consistent with all weapons, both melee and ranged and damage is concentrated to wear the person who dealt it was aiming. (i.e. aiming for the left leg when shooting someone results in the bullets hitting their left leg)
  • When taking damage, there is a chance of taking a critical effect. The effects are dependent on which area is taking damage, and the source of the damage (i.e. taking brute damage from a blunt object like a fire extinguisher has a critical effect chance of breaking a bone)
The purpose of a system like this is to add a degree of both tacticality in fights, and a bit of randomness to make individual encounters across rounds more unique.

Proposed Critical Effects
  • Concussion - Flashing stars appear on screen briefly 
  • Black Eye - Character appears with bruise around eye
  • Poked Eye - Left or right eye temporarily blinded
  • Broken Tooth - tooth is knocked out onto the floor, character's speech drops random letters from typed dialogue
  • Broken Rib - Shooting pain that causes occasional freezing in movement
  • Wind knocked out - player is temporarily unable to speak
  • Collapsed lung - Blood comes up during coughs
  • Broken - random item dropping from injured arm
  • Crushed - temporarily stops the player from using the affected hand
  • Dislocated - requires smacking to pop back in
  • Stubbed toe - Causes character to scream
  • Broken - Slowed movement
  • Dislocated - requires smacking to pop back in
i really like this idea
*thumbs up

Solid idea.
Pretty good idea.

However, some things would need addressing.
  • A way to fix broken teeth.
  • A way to fix broken bones.
  • A way to either surgically extract 'donor' lungs or robotic replacements to replace a collapsed lung.
  • A way other than smacking to fix a dislocated bone since smacking is currently an emote.

I also REALLY disagree with having it purely RNG based. That's basically going back to the pre-stamina system of random knockdowns and such.
Yeah, this would go hand in hand with some new medical ailments, treatments, and tools. A quick way would be to add some stuff to medical fabricators.

-Casts (signable with pens and markers) Alternatively bandages could double as slings.
-I guess what I meant by smacking was clicking with the help intent while targeting the affected limb to pop it in
Good shit all around, I'm in for it. More ailments, treatments, tools, more stuff to do (hey captain, sign my cast, captain draws a dick on there), so on and so forth. Gives doctors fun stuff to do, or to ruin, and makes fights more than 'click until guy falls down'.

EDIT: Also I want to collect people's teeth and string a necklace so there's that.
(02-11-2016, 11:21 PM)Nnystyxx Wrote: Also I want to collect people's teeth and string a necklace so there's that.

This just makes me think of the Bebop Cola episode of Sealab 2021.

"What are you makin' a necklace?!"

The underwater equivalent of ss13

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