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Can't splash dudes with blood
How am I meant to frame someone for my murder if I can't splash my own blood all over their clothes??
I believe it applies if you foam or smoke. Still a direct splash would be nice
I'd really like to see this feature added, especially with the "who done it" rounds we've recently seen on Destiny.
Yeah. I'd like for this to be a thing. Anything for giving players more agency when it comes to skullduggery.
doing grabs, pulls, surgery, cpr, or simple proximity in the case of arterial spray/slipping into gibs piles should get blood on ppl
While we're talking about blood.

It would be cool if we could see more flying blood. When you smack a (Standing) man across the face with a fire extinguisher I don't expect to see the blood falling at his feet first, I expect to see if flung across the wall behind him. Along with a few of his teeth.

But yeah, blood throwing would be nice.
TheOnlyRyan Wrote:While we're talking about blood.

It would be cool if we could see more flying blood. When you smack a (Standing) man across the face with a fire extinguisher I don't expect to see the blood falling at his feet first, I expect to see if flung across the wall behind him. Along with a few of his teeth.

But yeah, blood throwing would be nice.

Splatter patterns that were different depending on the weapon used would be a neat element

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