Weavel's Mentor Application
Usual Character Name: Isaac Kirkhope
BYOND Username: Weavel
Recommended by (if applicable): Conor12, Marquesas
Times Available: 0:00 GMT, available from any time past about 5PM most days of the week.

Reason for Application + Game Experience (300 word minimum): The main reason I'm applying for Mentor is because, after a bit of a chat between a few ghosts, another mentor reccomended that I apply. I've enjoyed helping people in places like Toxins or Engineering for a good while now, teaching people how to make bombs, or how to set the singularity, or grow weed, or whatever else, but I've not yet really considered applying to be a mentor. I figured after being reccomended that I should give it a shot, as I'd love to actually start properly helping.

I've been playing about a year now, since just before the poo removal. I've played very frequently during whatever spare time I've had since I began, so I've picked up an awful lot of info. I started off on Shroom, and I've played an infinite amount of gimmick names, but the name up there is my regular one.
I've got a very expansive knowledge of the map, including all z-levels & how to navigate them. I know a lot about the things that inhabit said Z-levels, too. There's no job I don't enjoy or know about; I've had [No Preference] as my top option for a long while now. Up until recently, I had a distaste for Sec, but I've found my place where I have some good fun, and was even reccomended to be a HoS by another one. Fortunately I do understand very clearly how it works and the do's/don'ts of a good officer.
My main knowledge is in Research; after spending a particularly long time in the Chemistry room, I've ended up with a vast amount of info. I've gone from nothing to now knowing nearly every chemical and it's uses, from Kelotane all the way through the chain to Grog and Booster Enzymes. I've also got a particularly good knowledge of life as an AI; I've played AI a tonne, and know every loophole and every do and don't. I have experience with every head of staff, bar HoS, and know essentially everything that an average joe would need to get on with his role effectively. The only job section I am not 100% sure on is Genetics's genes, but I'm working on that currently and do understand it, just haven't had time to test it a lot.

I'd like to think I'm fairly robust; I enjoy every role I get ranging from simple Traitor all the way up to silly things like Matcho Man or The Welder. I've got a very good grasp of the combat system, and I completely understand all aspects of ye traitoring; I've used all items, spells and changeling/vampire powers by this point in time, I've set the nuke as a Syndie, etc. tldr I am good bad dude

I've got a lot of time to spare that ends up in this game; I've got a vast knowledge of nearly every aspect of play, and I genuinely love helping dudes with their nefarious schemes or even just simple things like using an oxygen tank, or figuring out the AI's uses, and the like. I'd love to be a mentor and actually be able to apply the knowledge I have to helping new people and confused people alike, rather than melting wizards or disposaling myself on a roller-coaster. If I can do both, that'd be life sorted.

Your opinion of Shrek (5 word minimum): shrek is drek fart hoot

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): None.
I am still amazed on why you are not a Mentor yet. Yes.
I've been telling him to apply.

He's a smart, fun, experienced guy who would make for a great mentor.
One of the names that always stick out on me, very calm, smart, and would show new players alot.

In other words, this guy is great and knows what hes talking about, give him the purple text!
I've never had anything but good experiences with Isaac. I'm actually somewhat disappointed that this isn't a HoS application, too, since I think he'd be great for the job.
Big yes from me, Isaac's one of those guys you're always suprised doesn't have the purple text.
Heiraphont Wrote:I've never had anything but good experiences with Isaac. I'm actually somewhat disappointed that this isn't a HoS application, too, since I think he'd be great for the job.

I'd definitely be interested in vouching for a HoS position in the future, but I figured I'd start small for now.
A million billion yeses.
Weavel Wrote:
Heiraphont Wrote:I've never had anything but good experiences with Isaac. I'm actually somewhat disappointed that this isn't a HoS application, too, since I think he'd be great for the job.

I'd definitely be interested in vouching for a HoS position in the future, but I figured I'd start small for now.

Go big or go home, nerd.

Issac is a knowledgeable dude who is fun to play the game with. I think he'd do well as a mentor, and he should really add the extra 300 words for the Hat.
You're an awesome dude, and I say yes to your purple text. But poo hasn't been out for more than a couple of months
He should definitely be given the purple text, every round with him is amazing
isaac is most robust and most fair. my word is like the word of 10 men, so I approve this
Ok, I saw an event that occurred involving you while you were a Security Officer which concerned me greatly and I want to hear your side of the story since I did not see the events leading up to it.

I joined the round about ten minutes, died, saw you as a Security Officer and another guy then I logged off.

I joined about forty minutes later, I saw you and the officer in the brig with a prisoner shoved into a corner then, the officer with you was screaming, "ANYONE IN THE BRIG THAT IS NOT SECURITY WILL BE MURDERED!!!" A Cyborg heard the screaming, ran in, and freed the prisoner that you and the officer seemed keen on killing.

Then I see you chase the borg down, bring it to the brig, then you pull out a Cyalume Saber that you got from a traitor(I learned about this in deadchat as their was a person saying how he tried to attack Sec and was killed, presumably with the saber) and you beat the cyborg to death with the saber because he freed a prisoner you and another officer were threatening to kill.

By this time the prisoner that was freed was caught, and then you murdered the prisoner with a saber

As I said, I was not in the round for the whole duration of the time, and the only thing I saw your co-worker threatening to kill anyone who entered the brig, and you murdering a prisoner and a borg who tried to save him. I presume the prisoner deserved it, but killing a Cyborg for following its normal laws is a big red flag to me.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:As I said, I was not in the round for the whole duration of the time, and the only thing I saw your co-worker threatening to kill anyone who entered the brig, and you murdering a prisoner and a borg who tried to save him. I presume the prisoner deserved it, but killing a Cyborg for following its normal laws is a big red flag to me.

I talked to Wonk about this entire situation; went through the entire round and process and he said given the full circumstances that it was fine. I'll explain it a bit more here:

The guy who had broken in; he'd been arrested 5 times for attacking officers, repeatedly breaking into Sec and shocking doors, stripping officers and generally being really bad. We'd arrested him after he broke in, fourth time this time, and then suddenly that borg started running in with a speed booster and pushed us about, then dragged him out. At the time, we knew the borgs had been reprogrammed as the AI had hinted at it; we didn't know that it was actually an EPO law, so personally I figured the borg was rogue. Also dragging dudes away during an arrest is really bad in general; given that it's a borg and it was refusing to stop, I assumed the worst.

Quote:the officer with you was screaming, "ANYONE IN THE BRIG THAT IS NOT SECURITY WILL BE MURDERED!!!
I really can't vouch for my comrade's behavior that round to be honest; he was very stressed out, but was also very trigger happy, shooting dudes who walked into the brig demanding brig sentances. I released both the guys he shot, Philip Farmer and Adam Holdeman, they'll vouch he was a bit much.

But yeah, we then asked the AI to lock down the borg, and for it to return our repeat offender. The borg refused and when we finally caught it, I flashed the thing and the other guy started dragging it inside. I figured at that point it was rogue, so I helped the other guy bonk it's head in with a Stun Baton. We blew it's head up, then I remembered I had the csword from the unfortunate Janitor traitor I caught very early on ( we electropacked him and gave him a sec headset, told him to go find other traitors and report them to us. He immediately got it removed, but damnit I had fun giving him that ultimatum! Caught him later, too)

From there, that other guy being shit returned to Sec, for his fifth time, and started shocking the doors out of spite. Adam Holdeman was standing outside, I asked him to stun the guy with his gloves. The other officer told me that the Captain said to space our intruder the next time he fucked with us. I figured I'd take the initiative, and csworded the fucker; after being arrested 5 times, stripping an officer, repeatedly shocking our doors, trying to beat me to death with an extinguisher and seemingly collaborating with rogue borgs, I thought that it might be for the best.

It actually turns out that the guy who we executed WAS a traitor, though I didn't know it at the time. He'd been given orders to steal 5 sec headsets, which is why he was so intent on getting inside. I did talk it out with Wonk, as I've said, and he said that the explanation seems OK. I do still kind of think my csword execution was a bit much, but it worked out to be alright in the end.

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