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Longer Rounds?
Since it can be very subjective is the reason why it should be left to player choice.
I work on the method of "Does anybody object to a shuttle call?". Wait a handful of seconds. If nobody objects, call it. You have five minutes to recall the shuttle, after all, and if you can't get to a console by then (or convince someone else to), then...
Zamujasa Wrote:I work on the method of "Does anybody object to a shuttle call?". Wait a handful of seconds. If nobody objects, call it. You have five minutes to recall the shuttle, after all, and if you can't get to a console by then (or convince someone else to), then...
This is usually what works the best, in my experience. Also, as the wiki page for the AI says, if recalling the shuttle is rendered physically impossible due to major station destruction and/or loss of other people capable of getting to a communications console, it was probably worth calling anyways.
Rhydic Wrote:i dont know why the round doesnt just end if all antagonists are dead. i get having late-joining antagonists if there's one antagonist putzing around being boring an hour in but if all the antagonists are dead i dont see the point in continuing. if people wanna screw around with their jobs they can go to us 1
I'm not a big fan of this attitude. Antags aren't the only players that matter, and the crew should be able to do whatever they like without fear of losing their shit because someone shoots a traitor. As for round length, I honestly think that the new longer rounds are fine. An extra ten or twenty minutes doesn't hurt anybody, and it's far better than the old "oh fuck it's one hour CALL THE SHUTTLE" attitude that essentially set a timer on how long players had to get things done.
When I'm playing AI I ask at around 45 minutes and then every 20 minutes, and if I get no objections then ill call it, usually its rounds with no security or no heads left and the janitor is the highest ranking person, but sometimes long rounds are fun and gives mechanics and engineers something to do by fixing the station
zibbazabba905 Wrote:When I'm playing AI I ask at around 45 minutes and then every 20 minutes, and if I get no objections then ill call it, usually its rounds with no security or no heads left and the janitor is the highest ranking person, but sometimes long rounds are fun and gives mechanics and engineers something to do by fixing the station
I sometimes call the shuttle as AI when I'm about to get killed. I always figure if a head is around they can recall, but in case they have all been killed the crew won't have to jump through a dozen hoops themselves.
If the station is fine and nothing is happening by the one hour mark, you should at least ask the other crew-members if they want the shuttle called. Also I am the only person who thinks the Ai should have a recall function if there is no one around to recall the shuttle?

Also I'm fine with longer rounds my issue lays with how they are being handle. They should not be forced onto the players cause a few admins think that's how the game should be, it should remain player choice. It's okay to call the shuttle around the one hour mark and it's okay to keep the round going passed the hour long mark. It should be up to the people playing during the round to decide if the shuttle should be called or not. If you really want rounds to go on for longer then a hour then make a game mode designed to last that long. As I said before here

Quote: If you want rounds to last longer then a hour then add game modes that are made to last that long. It just does not work sometimes for traitors and it most certainly does not work for syndie rounds.

Ed Venture Wrote:There are alot of factors that happen in every single round and you might not get the stuff you want to get done finished and that's okay, I just wanted to make it clear that I don't think rounds should have a one hour time limit. If you look back in the thread my main issue was this
Most of the time a round gets to the one hour mark alot of the crew is dead or nothing is happening. But sometimes the station is in good health and the round last to a hour then they tend to last a tad longer. But if nothing is happening by the one-hour mark then there is no guarantee that anything will happen at all. I think it's fine for rounds to last alittle long if stuff is happening. But I think it is fine to call the shuttle if most of the crew is dead or if most or more of the heads are dead. But trying to force the players alive or dead to play a round for over an hour is dumb and some game modes are suffering for it. Leave it player choice and put back and give winning conditions again. If you want rounds to last longer then a hour then at game modes that are made to last that long. It just does not work sometimes for traitors and it most certainly does not work for syndie rounds.

and this
Get your tin foil hats on

Ed Venture Wrote:
Convair880 Wrote:Support for this push and all it entails (nerfing existing features, certain upcoming or planned changes, enforcing RP elements etc) is not unanimous, so throwing "all admins" or "all coders" into one pot isn't necessarily representative of the actual situation. And as was pointed out, some of the changes tend to not work well in practice (such late-joining antagonists in nuke rounds) or are peculiar in light of Goonstation's history and player base.

Also if the main reason some admins have been going nuts with the nerfs over the past year was in hopes of making artificial long round then that needs to stop ASAP it is in no way a good enough reason to nerf things.

These "certain upcoming or planned changes" and the RP elements needs to be discussed with the playerbase as well. Not behind closed doors where only certain people get a say in it. Such changes effect every single person who plays on this server. Half of the playerbase here does not like RP elements and as this threads has shown the majority hates how these long rounds are being handled

If Convair is saying here is true then they may have been nerfing things just to make rounds artificially longer and that is a poor excuse to nerf things, but would explain they have went overkill with some nerfs over the past year.
Ed Venture Wrote:Also I am the only person who thinks the Ai should have a recall function if there is no one around to recall the shuttle?
While only tangentially related to the topic at hand, I may as well chime in here for lack of any better discussions to chime into, since everything I've wanted to say has basically already been said by Ed here.

Anyways, the likely reason why the AI doesn't have a recall function is to stop a rogue or otherwise particularly dickish AI from recalling the shuttle and trapping the round in purgatory until it gets reset or murdered. While there are many ways to stop a person from recalling the shuttle, the most prominent of which being occupying the communications consoles and robusting the fuck out of whichever station member tries doing so, the AI would just need to click a button on their interface.
Good point BaneOfGiygas I did not think of that.
I have to agree with Ed. I would appreciate more transparency from the admins/coders when making significant changes.
Interesting, the crowd that demands more transparency and explanation is actually quite largely overlapping with the crowd to whom explaining a nerf is a painful, hellish, abusive experience. But enough derail.

Rhydic Wrote:i dont know why the round doesnt just end if all antagonists are dead.

[Image: raw-meat-psd-436583.png] [Image: 240px-Rainbow_flag_and_blue_skies.jpg] [Image: 8bf81bbea48ac799fafbd8551aa57bb1.jpg]
I think the fact that the shuttle survives 2 more minutes affects the round length.
Marquesas Wrote:images

I'm not sure how to interpret those images.
Marq, part of the reason I was salty towards nerfs is because they were supposedly being done with the justification of longer rounds.
Noah Buttes Wrote:
Marquesas Wrote:images

I'm not sure how to interpret those images.

Meat Gay Vase

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