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Sec cryobay VR
Mageziya Wrote:This is a amazing.

I would also maybe suggest that the VR mining area be attached to the already existing VR area. There'd be no way for the prisoners to virtually escape, but it would allow for people to enter VR and ether mock or conspire with the prisoners.

So like, an impassable chest high wall, with a digital rotten vegetable synthesizer on the general vr side? And objects could only be thrown across it one way and not the other?
Toss veggis at the prisoners, and laugh at their plight.

Maybe a traitor implant that lets you spawn cheatcodes in vr, toss cheatcodes at prisoners to help them break out.
I would be completely on board with this if there was a way to escape as a prisoner, without waiting or paying. Like a secret dungeon or the need to buy cheap hacking tools, and attempting a reasonably difficult minigame.

Also, VR black market. Where else do you buy virtual drugs and hacking tools?
Maybe you can abuse random glitches to gain access to shady parts of VR when security isn't looking, and trade in cryptocurrency in exchange for dirty goods while hoping security doesn't do a virtual headcount, then use it about VR to gain access to the network in various ways, or sneak the stuff back and try to use it without security noticing.

Combatting these dirty deeds would be a matter of paying enough attention to notice, and then either booting them out of the system and dispensing them (And dropping the dirty goods around for others to hide) or going in and finding the dirty goods and tossing them into the delete-o-matic chute.
Maybe this shady vr part is also accessible by normal crew, and traitors with freedom implants have it easier to find, and it accepts normal money as well.
You'd need a way to combat it though. Maybe the Heads and the AI can access the VR somehow with enhanced admin privileges, and deal with such things if it's discovered or if there's weird shit going on with the terminals and bank funds and stuff.
I like the idea of a random location glitch you can find that sends you to a shady goods dealer.

Security could be able to shutdown the glitch for 10 minutes, just to have it reappear in a new spot?
They'd probably have to find it first.
Have the hidden blackmarket in the prison would be awesome and i have some ideas how it can work

The black market and whats in it

In the blackmarket you can buy two type of items, Hacking tools for both in VR and outside it and physical items you can buy for yourself (I explain more later).You can buy these items using bitcoins you mine in the security VR, Most of these items will be extremely expensive though

Physical items, How it works and what can i buy

Amazon has expanded it's market into the shady underworld of VR Blackmarkets. You can now buy items and have them teleported into a toilet of your choice in the station. You can buy
  • Food
    Bag of white powder
    Spray paint bottles
    A butterfly knife
    A full toolkit
    A syndicate Agent ID
    Get out of jail Free card from a random board game, Note-This item cost 1 bitcoin and doesn't actually do anything
    Voice changer
    That machine that randomizes your appearence when you turn it on
    A hacking implant- This allows you to visit the prison VR any time you want.(Freedom implants act like this too)

Hacks and why you want them
In the prison VR blackmarket there is an Elite hackler named Donor the Coomed who sells you hackles for a Low and reasonable price (HAHAHAHAHAHA). These hackles can only be activated in Prison vr which can only be accesed by a Prison VR cyrobay or the Hacking implant. These are the hackles you can buy

Important Note- Freedom implants will give you the ones with stars next to them for free.They will NOT include any upgrades a program may have)
  • *Moderator Decryption Packet-Allows you to turn your avatar into a admin like the ones security gets and give you more control over the VR except the Admins can still effect you but you can't effect them. Can be upgraded to an Admin Decyption Packet where they can't effect you and you can't effect them

    *Mask-Makes your Avatar LOOK like a prisoner no matter what. You can also upgrade this to allow you to become invisble

    *Camera over_ride switch- Allows you to use the cameras like the AI would. Upgrades include the ablity to turn cameras off for the AI/Security terminals and the ablility to place squares that alert you when someone walks on them

    Door Hack (Requires Camera)-Allows you to attempt to gain control of a door. This takes around the same amount of time it takes an AI to gain control of a door. Once you gain control of the door you can interact with it the same way the AI can with the added bonus of the AI losing control of the door.If the Ai manage to re-hack the door you will lose control again

    Bitcoin miner- Automatically mines bit-coins for you. Can be set to invisable mode or made to look like you

    Stock Market Analyst-Automatically buy's and sell stocks for you and puts money in you bank account over time (This actually gives you money over time to simplfy things.)

    *Bitcoin Converter- Allows you to cash in bitcoins to cash or vice versa

    AI over-ride (Requires Cameras)-Allows you to take control of simple Ai's like Securitrons, Turrents , Guard buddy's , firebots and so on

    Remote access (Require camera)- Lets you access machines like the AI can

    Wall of spam-Allows you to place a wall of spam which acts like a force wall with the added bonus of giving you money for every second they look at it

    Access Denied-Converts an Admin into a prisoner

    VR takeover (One use)-Locks a Prisoner into prison VR unless you allow them out. Can be overrided with outside help

Thats all i can think of for now, I might Make a new Physical/Hacking list as i come up ideas.

Also feel free to come up with better names for my hackles as long as you leave wall of spam along. I like that one
The black market can be found in the forum of pixelated items and weird swirlies hiding in boxes and under closets and stuff, probably. Something you have to actively find but can be hidden, but in a way that admins can find if they know it's somewhere around.

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