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Round Beginning Security Popup.
There've been a lot of QoL suggestions for sec lately and I thought I'd post this one with a little background. I just came off a month ban, which was my fault, over an altercation with a security officer and subsequent escalation that could have easily been avoided had the relatively new sec officer been familiar with procedure . Basically he took my stuff because I made him grow a beard, like my whole pack.

It's got me to thinking. Security is arguably just as difficult as any of the antag roles to do well. Antags get a popup at the beginning of the match explaining how to play them. Why not give sec one?

My idea is simple. We shouldn't expect that all sec have read t he wiki, cause that is naive. So if you roll sec officer at the beginning of the round you get a popup like traitors do. This popup has some tips "Don't use your baton on harm or it will stun you". Suggested reactions to offences "Don't give someone two minutes in the brig and strip their stuff for nonviolent/nondestructive crimes" and stuff that is important like "Don't strip a person's headset". Though that last one rarely happens it is still an important one that gets missed by even experienced players from time to time.

You could even maintain a thread for people to suggest additions and revisions. I think some guidelines and tips that pop up at the beginning of the round would be more effective than expecting all sec players to read the wiki. This would increase the quality of security players, even new ones, which in turn improves how sec is treated and improves the game over all for everyone.

Thoughts? Feelings?
I like this idea, it would give new players who jump right into security some of the do's and don'ts
Don't tell them about what happens if you try and use a active stun baton on harm cause that's a right of passage
while also giving them some idea on how to treat arrest. The guide should give them a link to the security page at the bottom since some new players may not even know right away that out wiki exist. Overall a good idea, most differently worth a discussion
excuse my typos please
It wouldn't hurt but I feel the thing with security is, there isn't really any rules set in place. It's up to the police/crew to decide what justice is, and I kind of like that.
It brings up questions like, what do you do with a confirmed traitor? Do you murder him? Do you just brig him forever (even though he'll totally just murder again), or do you borg him? What about non-traitors and their petty crimes? Is it really worth bringing someone over something silly? Not really. But would cops do this shit in real life? Absolutely, so they do in the game too (such as your situation).

But tips that you were suggesting would work.
I think if anything, the security should warn people not to play it if they don't have a firm grasp on the way things go around here. If you're not confident about fighting/dealing with other players (99% of a sec's job) then stick to something else until you're ready.

It's not always a bad thing either when security goes after the crew for their shenanigans. If nothing is going on in a round, security is the most boring position to play.
Waffles64 Wrote:It wouldn't hurt but I feel the thing with security is, there isn't really any rules set in place. It's up to the police/crew to decide what justice is, and I kind of like that.
It brings up questions like, what do you do with a confirmed traitor? Do you murder him? Do you just brig him forever (even though he'll totally just murder again), or do you borg him? What about non-traitors and their petty crimes? Is it really worth bringing someone over something silly? Not really. But would cops do this shit in real life? Absolutely, so they do in the game too (such as your situation).

The thing is though is the wiki gives some great guidelines on how to handle those situations, along with a short guide on how to handle antags and non-antags. The only way I could see the pop-up window working if it only told you the do's and don't and I feel like the pop-up could work and still let the player decide what type of justice they want to deal out if I did not think this then this idea would be a deal breaker for me. All-all I think a few tips and a small list of do's and don't with a link to the security wiki page could not hurt and at the same-time the player will still have to use common sense to guide them though their round.

Things on what to do with confirmed traitors should not be in the pop-up, because the rules don't apply to antags if you catch one they are at your mercy. Unless the Head of Security or (if the HOS is not around) the captain say "Don't kill him" you should listen to them. Even then the wiki gives you great insight on how to handle all antags and the situations but they should stay on the wiki if a common player wants that extra knowledge they will have to put in the little effort in going to the wiki and reading.

All and all I'm pretty neutral if this idea is added and like I said it's a good idea it's worth the discussion but a line has to be drawn on what would go in this pop-up and I think only general tips and do's and don'ts from the wiki should be on said pop-up.
Maybe it would only be the first two weeks/up to the third time the player chooses sec?
More importantly, it needs to specify to not be bad sec, what that means, to have fun, and such similar things.
This sounds great, and hopefully this stops some 'geniuses' from ruining a round with this. big grin
I've seen experienced players take a person's headset as sec because they were complaining about arrest. I think really it's harmless to dismiss and with the option for it to be updated regularly even seasoned players might find that they have things there that would be useful. Plus it never hurts to be able to refresh. I guess you could put in an opt out or "don't show this again" option, but overall I'd think it'd be handy to have it pop up every time.
How about a popup reading "don't play security, literally everyone you arrest will scream and cry both to the rest of the station and the admins and it's the least fun job"?
(remove security)
When did they remove your ban from posting in ideas forum Kubius? Putting it to good use I see.
Things to include on a "You are Security" popup:
  • You have access to nonlethal weaponry, including a flash, a stun baton, and a taser. You are expected to use these tools instead of lethal force whenever practical. You don't have a license to kill anyone who you wouldn't be allowed to kill as a regular crew member. You're also not authorized to brig someone for more than 5 minutes without permission from higher up on the chain of command.
  • Your Security PDA comes with useful programs, including Ticket Master, a Forensics Scanner and Securitron Access. The Security Department to Security Records, Camera Monitoring and Door Monitoring computers.
  • You have access to the Set Miranda Rights and Recite Miranda Rights verbs. The former lets you put in any words you want and the latter lets you recite the whole speech on demand.
  • As a Security Officer, your job is to keep the peace, not to hunt down antagonists. When arresting someone, your number one priority should be resolving conflicts, not figuring out who you're allowed to murder today. There is almost never a good reason for you to strip someone naked in the hallway, remove radio headsets from suspects, beat people to death with your baton or confiscate someone's PDA.

Things to leave out:
  • How to hold a stun baton correctly.
  • Specific punishments for specific crimes.
  • Instructions on not being corrupt.
I'd think some suggested punishments would be reasonable. You don't want people getting two minute brig sentences and their backpacks stripped for dumping paint on someone or something like that
If you put in suggested punishments, then people will whine when I give them an extra 30s for every instance of the word shitcurity.
Yeah but it beats the entire station beating and stripping sec cause the new guy confiscates all your items and brigs you for five minutes for farting in his face
Give the HoS a Regulation Enforcement Baton that, when it strikes a security officer, gives them this popup, immobilizes them and makes it stay on-screen for a full minute.

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