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Ethereal Layer
A suggestion for an addon to ghosts. Basically turn being dead into a spooky party playground that doesn't effect the round normally unless spaceloot or admins are involved..

Ability to toggle on/off the ability to see an Ethereal Layer as a ghost.

A layer that can only be seen by ghosts, and by people through occasional special/secrets or admin events.

When this layer is visible, ghosts gain a pair of ghostly hands that can only interact with ghostly objects and ghosts. Strewn about the map are ethereal tools and machines ghosts can goof off with without the crew usually knowing.

Example: Use ghost crayons and ghost wire to make art all over the bridge, play ghost arcade games, whack eachother with ghost nerf bats, and cut up/clean up messes made by ghosts via these means.

Could even have a ghost bar on top of the real one. Ghostahol.

All these tools and art and goofing off would be only able to interact with the ethereal layer, but some things in the normal game can remove/alter the ghost layer.

No real reason, just fun goofing off ghost hanging out time.


Additional possible suggestions:

- Spooky camera space loot that takes pictures. Normal people show up as skeletons, and ghosts show up as nameless apparitions.

- If someone trips over enough balls, (like, 50+ units of lsd or something), they start to see the ghost layer fade in and out amongst the haze. They'd also see ghosts, but the ghosts would look like and be renamed as big scary monsters, and ghosts could click on people who see them in this way to give a fake attack message. Chemists could inject people with tons of drugs and then watch them run around screaming even more than usual.

- Spooky dolls that sometimes spawn hidden in dark places, like maintenance. Don't do anything and are basically a reskinned gnome. Except that if a ghost clicks them (on a cooldown to prevent spam), they might speak a spooky markov bot message (like the medbots but spookier).
Quote:Use ghost crayons and ghost wire to make art all over the bridge

It'd be kinda neat if wraiths could use their poltergeist ability to make ghost crayon visible to the living. Wraiths can already deliver info from deadchat to living players, so that wouldn't really be an issue if a ghost writes "CLOWN IS WIZARD" in hopes of the wraith making it visible.
It really wouldn't. Also ghosts can lie, because they're dicks. Ghost evidence is never applicable in a court of space law.
Tying in hallucinations and drugs in with the ghost world seems like a cool idea. The current visible-only-to-you NPCs are kinda lame.
Best idea for ghost.
This is a good post.

Make everything mentioned come true.
I seem to recall a lot of these suggestions getting shot down in the past for some reason or another, like the ubiquitous "give ghosts access to VR" suggestion, but I see no harm in this. It's fun, provides something to do while waiting for the next round/borging/cloning beyond just playing on another server (because, let's be honest, the other servers don't tend to be very lively with the sole exception of #1 at times), and is almost entirely inconsequential to the goings-on of the actual round beyond, as mentioned, admin shenanigans or a choice few aesthetic mechanics.

I also seem to remember an argument being brought up that people would kill themselves just to ghost around doing ghost things, but that argument is sort of rendered moot by the fact that VR even exists at all, and also by the fact that the observe feature exists for pretty much this exact reason. There's also the fact that ban magic can be pointed at anyone who ends up managing to abuse this feature, somehow, and this feature leaves very little room for abuse in the first place.
Ethereal layer idea: Add Pacman style pellets and fruit pickups that add points to a score system. Power pellets can let you eat other ghosts and steal their points. At the round end, top three ghost scores are listed.
All good ideas. Sure, being a ghost shouldn't be more fun than being alive, but it'd be nice to have things to occupy your time other than spooky farts on your murderer.
Frank_Stein Wrote:Ethereal layer idea: Add Pacman style pellets and fruit pickups that add points to a score system. Power pellets can let you eat other ghosts and steal their points. At the round end, top three ghost scores are listed.
Could make this an actual minigame on one of the spare zlevels. Have the level reset after all the pellets are eaten and save the scoring.
Add it in VR except make Pac-Man a player and four ghosts as the ghosts, all with normal line-of-sight.

Could do it sorta like bomberman on vg. There's a sign up button and if enough people sign up, it autogenerates a playfield maze on a free area using the background threaded terrain generator (super speedy), then spawns the ghosts in as mobs. The game is run, a winner is declared. Repeat ad infinum. The game shows up as an option on the TV that normally only shows thunderdome.
Whoops. Meant background proc not thread. Byond doesn't really into thread.
Just a proc that takes its time and sleeps a lot if he server is under load.

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