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Draw cool SS13 art!!!!
Kirex drew this:
[Image: 55ac1039b5a64.png]
And I colored it in:
[Image: 7EJiQ2d.png]
A bunch of days ago i posted this on a obscure IRC channel, have a happy wally!

[Image: 09d07ec079.jpg]
Wasted 30 minutes of my life making this! Yea!
[Image: S9AoEFi.png]
Yes it took me 30 minutes to make this lol big grin
Naximous Wrote:Wasted 30 minutes of my life making this! Yea!
[Image: S9AoEFi.png]
Yes it took me 30 minutes to make this lol big grin

Now that's what I call clown pants.
Vunterslaush Wrote:
Naximous Wrote:Wasted 30 minutes of my life making this! Yea!
[Image: S9AoEFi.png]
Yes it took me 30 minutes to make this lol big grin

Now that's what I call clown pants.

I had completely forgotten what they looked like so i had to improvise big grin Too lazy to google :P
Syndicate's be like ''Yo! Can you help me? ''Eh?'' ''Where is research?'' ''That Way! And then turn right!'' ''Ah, ok thanks!''
[Image: HTezUqC.jpg]
Naximous Wrote:Syndicate's be like ''Yo! Can you help me? ''Eh?'' ''Where is research?'' ''That Way! And then turn right!'' ''Ah, ok thanks!''
[Image: HTezUqC.jpg]
These guys are being lazier every day.
medsal15 Wrote:
Naximous Wrote:Syndicate's be like ''Yo! Can you help me? ''Eh?'' ''Where is research?'' ''That Way! And then turn right!'' ''Ah, ok thanks!''
[Image: HTezUqC.jpg]
These guys are being lazier every day.

Yeah, erm the syndicates! Im not lazy! I totally dedicated alot of time for this! frown
I made more shitty art!
[Image: Dtc8qDb.png]everitiem you play cluwn
Why no art? q.q
Let's fix that!
W H I T! Even moar shitty lazy ""ART""
[Image: wmiqueU.jpg]
This is what 2D spessmen see when they're high
I had an idea while looking over the code for wallposters in-game. They are capable of displaying a popup image... and I think it'd be cool as hell to let the community contribute in-game posters that way. We'd need to keep a consistent enough style and format, so don't start making finished pieces yet, but what do y'all think?

This would be for stuff that looks good and has some design sense with effort involved, which a bunch of you are capable of doing I'm sure. Think of stuff you might see in a goofy yet official workplace... i.e, not mspaints of clown murder and farts.
Maybe Jones is Space Cat of the Year? Tourism posters, safety posters, HR posters, advertisements, stuff like that.

Can host this stuff off a web server, so it doesn't inflate the hell outta the resource file.
10/10 idea.
a poster with jay wolff's hair that says "BEWARE THE HAIR"
[Image: nL0Z621.png?1]
A comic that I wrote and quiltyquilty was kind enough to draw for me.
Hufflaw Wrote:
[Image: nL0Z621.png?1]
A comic that I wrote and quiltyquilty was kind enough to draw for me.

That actually was really funny.

Well done! hell yeah man

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