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Add a "Stun Occupant" option to the Port-o-brig
I think one of the main hindrances to people actually using the portobrig is that occupants can uncuff inside, and once they're released can then bring hell. I think it'd be cool if you could have a stun occupant option. Even choose between a strong stun, which would last almost a minute and black the person out, and a weak option which lasts about twenty seconds. (your desired times may vary).

It seems like a port-o-brig option that would up it's desirability. And conceptually makes sense.
Well I think that is part of the risk of using the portabrig instead of just cuffing and pulling them to the brig.
Yeah, but I don't really think that risk is good design. If the idea is for security to get fucked with less, and the slightest bump leaves a cuffed person free to run, the port-o-brig makes playing a sec less of a chore, but has a few design flaws.

There's still that risk of forgetting to stun people, recuff them, and so on. Also a vamp antag or someone with meth in their system might bounce right back so the risk isn't negated, just slightly abated. I'd also like to suggest that the feature only be activatable within proximity of the port-o-brig.
Well, you can relocate the home position of the pob now. That gives you more options. I wouldn't be opposed to being unable to decuff inside of the pob. Or maybe a good stumble when ejected. I dunno why, but a straight up stun button seems excessive. I wouldn't mind, but it just feels a tad much for some reason.

Since I don't play sec and since I usually die before or while I get caught, my opinion is limited. I'd certainly like to see more use out of the pob, though.
Here's the thing. First thing that happens when someone comes out the pod is they get stunned anyway. I will grant you can summon the thing into the brig, but adding a stun option also lets you recuff and do other things. It's more about giving security the tools it needs to do it's job without having to jump through tons of hoops for every minor thing.

The less tedious you make it to play sec, the more will, and more importantly the more fun it is. Short of more harmful things fun should always be the point.
When dealing with someone in the Port-a-brig you should assume they are uncuff when you go to take them out and you should always eject them out of the port-brig in the sealed interrogation room with one or two officers with you as backup. Be prepared and use teamwork. There is many things security needs right now and I don't think this is one of them and I think adding this idea would make the port-a-brig a little OP in my eyes. People should always have a chance to escape being captured and it's up to the officer to prepare for these things. I use the port-a-brig almost every security round I play in. There is pros and cons to everything in this game and the main pro of the port-a-brig is being able to arrest someone without some random dude "saving" them but the con is they may get the jump on you if you don't know what your doing.
Before putting the person in the port-o-brig, make sure you have removed any sunglasses or welding/space helmets they may have. Put the port-o-brig into the Solitary Confinement cell, release them, use the "Flash Room" function of that cell. Problem solved, if you for some reason hate teamwork.
Why not just make it so the act of being ejected gives them a (very) brief knockdown. About the same as jumping out of a disposal unit. If you require more stun time, just slap 'em with a baton. I don't see why you'd need a stun button in addition to that.
It's a neat idea on paper, but i'm with ed on that it's a bit overpowered. The port-a-brig already has a ton of pros, and more due to the pda function recently, adding in a stun function sounds makes the port-a-brig a port-a-hitler.
I -could- see an argument for making there be a module in space, similar to the special ones for the cloner, which adds a "stun occupant" thing to the portabrig. Make it harder to get or fairly expensive, but still an option, y'know?
BlackPhoenix Wrote:I -could- see an argument for making there be a module in space, similar to the special ones for the cloner, which adds a "stun occupant" thing to the portabrig. Make it harder to get or fairly expensive, but still an option, y'know?

I would like this idea if I felt the Port-A-brig needed a stun option but I don't. If you have common sense or get to security fast enough they won't have time to remove their cuffs let alone hurt you.
I-Sett Wrote:Why not just make it so the act of being ejected gives them a (very) brief knockdown. About the same as jumping out of a disposal unit. If you require more stun time, just slap 'em with a baton. I don't see why you'd need a stun button in addition to that.

This is probably the best way to do it. Stuns the person but still gives them a chance to escape if they're fast enough.
Alternative idea. Let security lock/unlock the pod from a distance with PDA's, as well as boot anyone out of it.

Send the pod the to the brig, unlock it with the PDA. You still might have to worry about the person not leaving the pod, but it would be a legitimate strategy for annoying sec.

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