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The Good Sec Thread(tm)
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:Quick someone post a photo of something stupid before the thread gets locked
[Image: file.php?avatar=222_1356046631.jpg]
woah he beat me to it
I dislike this thread because it feels too much like "this is how you're SUPPOSED to play". Though, there are a few decent ideas.

As far as I'm concerned, treat crewmembers like human beings, don't be a total shitbag, and you'll be fine.
Wydamn Wrote:As far as I'm concerned, treat crewmembers like human beings, don't be a total shitbag, and you'll be fine.
I'm gonna be honest here. I hardly ever play as sec, but as the detective. I usually ask for sec access, load up on a taser and three flashes and cuffs. I head back to my room and wait for something to start happening, talk to buddies playing or I do my rounds. disposals is always a good place to look first. by the time I get my gear, suit up and start patrolling, someone is crushed, or stuck in there. Med, the bar, chapel and warehouse are also places I go. If I see anything, I identify, watch them for a bit with thermals, and approach. I am usually very nice, and if I see any rude shit going on, I will talk over the radio and use the suspects name. since I play with few people, it will either help out, or no one will care. I like to have the AI help out too. I will arrest people, I will cuff them, and I will brig them. Who and how varies round by round, but I have a good track record, and most people trust me to do the right thing, as I usually do. If I am a traitor, I will usually do what I always do and be a good sec detective. The one difference is if we get shitty players and griffer, I wait for them to run around the brig screaming that sec is being shit, flash them, and strangle them. the captain and other guys will usually turn a blind eye when some dick dies. One time, a chef gibbed someone and another man knocked him out. I went in, flashed him, and threw him in the gibber and ate him. I like to think I play the role well, as opposed to when I was a dumb pubbie and people called me Soft Boiled. I know I have gotten better when I run to stop a criminal rather than hiding from them in a locker. Anyway, that's my whole thing on sec. I like the guys I serve with on most occasions. I keep my friends closer though.
enforcer9 Wrote:
Wydamn Wrote:As far as I'm concerned, treat crewmembers like human beings, don't be a total shitbag, and you'll be fine.
I'm not really sure which part he's disagreeing, but I'll assume he thought I was just being flippant. I wasn't, basic security-crew interaction is pretty much the best way keep potential griefers on the same side as security, and also gives traitors a chance to use social manipulation rather than (or to lead up to) murderous rampages.

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