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BYOND Username: MaRcUstheDAWG
ALERT! Due to a teleporter malfunction, many hostile species and mechanoids are headed your way. One of the creatures appears to be a thingamabob. It is highly armed with electron weaponry. Just..... try to survive. K? -General Anton
Can we not bump threads from a literal year ago to push more dumb robots tia
Everyone has their quirks, why do we have to bully people because of it?
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Everyone has a microbomb in them.
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BabaYaga Wrote:Everyone has a macrobomb in them.
Fixed that for you.
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Wouldn't be surprised if something similar has already been posted, but what the hell:
The Honker Games
The Escape Shuttle will only arrive when there's one crewmember left. Any attempt to leave the Z-Level will cause the would-be escapee to teleport back to the station, albeit with a gut full of spider eggs. Every ten minutes a supply drop is made in a random section of the station in the form of a nondescript backpack full of goodies including, but not limited to, weapons, chemicals, poisons, meds, drugs, drinks, and grenades. Alliances can be formed, but only one person can survive.
Either that or let's have another Wrestling Tournament complete with costumes and wrestling belts.
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BYOND Username: MaRcUstheDAWG
Explorers, Kinda. Maybe. Okay, maybe not...
Much of the crew has been teleported to any of the vessels in the debris field, and must survive there for the entire round, they are well equipped, and are capable of killing any hostile mobs that they may encounter. The explorers are armed with melee weapons, and a crowbar.
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- Macho Man appears and challenges the crew to a basketball game along with his team of wendigoes.
- Clown car demolition derby
- Syndicate ambassador tries to convince the station to blow itself up
- A mysterious person gives fabulous prizes to any who can answer their riddles, but blow up anybody who fails
- The crew randomly starts mutating, and someone stole all the mutadone
- The station is a giant bee
Disclaimer: I did not read the rest of the thread, so some of these might have been proposed already
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BYOND Username: medsal15
Flood: The station is flooded by items. These items are like slag: you can't pick them up.
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Station wide scavenger hunt/treasure search. Teams are allowed, but only one person can win.
Will the treasure be gold, guns, or the friendships we formed along the way?
Posts: 420
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Four legged mutant assistants roam the tunnels, and it's hunting season.
The station has suddenly warped back in time to the middle ages! Will the brave head knight staffs defeat the evil monster terrorizing the crewvillagers?
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medsal15 Wrote:Flood: The station is flooded by items. These items are like slag: you can't pick them up.
You mean a lag gimmick?
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Drone Attack: the superdrone in the debris field powers up and starts slowly moving to bring it's main guns to bear on the station, while teleporting NPC drones (of assorted types) and Syndiborgs (players) to plant beacons. If the borgs manage to plant enough beacons, the superdrone either spawns the X/Y drones or just obliterates the entire station (same kind of ending as nuke).
I guess you'd need to make a special syndiborg kit module for this to work.
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Corporate buy out: The station has been sold to one of the random businesses that supply the vending machines. Crew now has mandated times where they are to enjoy said products. AI has frequent breaks to advertise said products. New uniforms/tattoos are issued to increase brand awareness.
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BYOND Username: MaRcUstheDAWG
Artifact Detonation
Artifact bombs spawn around the station, they would activate as soon as the shuttle arrives. The artbombs must be ejected in order to prevent the destruction of the station.