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Hard hat sprite not changing
A worn hard hat sprite doesn't change between on and off when you turn it on and off with the icon, only when you do something else to update your sprite like taking off gloves or putting on shoes.
This actually might have been something to do with various animations not working on 1 at all when I tested it, T-rays and mechcomp connections weren't working either and I know they were on 4.
I just checked again and this is very much actually a thing after all.
Another similar thing is not recognizing that the character changed 'race' (Saurian Genetics, etc) for a 'pretty long' time (about 5 minutes), A fix around this seems to be putting on and off goggles/headsets, unless that's another bug.
If we're talking about unchanging sprites: When you become a monkey through genetics (without injectors), you still look like a human.

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