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However, an issue comes into play with this, and that issue is that material science cells seem to suck. A lot.
An erebite cell has a charge of 37.5 despite being the most volatile energy source. Cerekenite and plasma stone are not much better. I suggest buffs to these, maybe some special effects. Or maybe I'm really dumb and you're supposed to use the smelter to combine the power supplies with things that have a higher electrical conductivity or whatever, I think that's the defining trait for cell capacity.
Also, possibly start a feedback thread for this. I feel this could definitely lead to some really intersting material science suggestions, as I can already think of a few off the top of my head, though I'd prefer the proverbial ice get broken first.
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For those that are lazy here's the power sources, scaled in terms of power:
Conductors are:
I'm not exactly sure how batteries are made on the workbench. Really it should be require cabling and OPTIONAL power source.
This way it could be like:
Pharosium/plain cabling + no power source = plain battery
all the way to
Clarentine cabling + erebrite power source = artifact tier battery if not better.
So what makes a good power source? And what makes a good conductor?
Power source = Increases battery capacity, enables self charge. Obviously depends on quality of the ore.
Conductor = Increases self charge speed, decreases cooldown*. Also depends on quality of the ore.
Another cool thing is if we let the humble cytine be of a random color. This way you could smelt cytine with a power source and have the color of the projectile match the color of the cytine crystal. Make miracle matter work in the same manner, but the projectile color is randomized
*Cooldown is an idea, currently you can get an artifact battery in a gun and shoot nearly 40 taser shots in rapid succession with no repercussion. I think after 10 or so shots that are close together, the gun should overheat for 10 or so seconds. Higher quality conductor reduces the overheat time. A high quality clarentine cabling would make this overheat time almost moot.
Those are my thoughts on the matter.
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Sundance Wrote:Another cool thing is if we let the humble cytine be of a random color. This way you could smelt cytine with a power source and have the color of the projectile match the color of the cytine crystal. Make miracle matter work in the same manner, but the projectile color is randomized
Oh gosh, that would be really cool. Let us take apart c-sabers and toy swords to change their colors.
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Throwing knives or spears made with materials science could be pretty cool.
Like exploding knives, or spears that cause genetic damage on impact.
If you wanted to be more insane, knives + gloves = knived gloves. For your wolverine/freddie kruger/wrestler gimmick.
Of course someone who spends all round in materials science or mining making battle armor and weaponry might be kind of OP assuming no one lights engineering/QM on fire. Also if you're jay wolff and have large amounts of drugs, you're basically a unstopable rampage until the withdrawl kicks in, or unless tasers work.
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atomic1fire Wrote:Throwing knives or spears made with materials science could be pretty cool.
Like exploding knives, or spears that cause genetic damage on impact.
If you wanted to be more insane, knives + gloves = knived gloves. For your wolverine/freddie kruger/wrestler gimmick.
Of course someone who spends all round in materials science or mining making battle armor and weaponry might be kind of OP assuming no one lights engineering/QM on fire. Also if you're jay wolff and have large amounts of drugs, you're basically a unstopable rampage until the withdrawl kicks in, or unless tasers work.
I also want Material Science to kind of take a weapons route, but at the same time I know that doesn't entirely make sense. Why would there be a public access thing designed (specifically) to make weapons?
However, it would be really neat if Materials Science Research didn't just research new functions for the Material Science Research Console, but also unlocked more recipes for the Workbench, specialty items and the like.
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I sort of imagine the workbench allows someone to just build things by hand.
For instance building a suit of armor by pounding down floor tiles around a rod base. Knives could be made by pounding/sharpening a metal or glass sheet into a knife shape and then using a rod as the handle. Spears would just be knives with really long handles.
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I am always going to heartily back anything that allows for more variety in jury-rigged weapons by particularly crafty assistants. Being able to hodge-podge tools together out of disparate parts and using them to kick ass always seems like one of the primary appeals of Goonstation, so I'd definitely like to see the typical arsenal of glass shards and fire extinguishers expanded upon.
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I wish the workbench had the functionality the old department-specific fabricators had. You could make fun stuff like telecrystal plates and drug-infused beakers and the like. If the workbench's main function is weaponry, people are rightly going to complain when it's basically there only to enable traitors and vigilantes.
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Consider adding a new variable to gun power cells: capacitance. A higher capacitance cell discharges more energy per shot, draining more power for more damage.
Or make a very low capacitance/high storage cell, put it in a taser and fire joke taser shots at everybody, forever.
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Grayshift Wrote:Consider adding a new variable to gun power cells: capacitance. A higher capacitance cell discharges more energy per shot, draining more power for more damage.
Or make a very low capacitance/high storage cell, put it in a taser and fire joke taser shots at everybody, forever.
Swap out security's tasers with these, laugh while they get their asses kicked by other antagonists.
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So, I think it would be a good idea to remove the ability to change radbows cell, or at least not with the cell from an advanced laser gun. 400PU 10 shot full-auto radbow that recharges in 10 seconds is not something that should exist.
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The crafting table recipe for cell replacement should just remove the cell if no cell is in the cell slot.
Or it should have a separate recipe to do so.