Sir Grodus' HoS App
Usual Character Name: Sir Grodus/Fulov Sherry
BYOND Username: Winged_Chiller
Recommended by (if applicable): NA
Times Available: Anytime between 6 PM and 5 AM (UTC +12)

Reason for Application (300 word minimum): Well I have been around for a fair while and during this time I have learnt the general and fairly extensive DOs and DON'Ts of goonstation and security in general. Many times I have asked security officers not to walk with batons/tasers our and just as many times have I seen these people be repeat offenders. Many times I have told people to lock their lockers after using them and not to take all the tasers as that isn't courteous to new arrivals and just as many times I am disregarded. I believe that if I was HoS these small requests would hold more weight on my fellow officers. I'm hoping that if I was appointed HoS I could help teach the new security how to go about their business and how not to be called "shitcurity" and flushed down disposals without an ID. If I was to catch you being generally awful without a reason, well then you're really up the paddle gathering, no boss without a creek. Basically I want to redeem security's awful name of baton abusers and taser tyrants and turn it into the glorious sounds of a martian invasion crushed beneath our feet as we blow our vuvuzulas and charge into battle. I want to turn security from the fun hating, assistant bashing, whining and bickering rabble into a group of sophisticated, polite and properly educated gentlemen. If I was to be nominated HoS I would defend the crew from danger without ruining the fun for traitors. Perm-brigging and buckle cuffing is so uncool, I myself prefer a more polite approach. Confiscate dangerous items, their PDA and re-habilitate them into society. The round will usually have a better feel about it when the traitors aren't dead and everyone isn't waiting for the shuttle to be called, but you can't call the shuttle yet because if you do it wouldn't be courteous to miners/artifact researchers/people building things out in space. This is why I think me being an HoS would be a good idea.

Security Experience (300 word minimum): I've been playing security for a fair amount of time, long enough to be known by some of the more common players in my timezone. I've often received good feedback as a security officer and I'm almost never called out on being a shitcop by non traitors (Unless I change my ID to shitcop for a laugh). I have a rather comprehensive understanding of all jobs, and am creative in most fields, so I know what is considered acceptable to have as each job. As a security officer I play with the entirety of the crew in mind, traitor and all. I never kill a traitor unless s/he tries to kill me with a C-Saber or equally lame weapon in confined spaces. I don't like tooting my own violin but I am fairly robust and have taken down countless traitors who are often better armed than me. I have stopped multiple revs and of course killed them (They don't integrate into society very nicely). Changelings are always a harder threat to deal with, as I don't like ordering lasers as they will almost always be turned against you. I haven't much experience dealing with vampires but I know that when they come around a beaker of holy water and a pill bottle filled with smoke powder is the key.

There is one thing that I see that always irritates me though, security who use traitor items to enforce the law. Traitor items are that and once caught, unless the item can be used to benefit the crew (E.g Fake moustaches) I always insist on seeing it destroyed with my own eyes. This sometimes gets me beaten by fellow security officers for reasons such as "We could have used that you know?" and I stick by my standpoint that traitor items are for traitors, and no others. I am sorry if I haven't given too much detail about my security experience but after a while they all blur together.

In your opinion, what are the flaws and benefits of the current security layout (brig, cells, security room etc)? : The brig and security room are not impenetrable which makes break outs very possible when people are clever. I like to support clever thinking and creative escapes. Wit and cunning are the most important traits anyone can have so the brig and security room are alright with me.

Previous Bans (While this will not affect your application lying about it will): One perma-ban for spreading incurable airborne diarrhea.

A tempban for killing a 4th bloody roboticist (His ID didn't reflect this and the HoP was not checking the manifest for existing roles, that didn't go down well with me and I paid the price for it)

There might be another tempban in there somewhere for something really minor.
Winged_Chiller Wrote:and not to take all the tasers
To be fair, dual wielding taser guns with another one in your belt is pretty badass.

I can vouch for Grodus. I've played several rounds as security alongside him, and he's always been very good, and tends to emphasize ethical procedures when given the opportunity.
This is a good Officer who would fit into the Hat/Beret nicely. Yes.
Grodus is one of the guys who I've seen around for forever, and I don't think I can remember a time of him being shit to any degree. Honestly with how he behaves as is, I'm surprised he doesn't already have the beret. It's a definite yes from me.
I've played a few rounds of Sec with him too and he was a great officer. I think he'd make a great HoS as well.
I've played with Grodus many times, he really deserves this over many others.
Yeah okay I guess that was a bad post, here's a more informative one: You're so tangibly bland that I blocked you out of my mind and only recalled a vague hatred for you and the way you play. Summoning forth my powers of memory I remember that you are just generally a massive irritation, but not a rule-breaker, so it depends on whether the HoS' are supposed to be good players or brown nosers.
Thanks for the support everyone and in response to GreenAcidRageSA, I do admit I can be a bit bland at times but it really depends on my mood at the time. I like to think that I'm an enjoyable person but heck that's your opinion and that's fine by me. THanks for the response though, I might try to be a bit less bland in the future.
Just try to be less by the book, because that book is written in crayon. 'Good' security is a fine tightrope walk between enforcing the rules and encouraging the fun.
I'll take that on board. Thanks for the feedback.

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