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Traitor survivalist gear
Don't you just hate it when you're cooking up some long, complicated traitorous scheme, deep in chemistry/botany/mechanics nerdery, doing something unusual, interesting and hopefully even fun for your eventual victims - when Pubbie McAntag busts in, blows you away with a spacker and flamethrower, then explodes your pod on the way out? Or Changeling McGriff spits and stings, ending your antag round before you've done anything? I know I do.

So what I'd like to see made available is a selection of low telecrystal cost survivalist gear. Stuff designed for escape and survival, akin to how the chameleon jumpsuit, agent card and DNA injector exist to throw suspicion. Some initial ideas, all probably priced 1 or 2 telecrystals:

Instant Miniputt Kit. Deploy, bam, miniputt outta nowhere. Get home from the debris field.
Void Traveler Implant. A blood oxygenation implant, removes your need to breathe as per changelings, and makes you invulnerable to cold. You still take oxy damage if you go into cardiac arrest/failure, though, because your blood isn't flowing in that case. Prevents you from being KO'd by chokeout (the implant is in your head, oxygenating your brain). Basically an anti-get-fucked-over-by-changeling implant. Should probably counter neurotox sting too somehow.
Instant Toolkit. Blue toolbox and multitool in a utility belt, and fully charged RCD.
Health Stabilization Implant. A permanent salbutamol + epinephrine + manitol + salcylic acid drip. You can last a very, very long time in crit but it won't heal you much on its own. Buy a second one and get an omnizine and charcoal drip, maybe? The epinephrine drip would need to circumvent the epi + neurotox reaction somehow or else this would only make you more vulnerable to changeling stings, though.
Advanced Medkit. Contains four 100u synthflesh patches, a bottle of pentetic acid pills, and a bottle of stabilization mix pills (epi + manitol + salbutamol), and a health scanner w/ reagent scanner addon. An excellent emergency option.
Panacea Shot. Three or four use item, clears all active pathogens (and vaccinates you to that strain), ailments and addictions you have, flushes all chemicals from your body, and regrows any missing body parts.
Teleport Implant. Replaces the freedom implant; instead of removing handcuffs, when you *smirk, you teleport to the spot you were when you implanted yourself and leaves the handcuffs behind. Single use.
Blast Shield. Identical in appearance to an armored vest, but will automatically activate if you're caught in an explosion powerful enough to delimb, protecting you from the blast. Has a charge gauge, can absorb several minor blasts or one insta-gib explosion. Can't be recharged. Kind of an anti fireball wizard piece of kit, might need to protect from shocking grasp as well.

The one particular care that needs to be taken when suggesting new ones is these shouldn't be rampage assists. There's already items for that anyway: Donk Pockets, stimulants. One idea I had and discarded was a faraday cage sort of armor vest that absorbed energy attacks (tasers, lasers, stun batons) - because it could be used too proactively rather than reactively.
Instant Miniputt Kit: Love it, probably would be best at 1TC or if it has a weapon 2-3TC.
Void Traveler Implant: I think it'd work better as just an avoid-dying-via-space-for-a-short-amount-of-time-implant. Maybe it fills you with 200 units of Yobi or something like that. 2TC worth.
Instant Toolkit: This is also good, probably 2TC because of the RCD.
Health Stabilization Implant: Permanent? Nooooooo. One time use? Sure. Immortality: The implant doesn't need to be a thing, especially not at a price range of about 1-2TC. I'd say it does all of that stuff when you enter -50 health, so it doesn't get wasted on minor crit. As a one time use I'd say 2TC minimum.
Advanced Medkit: Definitely like this, really neat. 2-3TC worth I'd say.
Panacea Shot: This might be okay if it's not 100% heal but instead just flushes you, but in all honesty it seems unnecessary and too powerful.
Teleport Implant: Also neat, good 1-2TC item.
Blast Shield: I don't entirely see anything wrong with this having the same functionality as a bombsuit, just doesn't slow you down and looks like a vest. No reason to water it down. A good 2-3TC item.

That's my input.
I'm kinda iffy on a lot of this but I'm going to take aim specifically at the panacea shot.

A low telecrystal cost item that can not only clear ailments and pathogens multiple times and then immunize against those pathogens is a bit much - especially given that well over half the round can be put into making a single pathogen of any potency. A one or two use item that clears all ailments including pathogens but lets you get reinfected? Yeah, that might be reasonable. But immunity is really too much.

That said there should be a medical doctor traitor item of reasonable cost (4-5 tc) that does provide a single dose of immunity or, perhaps better, something that treats any one symptomatic strain as asymptomatic while in you.
something more like being able to buy a syndicate space suit and full tool kit would be nice.
Erev Wrote:A low telecrystal cost item that can not only clear ailments and pathogens multiple times and then immunize against those pathogens is a bit much - especially given that well over half the round can be put into making a single pathogen of any potency. A one or two use item that clears all ailments including pathogens but lets you get reinfected? Yeah, that might be reasonable. But immunity is really too much.

Viruses and bacteria give the patient immunity on cure, and with the other micro-bodies, you cannot be immune to them, as far as it's coded now.
cgrn10 Wrote:
Erev Wrote:A low telecrystal cost item that can not only clear ailments and pathogens multiple times and then immunize against those pathogens is a bit much - especially given that well over half the round can be put into making a single pathogen of any potency. A one or two use item that clears all ailments including pathogens but lets you get reinfected? Yeah, that might be reasonable. But immunity is really too much.

Viruses and bacteria give the patient immunity on cure, and with the other micro-bodies, you cannot be immune to them, as far as it's coded now.

You are correct. I was referring to the original idea as-written.

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