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Bone furniture and flesh floors/walls.
Imagine a round where you are a traitor and you have to dispose of some corpses. What are you going to do with those skeletons? Space them? NO. Make them part of your new evil lair by turning them into chairs, tables, and a throne. Want flesh walls and floors or bone walls and floors? No problem, just skin them. Want to be even more dark? Skin them alive and hear them scream, to be the most evil you can be. We have some textures already from Meat Station.
The only part of this suggestion that I can 100% get on board with is the ability to make a skull throne and subsequently require more skulls for it.
Skinning people alive is pretty much torture, but the idea of a skull throne seems like fun. Plus meat station already has the creepy Silent Hill meat factor going for it.
This seems like adding lots of body mechanics that currently don't exist.

However, if the ability to remove skin is added you have to be able to wear it in your external clothing slot. Similar to how YEAHHHH plays when the detective puts on sunglasses, the sound for equipping this would certainly have to be chiptuned "Goodbye Horses".
What we could do for a bone throne is to use skulls to make a throne. By default, for a small chair, you need x amount of skulls, or maybe make it where you can slice off bones from skeletons. The more you get, the more larger your throne becomes.
Adding skulls to a chair or sofa to make a throne could work nicely. And a skull sofa would be pretty cool.
We're already able to remove skulls via surgery, might as well put 'em to use, right? Not so sure about the limb/skin furniture, but I do agree that a skull throne and/or goblet would look cool as hell.

Maybe if we could add skulls to various objects and items? Toss a few skulls on your segway to make it look hecka-awesome, top your wizard staff with one for maximum mojo, add two to your armor for some brutal-looking skull epaulets? Beepsky or your medbots not intimidating enough? Plop a skull on for spooky hijinks. Heck, I remember a thread talking about adding masks to space helmets and such; why not allow people to replace the visor with a skull?
As usual, we're limited by sprites.

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