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Web Client Junk
You can apperently access the webclient for goonstation from (I dunno if it was some intentional thing for testing, but it kinda works)

Web Client is in alpha/beta, so these aren't huge issues, but I dunno if these are a bug or a webclient thing.

1. The "Get hardware rendering" or whatever message that warns you about white squares shows up. There are actually no white squares.

2. When I'm a normal staff member walking near robots probably shouldn't show the robot commands panel but it does, maybe it's a proximity thing, I dunno, however the show laws button won't work for a human, which is probably a good thing.

3. Medals don't seem to work in the webclient.

4. The new player panel/thing that shows the ready button doesn't work. (You can actually join though with ".ready" in the command bar, I just have no idea how to edit a character)

5. Air tanks don't show their status in that little status tab, you can breath, but you'll have no idea how much air you have left unless you manually click on the tank.

6. Can't get the PDA to work, however you can make booze, so I assume chemistry works too.

I keep hearing burps, and screams. I dunno if that's the station as usual or an bug, I'm thinking it's the station though.
The webclient is a work in progress!

This is all stuff to do with BYOND's webclient itself, not ss13 code.

I guess you could post your stuff here, Tom and LummoxJR are looking for feedback.

atomic1fire Wrote:I keep hearing burps, and screams. I dunno if that's the station as usual or an bug, I'm thinking it's the station though.
That's the station for sure.
There's a particular bug with the webclient where the sounds don't fade out as they should with the sound system, so you get every sound on your z-level blaring away at full volume.
Well, OK, fine, but the station is still endlessly burping, farting and screaming!
Is the server using the latest version? I'd go check to see what's still working and not working based on what I saw but I dunno if you guys are using the latest one or not. ... ?context=3

Dantom said check if it's the latest version or not. Once I can get that confirmed I'll go play with it some more.
Since the webclient isn't even available I'll say this is RESOLVED

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