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Who here is a real NERD?
It has come to my attention that a lot of real life science eggheads play this 2D Farting Space Man simulator. Care to share what you're doing?

I'm currently trying to finish a BS in Molecular and Cell Biology (2 more years...). I know we have a few chemists, a medical student and a future physicist here. Maybe even a PhD or two?
Interning as a Paramedic with a private company right now. Setting things up to hop into nursing school after a year of medic time.

I highly reccomend everyone to take an EMT course if you can get all the stuff for free, you'll learn some nice first aid.
I am a fairly big nerd, but I'm a music nerd, not a science nerd. Not sure if I count.
I have played Dungeons and Dragons with friends for 3 years.
University student doing an MEng in Computer Games Development. (Five years welp)

Also a massive nerd regardless.
I'm a Never Ending Recoil Display, pew pew.
BaneOfGiyga Wrote:I am a fairly big nerd, but I'm a music nerd, not a science nerd. Not sure if I count.

Guess it depends on the music genre. l'll check my big book of fukken dweeb stereotypes and get back to you.
Damn my quoting incompetence.
Senior member of the A/V club at my school, sciene research senior also (Dolphin research), big gamer, big reader, I'd say I'm a nerd
I'm an EMT.

I'm not really a nerd.
BSc student of computer science. Finishing it is long overdue, but I'm neglecting it due to the fact that I have a great job.
Getting my BS in Physics this year. Does that make me a nerd?
Post Bac (BFA) research assistant/scientist at a local pathology lab studying the biology of aging and mutagenesis in yeast and nematodes. Applying to PhD programs this application season for molecular biology and genomics.
For this reason: I can't wait for pathology to be implemented. I'm gonna amplify the shit out of some vectors. Now how where the hell are those dissecting microscopes....
BSc HDip, Science Education. I'm essentially a secondary school ('muricans call it college) teacher.
I also need to finish it, got another 2 years of it, but was out due to me trying not to be a nerd and motorbiking and smooshing my leg. Unfortunately this isn't SS13 so healing wasn't simply replacing my leg with robotic threads, so I missed my course exams and now i'm in limbo trying to get back in and repeat. My prospects are good however!
BBS, majored in Accounting.

Currently working on behalf of the New Zealand embassy in Korea.

Please don't ask questions about that time a farming mogul took our showroom and used it to feed high-level dips beef jerky.

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