08-19-2014, 06:08 PM
Synopsis: I was playing in LLJK 4. Pre-round starts and some people are talking about that old 'there are no girls on the internet' joke/meme/whatever you'd call it. Round starts and someone says over the radio "if you are a girl, please remember to erp properly." I say "*penisin *penisout* on the radio in parody of that *breathin *breathout joke about RPing properly, and I get cluwned. The rest will be explained by the log. By the way, the guy who made the 'please remember to erp properly' joke got cluwned too.
Log: To be clear, I didn't edit or trim this whatsoever beyond to remove a lot of players talking on the radio.
Extra Information: I've played here since Android Data servers existed and had players (WOW HOLOGRAMS), and in that time I've seen a lot of legitimate admin complaints get waved off. I can remember a complaint where someone got gibbed by maid (wasn't this guy just rathen's brother also) for: stepping into security and asking for a donut, getting permabrigged for tresspassing, and adminhelping the permabrig. And as you'd expect nothing came of it, not even an acknowledgement of wronghood. The few 'yes he was wrong here' responses to complaints have absolutely nothing happen about them, and only small issues are admitted to be a case of admin wrongness.
My sensibilities and the newish 'no peanut gallerying' rule (distilling this to a place where only the adminbuddies' opinions matter, and outside perspective from unbiased parties aren't allowed) tell me that this forum only exists so that newbies can see it, think 'oh admin complaints! I wanna read this, maybe I'm not alone in hating those guys', then look at all of the complaints with the 'NO shitlord yadda yadda we admins all agree that he acted properly here
now go be shit elsewhere!' responses and think 'hmm if they all think the others are reasonable then maybe they are... its prolly me...'
I am posting this on the hope that this isn't the case. This cultlike adherement to Lowtax' dumb Christian ideologies about sex is tired. None of the players bar two or three admin buttsniffers give a shit about sex jokes, and not even the buttsniffers are legitimately bothered by them, they just pretend to be. People need to stop being banned for something which harms no one. The server bleeds good players who've committed microoffenses against the admins' opinions on life, and the only ones who survive are ban evaders and the most dedicated ass-sniffers like Wabash and Cogwerks who hide all aspects of themselves and turn themselves into passive, featureless templates for the ~GOONE DOCTRINE~. I, and I'd wager most of the game's populace, would like for it to be okay for people to play and have fun without feeling like they're treading a minefield with everything they say.
(truncated by byond text field length, and paraphrased from my poor memory)
[I get cluwned]
Me to adminhelp: can anyone explain why i'm banned for that joke (I mistyped here)
From GMD: You're not banned
Me to adminhelp: yeah but cluwned
[I get gibbed (rip rick)]
From GMD: Is that better?
(end of bad memory, beginning of non-truncated logs)
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: you're a comedy genius dude
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: i doubt anyone else has done the epic power abuse schtick before
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: are you a virgin or something, can you explain this unnatural aversion to any mention of sex
Admin PM from-GorillaMyDreams: You sure are mad for making a dumb joke that's not kosher with the rules
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: does the mere thought of peepees meeting bother you somehow
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: how is it not 'kosher with the rules' you retar
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: d
Admin PM from-GorillaMyDreams: No creepiness basically. You and the other cutting edge comedian were dealt with
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: can you do me one favor then
WARNING: An admin is likely very cross with you and wants you to read the rules right fucking now!
Admin PM from-GorillaMyDreams: There I already did it. Read up!
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: make a strawpoll and post is in ooc showing my joke and have the options be 'were you creeped out by this'
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: because i'm sensing the problem here is you think 'i didn't find this funny' means 'this is creepy!'
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: that isn't i nfact what creepy means at all, and it's not a label you apply to anything you disliek
[short interval]
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: i am waiting dude, you said it was creepy so this should be in the bag for you
[long interval]
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: did you run out of shitty retorts
Admin PM from-GorillaMyDreams: I'm not even saying anything and you're just raging on and on over making a joke in bad taste and being cluwned for it
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: it is not a joek in bad taste
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's 'creepy' or 'in bad taste', the server does not exist to cater to you
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: i am making the serious suggestion that you survey the server's current users to see if that joke creeped them otu
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: and if the answer is yes, permaban me
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: is no, apoligize
Admin PM from-Arikie: The rules are simple, We don't appreciate anything related to sexual creepiness, ERP or related jokes, even ironically.
Reply PM to-Arikie: if you're in the right here, this is a free ticket to permaban me
Admin PM from-GorillaMyDreams: We never said anything about a ban calm down
Reply PM to-GorillaMyDreams: scroll up and read what i said
[long interval]
HELP: You: hi i would prefer if i'm not ignored
HELP: You: i am a valued player!
Admin PM from-HukHukHuk: honestly, i didnt think it was funny.
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: i didn't ask if it was funny, i asked you to survey the current server population whether they think it was 'creepy'
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: and if the answer is generally yes (50%) permaban me, if not, admit fault
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: how has it not occured to you retards by now that this ridiculous stance on anything related to sex even tangentially is suppressing fun
HELP: You: you are treating a game server like it's a church
[long interval]
Admin PM from-HukHukHuk: Just gonna ask you to stop. Punishments are a case by case basis, maybe another admin might not care so much, but yeah just try and stay away from the stuff.
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: to stop what
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: also what 'stuff'
Admin PM from-HukHukHuk: Look, ive dealt with a bunch of people like you who thought they were some kind of super comedian with their sex jokes or whatever. Im honestly pretty sick of it and just tell people to knock it off anytime i see it.
HELP: You: can you dudes explain to me how this isn't offensive yet what i said was
HELP: You: Jonas Cherry exclaims, "FEMALES ARE SUPERIOR TO MEN!"
Admin PM from-HukHukHuk: Yeah ill deal with that in a bit, but dude, just knock it off please
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: it sounds like you've also dealt with some childhood indoctrination based on your christian-style attitude towards sex
Admin PM from-HukHukHuk: man, so defensive with your attacks, im just asking to stop something that wasnt funny to begin with
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: it was plenty funny
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: you could add that to the strawpoll
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: 'was this funny'
Admin PM from-HukHukHuk: maybe to you? the server isnt catering to you only.
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: no, to pretty muych everyone who isn't one of the admin clique
Admin PM from-HukHukHuk: oh well, if you're just going to ramp it up in the future, i dont see a point in keeping you here.
Reply PM to-HukHukHuk: please do go ahead and ban me for arguing with you so i can add that to my complaitn
You have been banned by hukhukhuk.
Reason: Take a deep breath. Chill out for a sec, maybe you arent the worlds best comedian..
To try to resolve this matter head to http://forum.ss13.co
This is a temporary ban, it will be removed in 1 Days.
Stefan Kleist says, "Oh for fucks sake"
Connection died.
Extra Information: I've played here since Android Data servers existed and had players (WOW HOLOGRAMS), and in that time I've seen a lot of legitimate admin complaints get waved off. I can remember a complaint where someone got gibbed by maid (wasn't this guy just rathen's brother also) for: stepping into security and asking for a donut, getting permabrigged for tresspassing, and adminhelping the permabrig. And as you'd expect nothing came of it, not even an acknowledgement of wronghood. The few 'yes he was wrong here' responses to complaints have absolutely nothing happen about them, and only small issues are admitted to be a case of admin wrongness.
My sensibilities and the newish 'no peanut gallerying' rule (distilling this to a place where only the adminbuddies' opinions matter, and outside perspective from unbiased parties aren't allowed) tell me that this forum only exists so that newbies can see it, think 'oh admin complaints! I wanna read this, maybe I'm not alone in hating those guys', then look at all of the complaints with the 'NO shitlord yadda yadda we admins all agree that he acted properly here

I am posting this on the hope that this isn't the case. This cultlike adherement to Lowtax' dumb Christian ideologies about sex is tired. None of the players bar two or three admin buttsniffers give a shit about sex jokes, and not even the buttsniffers are legitimately bothered by them, they just pretend to be. People need to stop being banned for something which harms no one. The server bleeds good players who've committed microoffenses against the admins' opinions on life, and the only ones who survive are ban evaders and the most dedicated ass-sniffers like Wabash and Cogwerks who hide all aspects of themselves and turn themselves into passive, featureless templates for the ~GOONE DOCTRINE~. I, and I'd wager most of the game's populace, would like for it to be okay for people to play and have fun without feeling like they're treading a minefield with everything they say.