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Easy Money: Ideas for being a Better Conartist
This thread (and, mainly, this post) is dedicated to ideas on how the coders can implement credit fraud of all types so that enterprising young traitors (and assholes) can steal money from your bank account!

PDA Hacking Cartridge
The PDA hacking cart can be built from a few items, but once it's built you can swipe any ID into it and get the PIN number to the account in a matter of minutes. Keep in mind anyone nearby can see what you're doing and it takes time for the ATM to actually work.

When using the Clairvoyance power as a wizard while near the person being perceived, it works just like the genetic power Telepath.

ATM Hacking Module - Pro
A Traitor item, when inserted into an ATM it transmits PIN and account name information to the PDA of the user. However, it only works on that one ATM.

ATM Hacking Module - Homebuilt
Can be built from a few items. When inserted into an ATM it records PIN and account name information. However, it only works on that one ATM and you have to manually retrieve the information.

Emagged ATM
Emagging an ATM causes it to just start spitting out money, up to 10,000 credits, before it finally bites it and locks up rendering it completely useless.

Emagged ID Card
Emagging an ID card resets it's PIN number to 0000.

Emagged Bank Computer
Emagging the Bank computer displays extra account information of the users, allowing you to change account holder's PIN numbers or know what their PIN numbers are.

Old Smash 'n Grab
Using a crowbar on an ATM enough times will break it open, causing a money box to fall out. This box can be opened with a welder but it burns some of the cash and only results in a small amount of credits, a random variable 50 to 1000 credits. Be forewarned that if a Securitron or Guardbuddy sees you using a crowbar on an ATM it's considered a Class 2 Misdemeanor!

A special ThinkDOS disk hidden in a special location. Finding it and plugging it into any computer with an ID slot will allow you to access the PIN number off the ID and give you the current balance as well, as long as the computer is on the network.

Diphenhydramine, Morphine, Ketamine, Sodium Thiopental, Haloperidol, and Lithium
All of these drugs could randomly cause the user to accidentally blurt out information stored in their notes. Yes, this means it could reveal a PIN number, OR even better... traitor objectives!

Examining someone using an ATM or examining the ATM itself could allow a player to figure out what the PIN number is, but maybe only catch a glimpse or two...?
You see [b]George Melons![/b]
Did he just type a 4?
Did he just type a 6?

Any other ideas, guys?
I still think money printing should be a thing.

Build a counterfeiting machine, fill it with paper, (and paint cans) and find money to scan. (scanning 1000 credits will print out 1000 credit bills, but you can't scan counterfeit bills so trying to repeat scan counterfeits over and over again is a stupid idea.)

The only people who should be able to determine counterfeits is detective (or someone with a forensic scanner) and maybe the HOP, since the HOP's job is to work with money.

Counterfeit cash shouldn't actually count for objectives but could maybe be swapped out for real cash using the ATM's.

The reason I say build the counterfeiter is because more bad things should be buildable.

Also if crayons are ever added perhaps the clown could draw money on paper. These would be clearly fake clown dollars that don't do anything.
HoP (and maybe quatermasters) should be able to tell if money is fake just by examining it, due to all the years dealing with that stuff.
While I really like your vending/ATM skimmer idea, I'd rather not change my pin every round. So maybe the stolen info's encrypted and you can program someone's new pin using the codebreaker app minigame. Then it even locks the victim out, but their real pin is safe for future rounds.

ATM break-ins would be funny too. I imagine someone racing down the hall away from a siren, with their cash-box dragging behind them, leaving a wake of burning credits. Perhaps another, more refined way to get extra credits out would involve a wire-pulsing and packet-sniffing method, and an additional reason to hack into the mainframe.
hlao-roo Wrote:While I really like your vending/ATM skimmer idea, I'd rather not change my pin every round.

You do, of course, realize that Geneticists can already determine a four-digit number about you which appears to be important to you, with minimal effort and no notification.
Well I'll be damned. Overall, it's pretty simplistic to mess with the accounts.
Marquesas Wrote:
hlao-roo Wrote:While I really like your vending/ATM skimmer idea, I'd rather not change my pin every round.

You do, of course, realize that Geneticists can already determine a four-digit number about you which appears to be important to you, with minimal effort and no notification.

This is the primary reason why this thread exists: only Genetics can properly heist people.

This is in error!
Also anyone with HOP access can literally rob you blind from your bank account without you ever knowing and they won't even need your PIN to do it. So honestly your PIN isn't really protecting anything...
Credit transfer machines don't need a PIN to be entered, do they? If not, then bank account robbery is simple if you can just get your hands on an ID.

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