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Better Way To Identify Spies And Spy masters
This is a idea I had while talking to people during a spy round

Most spy rounds can be a cluster fuck of confusion trying to figure out who is who exactly,when ever a spy master ends up getting mind slaved. This happened on a round recently where one spy master ended up getting several other spy masters. Each of these spy masters had multiple slaves and it indeed got a little confusing to figure out who exactly was the true master to listen to here. So I suggest that when that each spy master have some sort of Icon with a unique color and have a "M" icon instead of the "I". All the Slaves could have the "I" instead and have it be the same color as their master that way they could easily tell who is on their side. And when a spy master gets mind slave have his and his slaves Icon color change to the new spy masters color and maybe a little text that informs you of the new spy master and who is in charge.

So yeah thats my idea.
Sounds great.
I also think this sounds great, but something should be done about when someone resists an implant. That way subterfuge/espionage can still be a thing in those rounds when that happens and the implanter won't immediately murder who they just tried to implant and it obviously failing with the above system. I am not the most creative person and therefore I haven't a clue for a work a round, but I am sure someone more creative could come up with a great idea for it! Hope to see this implemented!
If Spymaster #1 manages to implant Spymaster #2, that doesn't make Spymaster #2's mindslaves loyal to Spymaster #1, does it? I always thought Spymaster #2's mindslaves would remain loyal to Spymaster #2 only, and it would be Spymaster #2's responsibility to get his mindslaves in line with Spymaster #1's orders.
Yes slaves still have to listen to their master even even if the master is a mind slave. But basically with this idea mine is to make it more easier and just clearly show who the real master is and who to now to listen to.
Paineframe Wrote:If Spymaster #1 manages to implant Spymaster #2, that doesn't make Spymaster #2's mindslaves loyal to Spymaster #1, does it? I always thought Spymaster #2's mindslaves would remain loyal to Spymaster #2 only, and it would be Spymaster #2's responsibility to get his mindslaves in line with Spymaster #1's orders.

In that case, just make the box two tone, divided by a diagnol line when the spy master gets subverted. The primary Spy master gets the upper half of the box, the secondary master the lower half.
Why not just remove the dumb Im-your-master-who-is-actually-MY-master-who-is-your-master chain thing and just have former mindslave implants pop out of you when you're implanted again

Or alternatively give it a little rejection message
You try to implant Pub Scrubbes, but there seems to be an implant there already!

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