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Currently cigarettes are one of the few things in SS13 that does not allow the player to put reagents in (outside of exploitative/glitchy means), perhaps there could be "empty" cigarettes that you could purchase and inject your own chems into, or, at the very least allow all cigs to be injectable via syringe (they'd hold something on the order of 80-100 units of reagents)? This would allow for more creative cocktails for cigs besides what you just randomly get in premade pro-puffs, more awesome traitoring, and even beneficial cigs that medbay could make.
If this doesn't seem realistic, then what about making e-cigs? You could purchase one (for something on the order of $50-$100), then put whatever the heck you wanted in them, from nitocine to omnizine.
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ecigs sound really fun, just give them a really low internal limit I guess. default comes with nicotine, splash that out and fill it with e.g 20 units of Salmonella bacteria
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Make it so you can put oxygen in them and use them as half-assed internals.
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E-cigs would also make it a bit more clear "you get what you get".
There's a relatively high confidence that if you smoke a cig, you're not going to have to worry about what it could be laced with.
E-cigs would be more of a visual indicator to the player that "hey, this could have anything in it, so stay clear unless you like adventures."
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They'd also be flameless, so safe smoking in a room filled with plasma.
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BYOND Username: Billy.M
Character Name: Billy Mays
E-magging an e-cig should make it fill the entire room with smoke
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Frank_Stein Wrote:They'd also be flameless, so safe smoking in a room filled with plasma.
Good point.
As long as they function exactly like cigs (in how they put reagents in you and at that particular rate) though, it'll be fine.
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BYOND Username: KikiMofo
I never use floor cigs. I just light them and then throw them far away from me to see if they explode and if they do I look for more so I can stock pile em. I love trick cigs. Really if you use a cig that is laying on the ground you are asking for trouble. If we have easy laceable cigs I think they should not label what is in them. Like floor pills.
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This or the heretofore discussed E-cigs would be great.