05-17-2014, 03:52 PM
There's undoubtedly a ton of small quality of life changes that would make the game so much better. Rather than making an individual thread for all of them, I figured it might be a good idea to post em here. I've got a few already to get this shindig started.
You're using a syringe to draw medicine from a bottle. You remove 5 units, 5 more, 5 again, and WHAM. The syringe automatically sets itself from DRAW to INJECT. This would work the opposite way too, where an empty one automatically switches to DRAW. Manually switching would still work, but I feel this would be amazing.
Being the AI can be lame when everyone sets up a base on the ice moon or your cameras are exploded. Why not let the crew build new ones? Metal -> Camera frame mount that, add cables, and bam.
Reagent Scanners
A non-PDA variant of the reagent scanner. There's a version for the health and T-Ray scanners, so why not for the reagent scanner, too? Currently only science has access to them, they aren't even at carty party.
Splashing Stuff
"You splash all the contents of the beaker onto the Toggle Internals!" More of a bug, but whatever, this just shouldn't happen. For those who don't understand, you are able to splash beakers onto your UI. Somehow.
Rocket Shoes
Allow for them to be refilled like regular oxygen tanks, that way we don't have to strap new tanks to em' all the time!
Allow regular crew members to "kind of" identify what they're drinking, but only cocktails. IE for Triple Citrus "The fruity drink tastes absolutely splendid." Would make barmen happy because people can identify their handywork.
Ice Cream Sandwiches
"This is a Vanilla ice cream sandwich on plain bread." It would be cool to see Bread Slice + Ice Cream + Bread Slice actually produce an ice cream sandwich.
The ability to inject cigs with chemicals, could be balanced by having them say the name of all reagents contained when examined, like pro-puffs.
Bank Accounts
Have bank accounts open the account that the name on the card correlates to, not the card itself. Would make syndicate ID cards still allow you to use ATMs.
You're using a syringe to draw medicine from a bottle. You remove 5 units, 5 more, 5 again, and WHAM. The syringe automatically sets itself from DRAW to INJECT. This would work the opposite way too, where an empty one automatically switches to DRAW. Manually switching would still work, but I feel this would be amazing.
Being the AI can be lame when everyone sets up a base on the ice moon or your cameras are exploded. Why not let the crew build new ones? Metal -> Camera frame mount that, add cables, and bam.
Reagent Scanners
A non-PDA variant of the reagent scanner. There's a version for the health and T-Ray scanners, so why not for the reagent scanner, too? Currently only science has access to them, they aren't even at carty party.
Splashing Stuff
"You splash all the contents of the beaker onto the Toggle Internals!" More of a bug, but whatever, this just shouldn't happen. For those who don't understand, you are able to splash beakers onto your UI. Somehow.
Rocket Shoes
Allow for them to be refilled like regular oxygen tanks, that way we don't have to strap new tanks to em' all the time!
Allow regular crew members to "kind of" identify what they're drinking, but only cocktails. IE for Triple Citrus "The fruity drink tastes absolutely splendid." Would make barmen happy because people can identify their handywork.
Ice Cream Sandwiches
"This is a Vanilla ice cream sandwich on plain bread." It would be cool to see Bread Slice + Ice Cream + Bread Slice actually produce an ice cream sandwich.
The ability to inject cigs with chemicals, could be balanced by having them say the name of all reagents contained when examined, like pro-puffs.
Bank Accounts
Have bank accounts open the account that the name on the card correlates to, not the card itself. Would make syndicate ID cards still allow you to use ATMs.