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Fisk Wants Your Ideas
This week has been a real shitt-.... err... busy one. I haven't been able to do fuck all in terms of new contents, much to my dismay. I may or may not be able to crank something out over the weekend, (I know exactly which one I want to do, too HONKE) but I'll see how time stacks up once the weekend actually rolls around.

Thank you to whoever changed my avatar image, it's much appreciated! (If you ever want me to make an avatar image for one of you admins to give to someone feel free to ask, making smaller pictures that aren't as elaborate is a great quick project)

It should be noted that the trial of Adobe Fireworks that I'm currently using expires in roughly 20 days frown
This means that if I do continue to make art after this I'll be forced to use something inefficient and gross like Ms Paint or My copy of SolidWorks however still has a few weeks in it, so I can still do that!

And lastly, ummm. Actually I think that's it. Yeah, there really isn't anything else I need to add. Content may or may not be en route, so if you come up with an idea feel free to, you know, leave it here. Thanks for all the support! <3
Okay, so, I have this idea. Feel free to turn it down, if you'd like. Allow me to insert myself and some details, please?

The scene: R.H. Chike, HoS, and 3-5 unnamed and essentially faceless Sec are standing behind a dead Shambling Abomination (ling). Chike has his foot on the corpse like a big damn hero. Security is just all happy and smiling and shit. Insert destruction for good effect.

The details: Chike is in Shitty Bill's outfit, with HoS beret and sunglasses. Short blonde hair. Dual wield Riot Shotguns. Security has batons, except for two different officers. One of them has a flamethrower, another the grenade launcher.

tl;dr Security just killed a ling and they're posing for a photo/painting, saying fuckall to the carnage and destruction caused by it/the killing of it. Super cool.
You should do some pixel art representations of our dwarf fort game c:
Addendum: My request would preferably be in Pixel Art form.
Master chef Spigot the Bear, his hat and apron bloody, stands in the kitchen and stirs a large soup cauldron with limbs, burgers, fried rolling pins and other such strange items sticking out. Remy the Rat nibbles at an assistant's body while the HoS (possibly standing at the window/counter) writes a stern ticket about hygiene rules.
UrsulaMejor Wrote:You should do some pixel art representations of our dwarf fort game c:
If I don't get anything else done on this list, (which I might not sadly,) I'll at least get this, fact of the matter is I've already started one that was gonna be a surprise, but now that you posted here it sounds like it was your idea!

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