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Admin name: BlackrayJack
Server: LLJK 1
Date/Time: 4/22/14 12:00 AM
Synopsis: Was upset at random death in game and complained on IRC, however the round hadn't ended yet and the admin, well within his rights to do so, warned me about saying IC information during a game on IRC. However, they deliberately ignored my adminhelp I had sent.
Log: Code: HELP: You: What killed me? I was pretty sure it was the artifiact but people in IRC are saying otherwise.
Admin PM from-BlackrayJack: Hi stop ICing in IRC
Admin PM from-BlackrayJack: Or else
HELP: You: Fine. However, the reason I did it was I was incredibly upset at my random death. What killed me and why?
Code: <Skunkrocker> Okay, going to post about this later
<Bobert> also the only final fantasy game i've played it tactics
* Pacra__ ([email protected]) has joined #goonstation
<Skunkrocker> But the "don't even touch the artificat and it fucking kills you" item is lame as shit
<Bobert> gun artifacts
<Postmo> I saw the first 10 minutes of Burial at Sea 2. It could not be any more self indulgent
<Skunkrocker> No, it's not a gun, I passed by it in the hallway and didn't even touch it and now I'm having a goddamn heartattack
<Skunkrocker> And I'm dead
<Skunkrocker> No that was fucking bullshit
<Bobert> RIP
<UrsulaMajor> skunkrocker is that IC in OOC Extra Information: With the ingame log I removed anything unrelated to my interaction with BlackrayJack. The IRC log is complete from when I first posted to when the IC in OOC thing was mentioned. I find that the least BlackrayJack could do besides threaten me was answer my question. I'm not pleased by how I was treated here. He knew I had sent an adminhelp, he knew I was upset, and instead he threatens me (which, yeah, had every right to) and refuses to answer the question I asked.
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There is no heart attack causing artifact, people already told you that.
Also nobody "deliberately ignored" anything. You're an infant.
edit: also, we don't answer LOTS of adminhelps, we can't just tell you who the traitors are that's fucking stupid. Not getting a reply doesn't give you carte blanche to break communication rules. Shut your noise hole.
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This was handled in IRC.
Code: <@BlackrayJack> Oh I see what you're talking about now Skunkrocker but unfortunately I was only on for a brief moment, saw the message, and gave you your warning. I didn't see your follow-up adminhelp.
The point was that I felt slighted against because BlackrayJack, who signed onto a server, ignored my response to him. Everything else is circumstantial, but that was the big point I was upset with.
Now, I figured with it handled this thread would have been closed already but for some reason it hadn't, so I'm closing it now.
bubs Wrote:Also nobody "deliberately ignored" anything. bubs Wrote:we don't answer LOTS of adminhelps
"We don't deliberately ignore, except when we deliberately ignore."
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Just because we didn't answer you that doesn't mean we ignored it. We can't tell you who the traitors are, like I just said, because it would ruin the game. In this case, I'm fairly certain he actually didn't see your message, although I'm not sure.
My point is, we didn't deliberately ignore your message because we're "out to get you" or we "don't like you" or something like that ya childish fuck.
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Okay, again, I didn't want to know who killed me , just what killed me. "It was an antag." would have sufficed. Yes I understand he doesn't have to tell me, but in my anger and confusion it would have been nice is all. Sometimes the game isn't clear on what killed you. Getting sleepypenned with initro when no one was around me was awfully confusing. Cloaked didn't even register in my mind as a possiblity.
Again, this was handled in IRC between myself and Jack. I overreacted and he didn't see my adminhelps.
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BYOND Username: Ed Venture
Dude if you are killed by someone and not sure if they are a antag and admin help and they don't say anything it most likely means it is all good. Cause they answer when a shit player kills people.
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...okay, again, there was no indication what had kille-
You know what, I'm not repeating myself. Read the fucking op.
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We have detailed logs of everything that happens. It's possible it was something done by a traitor that the admin wouldn't be willing to share. A sleepy-pen full of a chemical, a gas, maybe being stung by Changelings. Things the player won't ever see coming, we see. Including accidents of varying types that we consider legit deaths. It's possible your death was investigated, considered legit, and left at that.
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Also BlackrayJack explained it to you on the IRC last night. After warning you of the IC in IRC he did not see your follow-up adminhelp until after this whole complain and crusade against artifacts was made. Otherwise they would have investigated further.
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Joined: Nov 2012 know for admins you guys have a really hard time reading the posts where I pointed out exactly what you just said.
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This may be peanut posting, and admins, feel free to make this into some stupid thing calling me dumb, but dear lord skunkrocker, just because you "randomly" died in a game about dying randomly doesn't give you the right to be an entitled prick and call the admins idiots, because holy fuck, if there's anyone here who's really a big fat dumb nerd it's you. BlackrayJack told you not to IC in OOC and added an obvious joke at the end when he said "or else", and you whine about being "threatened". Jesus christ get your ego in check and quit your shit, because i think i know that nobody wants to deal with it.
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We aren't obligated to tell you what killed you, or reply at all. You've been told that your adminhelp wasn't ignored deliberately so why are you still posting?
thehman03 Wrote:This may be peanut posting, and admins, feel free to make this into some stupid thing calling me dumb, but dear lord skunkrocker, just because you "randomly" died in a game about dying randomly doesn't give you the right to be an entitled prick and call the admins idiots, because holy fuck, if there's anyone here who's really a big fat dumb nerd it's you. BlackrayJack told you not to IC in OOC and added an obvious joke at the end when he said "or else", and you whine about being "threatened". Jesus christ get your ego in check and quit your shit, because i think i know that nobody wants to deal with it.
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He's still convinced that he was somehow wronged and he only wants to post to be a snippy asshole apparently.
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I have stated several times... This was a misunderstanding, I overreacted, it was handled. This is at least the third time I have said this.
Do you really just not read these posts at all? Do I have to do a post in bold all caps extra large font size to get this through to you?
Seriously... my second post in this thread was saying that this was already handled and so far not only has this thread not been closed but the admins are continuing to think it is an active complaint. And now not only are you allowing peanut posting as shown above, you're also flinging insults for no reason.
Five posts and you still aren't getting it.
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you're right, I was incorrect in saying you are convinced you were wronged.
Skunkrocker Wrote:...okay, again, there was no indication what had kille-
You know what, I'm not repeating myself. Read the fucking op.
Skunkrocker know for admins you guys have a really hard time reading the posts where I pointed out exactly what you just said.
Definitely not wrong about you being a snippy asshole though. Just because you think something is "resolved" doesn't mean we have to stop talking about it, despite what you may or may not think the purpose of this board is to help make the administration more effective and prune bad people and behavior. It does not solely exist to make a singular player happy because someone hurt his feelings, so just because YOU are happy with what happened that doesn't mean we need to stop talking about it.
Also, if you REALLY want us to stop replying to it, stop making the thread more active by filling it with more of your shitty posts. It may not necessarily stop us from talking, but replying to it sure as fuck won't.
And finally, like with literally every single thing in this server, we have the right to choose to enforce or not enforce rules whenever we want based on the situation, so we really don't care if you're unsatisfied that we didn't do anything about that peanut post after you reported it.