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Fuck the default earpieces
Why do we have bog-standard 145.9 radio headsets when they could be station-bounced radios that you visibly wear on the shoulder (still in the ear slot)? Give the earpiece tech to the finer, better people in Command and Research. The Chief Engineer could have a really huge one to better yell at underlings with.
you mean radios like this?
[Image: 8bFyoGb.jpg]
scamtank Wrote:Why do we have bog-standard 145.9 radio headsets when they could be station-bounced radios that you visibly wear on the shoulder (still in the ear slot)? Give the earpiece tech to the finer, better people in Command and Research. The Chief Engineer could have a really huge one to better yell at underlings with.
Well awhile ago we tried making it so most of the crew didn't start with earpieces just the heads did but I assume no one liked that so we went back to this. I'm always up for a new change. Also make it so the Head's text is larger so they can yell at people with more power(and so people want to murder them even more than they already do).
I would kinda like the telescience multi-frequency tunable headsets to be default, if you were working with folks outside your department on some elaborate project you could use the 2ndary freq. to coordinate without needing the departmental frequencies. but I think the OP's suggestion is just a cosmetic icon change
mozi Wrote:you mean radios like this?

I meant more in line with the private security I see all the time in real life, like this:

[Image: rW0oacX.jpg]

But yeah you catch my drift.

KikiMofo Wrote:Well awhile ago we tried making it so most of the crew didn't start with earpieces just the heads did but I assume no one liked that so we went back to this. I'm always up for a new change. Also make it so the Head's text is larger so they can yell at people with more power(and so people want to murder them even more than they already do).

I heard about that little failed experiment second hand, yeah. Everyone would still start with a radio, it's just that only a select refined few could choose not to cramp their style with a bulky handset strapped to the chest.

I've literally never tried spriting before in my life, but how hard could a few pixels be?
more options to customize appearance are always good.
I think default items could use some cool alternatives, like e.g. non-magic sandals being available at the pool or maybe as a SWAT Mask style medal thing. Just a thought really
It appears that radios are one of the few things that have never been changed throughout the history of SS13 (including pre-goon), so... this would change things.
Why not let mechanics/scientists/rd/security setup their own extra frequincies using some kind of wifi type setup.

Gives mechanics something "FUN" to do that's actually station related. Security's freq would be encrypted and have to be hacked in order to be listened to, because nerd power.

Mechanics could reserve a random space of airwaves like 123.4 and tell scientists to use :farts to send messages to it. Perhaps a borg could be instructed to tell ai to make a certain block of radio :mindslave

radio encryption would require special QM equipment because ease-dropping is funny and any nerd with a coat hanger and old electronics equipment (a use for all those odd mechanics parts laying around?) should be able to play cb radio guy.
Let''s have telecoms!
myeffort Wrote:Let''s have telecoms!
Yes please, I can't wait for the day when I can program it to change every cuss word that goes through over the radio to fart and butts.
Telecoms on other servers was pretty rad except when it got blown up a whole bunch.
Seriously screw the radio, everyone being able to spam the feed easily really defeats the purpose of having station wide communications, remove the earpieces completely and force people to use intercoms if they want to get people to listen to them
Splatpope Wrote:Seriously screw the radio, everyone being able to spam the feed easily really defeats the purpose of having station wide communications, remove the earpieces completely and force people to use intercoms if they want to get people to listen to them

This has been tried it was removed because people hated it + i believe it made it so that rampaging happened a lot more but maybe not
Honestly I kinda liked the day when assistants didn't spawn with headsets. Since only assistants didn't spawn with them, and they are gotten easily from personal lockers, it realistically shouldn't make rampages any easier.

If anything assistants should spawn with station-bounced radios in their pockets instead of earpieces.

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