Seeks/MU Mentor application take 2!
Usual character name: Seeks-the-Path, M.U.
BYOND username: Thedude6969
Discord username (if you are on our discord): SimbaSvnoi

Recommended by (if applicable):n/a
Goon servers you play: 3, 4, and very seldomly 1

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

My reason for applying once again, remains the same as it was previously. I love teaching and helping other players learn how to play a game that I love and want to be able to do that more effectively. I know the learning curve for the game is steep and I feel like I do a good job at easing newbies into it little by little and in a way that they can enjoy too. 

My Experience:

Civilian sector: I have allot of experience in the civilian sector, and arguably the most experience of any active player in botany specifically. Botany/ranching has been my favorite department out of all the other jobs and I know just about all there is to know about both jobs. I also have experience in janitor, chef and other more niche roles.

Security sector: I am by no means a secmain player but I've played it enough to be good at it. I know secmate, dwaine and even packet sniffing for those tech crimes. I know combat fairly well and I've done my fair share of teaching when in that role as well. I do enjoy playing detective most as being a crime solver and using prints, blood and testimony to catch a crimer is very satisfying but I'll play the odd security officer too if I feel the station needs it.

Research/Medbay Sector: I have quite a bit of experience in research, I've gone out of my way to learn most everything there is to know in every part of it. from dwaine to art research, to what is the optimal mix for TTV's and even become proficient in quite a few of the azones. I do genuinely enjoy working in this department if only for how much you can do in it. Medbay I mostly only play in when I'm a borg. (MU) and while it may be easier to do as a borg in many respects it still has given me the knowledge to do many things. from surgery, to keeping stubborn drug addicts alive, I feel like medbay can be quite chaotic but keeping a level head is key to giving proper medical care and knowing what chems treat what types of damage.

Engineering sector: I mostly have done engineering side of things when it comes to power generation. I am quite familiar with every energy source from TEG, to singulo. I have dabbled in mech comp and I know the basics of that side of things and I've played a few shifts as a QM so I can reliably make money for the budget, mining also I've done quite a bit of in my early time on goonstation and while a fairly simple role can be quite fun to do. rock and stone. 

I think that about covers my experience with the game in a broad sense. there's very little I don't know even when it comes to secret content and I always do my best to help others to learn when they seem to be struggling and I'd love to have more tools to help even more people learn the game I've loved playing for about 2 years now. thanks for reading this application and I'll see ya'll on the station! if you see Seeks or MU running around don't be shy to ask em for help!

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I received one ban for rushing safes in debris fields a year ago, and a few warnings for various other things before.
See you all the time around the station, and in many different jobs. You always seem to know what you are doing and I have seen you helping players on many occasions, (even giving me a crash course in art-sci- so this will be a +1 from me.
From what I have Seen of Seeks/MU I certainly do believe you hold a great deal of knowledge and strive to be as helpful wherever possible. You have helped me before in my starting days to learn some of what is my core medical knowledge in the game even if you didn't realize that so massive props to you on that front. I have also seen you lending a hand to help others where you can even if its to learn basic mechanics both OOC and IC.

My only concern is one time not too long ago you did come off a bit harsh when trying to correct me on something i.e. the application of mutadone to a mutated critical patient as Seeks when you were not on medical, when I had already done such via a hypospray. Whether it was a manner of phrasing at the time i.e. "Next time, mutadone first," and a few other phrases, or the chaos of the situation in general, it did leave a bit of sour taste in my mouth at the time. I can't nor will I say it speaks to your mannerisms as a whole, just I'd say just be cautious how your words can come across in moments like these going forward!

Overall I'd say you are still a good Mentor candidate so +1 from me.
keep in mind raccoonpope's thoughts about being sharp when giving feedback. i havent had this experince with you specifically, but I think it's a very good concern to have and I don't want to diminish the reality of it by my thoughts that come after.

what i do know of you is that you're a ready participant in rounds, you always seem to build, and build for others. Maybe not everyone will agree wrt your antagging, but what i do see from you is someone willing to throw things obviously in front of people to give others a chance to bite on it and participate. actually I wish you had included your antag knowledge here because I think you offer a lot to mentor in in helping people be loud and interactive smile i know you're rocksteady in botany and ranching.

You have a +1 from me because I've had a lot of fun with you; there might be other thoughts that are/were presented that are fair concerns and this may not be the app that gets approved. What i DO want to encourage you about is that I can see at the very base of the way you play, Seeks especially, you have the right spirit to be a mentor, in facilitating opportunities to grab other people and bring them into the fold. if not now, then keep everyone's feedback close and there will always be another chance.
I really appreciate the feedback here and I will be the first to say I can always do better in my interactions and behavior as a player. My goal ultimately is to have fun and bring in others to enjoy the game and understand it at a level that lets them do fun and creative things. I'm not perfect but one thing I do encourage is criticism and constructive feedback like you two have done.

I totally should've put my antag experience in too because it's highly relevant and that's on me for not thinking about putting it here. Most recently I was able to help Kira(as part of the hivemind) to better understand how to play as a changeling which is a notoriously tricky one to play as and one I wish I had help with when I was starting out.

That said, again I really appreciate the feedback and will do my best to incorporate it into being a better player and(hopefully) mentor.
I have not really seen you teach anyone, do I think you haven't? Not at all. What I've really experienced with you is this "I know more than you" type behavior, your claim of being "arguably the most experienced botany player" is one of those things that furthers the feeling to me that you don't see what the point of being a mentor is actually about.

I have seen a preference to ignore others around you and make somewhat passive aggressive comments towards people who didn't do something the way you would do. I've personally experienced this because of something I did in botany vs what you would have done.

Attempt to be less harsh when correcting individuals on their missteps or if the don't do something the way YOU would have done it. A great majority of players don't have an ultra firm grasp on all the mechanics of the game, and a judgmental attitude being directed towards them might wane them off new experiences entirely for fear of being judged by others.
I have seen some behaviour where you would call out people OOC or accusing them of breaking the rules when things will not go in your favour in game, especially during your interaction as antagonist towards the crew. For example, on a round when you were a salvie, AI took your powersink because it had done a massive damage and got it confiscated. On post round, you then called out the AI for taking your stuff "silently" and said that they were ruining your round on both OOC and discord chat. There are also other instances when you would tell security what they are doing is wrong, they should've done it in your way or calling out antagonist as powergamer when you got bested by them.

It is normal to be upset about things not going in your way in game, but you should tread in a good faith and understand things not going in your way is not a reason to accuse random people online.

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