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Automatic word filters
Idea spawned from reading this thread:

I've seen it in games before, where if you say a certain word the game's text chat automatically filters out, usually to something funny. Given Goon's strict rules on slurs and other vocabulary, why not just do something like this vs. banning people who aren't aware of the rules?

At the risk of peanut-gallerying I think the guy in the thread was pretty apologetic about it and in my opinion it seemed like a very harsh ban.
the game tells you to read the rules like 3 separate times before you even join a round. not really sure what this would solve other than making it harder to ahelp people who prove they haven't followed those instructions
Without knowing exactly how often admins are dealing with rule 4 or general language violations but a GENERAL, VAGUE AND POSSIBLY WRONG SO DON'T TAKE AS GOSPEL observation can be made that:

- Most people can enjoy and play the game without needing a filter to clean up for them.
- Those who can't to the point where they'd need a filter system to not be banned might also find that they just genuinely did not fit the community as it is.

Filters are funny, but they're also funny: Building a system that produces results for what is otherwise rule-breaking behaviour I would suspect encourages people to then test the fences to find:

- Other fun filters
Or more likely
- Words that are not filtered, or ways to say words that aren't filtered.

In essence, you create a game out of rulebreaking. That seems like an idea that we might come to regret.
Lastly, I can't see bans or ban appeals, but I can see admin feedback and even there it's pretty apparent that a not-insignificant amount of people leaving "feedback" at least are struggling to comprehend the very, very clear and direct rules about language. Raising that bar even in jest seems like more work.

But I say this all when I don't really know how often this comes up. Maybe it's actually not a huge issue.
I do NOT want filters on this game for so many reasons I won't name them. But it comes down to.... one simple reason (I know goon won't filter this word, but I still want to point it out)

Assassin. It has the word Ass in it twice... in a lot of bad filtering systems. Ass is filtered out REGARDLESS of how it's used... even if the game ITSELF has the word ASSASSIN in it.. So we get ******in.
Or with funny word filters: Bobbabobbain.

I am fine with TOGGLABLE filters though. Then you decide yourself to hear terrible words.
But... personally...
No filter > Toggleable Filter > Forced Funny Filter > **** filter

In this case a lot of the slurs won't "harm" the language, but I think it would start a whack a mole hunt on finding ways to say the word in different languages.... or somehow go around the filter.

A classic is turning the word "Fuck" into "1=u)k" It's not elegant but it goes on.
And when we restrict the same words in different languages.. that's when saying something scientific like "Potassium" turns into "****as****" for example.

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