Barksley Dogson Head of Security Application
Nerkson has demonstrated great judgment and pacing when it comes to rounds and gimmicks, and has a good balance of knowing when to respond and when to draw the line. I have zero doubt that they'll continue to be a good example of these things, and I trust them to have the big guns and use them wisely.

The only bit of feedback I'll give you, Nerkson: please make sure you step away when you're having a hard time and don't push yourself beyond your own limits. Sometimes it feels like the station/crew/players NEED you to step in and be HoS when you don't really have the reserves for it, and that can contribute to a pattern of burnout and start making it harder to enjoy the game. It's okay to leave problems unfixed, when the cost of fixing them will leave you overdrawn. (When you figure out how to do this, teach me.)

Confident support.
I should like to append that having seen nerkson as officer mote than assistant to change my support to full support.

Good work
I've played quite a few rounds with Barks in security. I play Captain quite a bit, and while I've had minor issues with security here and there, never Barks specifically.

The majority of times I find myself talking to him as though he's already a HoS, he's just a natural leader and has a fantastic commanding presence.He doesn't argue, he doesn't instigate, he's the model of professionalism and carries himself as would be expected of an officer in a real setting.

Hell on that note, Nerkson, I apologize if I've ever given the impression that I've been angry at Barks. I genuinely find myself taking issues to him, because I know you'll take care of things. You're an amazing security player.

As a roleplayer, I like that Nerk plays Barks as the man behind the badge. There's a person there, not some suit filling a role. I wish I had more opportunities to get to know Barks, bit usually the stations on fire and Barks is on the Frontline putting it out

He doesn't just beat the clown and shoot the antag, he roleplays. He de-escalates, has conversations, and is a treasure to play with.
To keep things short and sweet, I have known Nerkson for a good while at this point and while I have seen them go through some rough periods along the way I’ve never seen them give up on being a good player or being fair to people. As can probably be seen by the rest of the comments made so far, there is little doubt that they have the technical skills to do well by the role or that they would fail to rp it well.

An easy pass in my books.

The two pieces of advice I’ll give are to take things slow at first if you end up getting accepted, and have faith in your choices on things like sentences since you’d have earned it.

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