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Do we need a special rule against bombing the diner on RP?
Have seen some discussion on roleplay chat that space diner probably shouldn't be bombed on roleplay. The idea was because :
1. It doesn't make sense for an employee testing a bomb there, such is against act like you want to keep your job
2. People like to use the diner for the purpose of roleplay and it is good for antagging
3. It has traders things and good pod weapons

Do we need special rules against bomb test on the diner? Honestly, I do not agree with it. I don't see any reason why space diner is vital for roleplay and I find it weird for roleplayer cares about the loot they can get from traders. But discussing it here would be better than the discord.
bombini, owlry, free teleporter, some secrect content extra mining shuttle, best pod gear in the game etc (took this from the discord convo lol) are things it has (just listing so people get some topics for the argument)
I don't think it needs a rule as it already kinda falls under acting like you want to keep your job. Nanotrasen probably wouldn't be very cool with you blowing up neighboring businesses and testing bombs on innocent civilians. Also players can spawn as diner patrons.

Generally I've seen if a scientist says they're going to test a bomb at the diner (because they *should* be giving warnings) then enough of the crew tells them off for it and asks them to do it elsewhere.
I don't really think so. Not for carving out an edge case specifically for the Diner.
Imo, it is not needed. This will only make it hard for anyone who want to do some testing. If the diner doesn't make sense on RP, so does any places with bees (because bees are sentient in game) and other places with different story. Owlery is still accessible through mining outpost and even if non amtag shouldn't destroy it, what about other antags who want to use it for devilish purpose? You can't use it either.

You don't need the teleporter on the diner when you can build a copy of it. Pod weapon loot and stims can be get elsewhere, and I don't see the need of overpowered pod weapons on RP.

This feels like only to punish people because some people need their diner loot or "private RP spots".
I feel like blowing up a diner would get you fired from most jobs.
I feel like the bomb testing machine could get a nice update. Maybe transfer your bomb into a VR room
in-character issue. Even though I'm not a fan of it while there's a perfectly good meteors and giant tin cans of space flotsam right next door, we don't need a fringe-case micro-rule for it just for the ease of perverse people like me who take too much satisfaction in act-like-you-work-here.
I agree that it's an IC issue but this just means we need a better place for bomb testing because there's only so many times you can bomb a place before it's useless and admittedly, having to build my own platform each time I work in toxins would be tedious.
Isn't the space diner space debris anyway? Bombing it kinda feels like space waste disposals.
(12-21-2024, 02:38 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: Isn't the space diner space debris anyway? Bombing it kinda feels like space waste disposals.

there's literally people who patronize the place?? like ooc we know that shitty bill and friends are npcs but ic it's kind of fucked up to test bombs in a place that is still operational enough for a few greasy bums to call it home
Sounds like the perfect reason for an admeme....

Where the space diner survivors come down to the station and try to nuke it.
"you blew up our joint! WE BLOW UP YOURS!" Nukies but with Shitty bill.

But in my opinion there are a lot of abaddoned stations in the debris field or asteriod fields. All empty... not being used...

No space diner needed. Heck we once blew up Hamara using their own nuclear device. IT WAS FUNNY! And it made sense since it was zombie infested.
I feel a lot like a bit of common sense judgement can be applied where against considerable evidence to the contrary of spacemen that if you check Cousin Buttes the clown isn't remodeling the place or someone hasn't set up the bar, ask around and do it at the end. Same for the mining outpost, which some rounds it going to be a thriving hub some rounds is completely abandoned. The VR thing's there and there's other debris you can go blow up if someone's using it.

There's plenty of RP to be milked out of the proposal as well, not just like Kotlol rightly points out for admemes, but any antags using the place might actually be -delighted- to have a bomb delivered nearby. People can if they so please actually feel compassion for Bill, the good father and chippy and move them to the station, set them up a nice pad. Science could turn it into a fireworks show and get engineering to build a HIGHLY SAFE observation post nearby.

This is a personal opinion that I'm not hugely invested in so I'm fine with whatever approach we took here, but I don't think this is as much whether blowing up a semi-used facility is a breach of good RP but more that the application of doing so often lacks any effort to RP. I certainly think you could in fact make something of it for or against, and if a scientist blew up anywhere without trying to engage with people RPing that's a different problem worth ahelping. But I don't automatically assume a plasma research station in a corporate spacescape is above selecting populated locations for bomb testing. We uh, well, it's not stopped us before in reality.
it's the only place i can test canbombs atm. make a good enough alternative and sure
My feeling are probably an Echo of what people above already said.....

But, I ultimately disagree with the idea of implementing any kind of "written in stone" rule on this. Bombing the Space Diner feels like it should be judged more on a case by case basis.

If some Scientist rushes and makes a decent Canister bomb 30 minutes into a match and turns the diner to rubble right away? Yeah,  that's fairly inappropriate. Ahelp that so an Admin can speak with them.

What if that same Scientist makes a Canister Bomb..... But only sets it off 80 minutes into the match? And only after extensive communication about the action. Its intent. And after confirming no real players are inhabiting diner or engaging in RP there? Then 'I' would probably say go for it. As there are a lot of interesting RP opportunities that can come from this type of scenario. Like some vigilante forcefully disarming the bomb. Or punitive action taken against the Scientist for his wonton destruction and disregard for the lives on the diner.

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