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Ideas of questionable quality
(12-05-2024, 02:31 PM)Mouse Wrote: It then increments an internal counter by 1 and announces the result.
i'm sure people are gonna try to get it as high as possible and get killed in the process
"why is there a pool of blood next to the sapience test artifact?"
"trying to get the highscore."
Falcons eggs. Grow and train falcons as a rancher. When wearing special gloves you can use the falcon as an item and it will fly towards what you click on.

It will then either attack it, perch on it, or grab it if it's a smaller item and retrieve it, depending on your intent and your bond with the animal.
Make miners pay with their own money everytime they use the quantum telescope so it can replicate gacha game (rng, pity system)
(12-12-2024, 04:21 AM)Emimiyu Wrote: Make miners pay with their own money everytime they use the quantum telescope so it can replicate gacha game (rng, pity system)

Cue miners joining genetics in being bolted to their seat all round staring blankly at the scr ooh, I got a SR-Erebite foilsteroid.
Glue bomb. Cause it just be funny to explode a bomb, everyone is covered in glue and things thrown at them get stuck.
Clowns, like Jones, should be mechscannable.

rainbow fluid + spider eggs -> clownspider eggs

Just as rainbow fluid turns you into a clown and painbow fluid turns you into a cluwne, plainbow fluid should turn you into a mime.
(12-14-2024, 07:37 PM)Mouse Wrote: Clowns, like Jones, should be mechscannable.

rainbow fluid + spider eggs -> clownspider eggs

Just as rainbow fluid turns you into a clown and painbow fluid turns you into a cluwne, plainbow fluid should turn you into a mime.

What about Plaidbow fluid?
Antag item that deploys an AI blob, similar to how Kudzu seeds work.
why not give security their own fabricator for simple things like: crowbars, handcuffs, security tape, etc
You should able to use microbombs implant on wasps grenade/wasps bow. It will implant the microbomb on any of the wasps
Text to speech like /tg/ has.
Standing in an acid puddle for too long should melt your shoes off
Pretty sure this already happened for nadir acid i might be wrong
We haven't had any truly cursed sprites added to the game in ages.  To rectify this, I propose Legclown.  It is like Legman, but is clown instead of man.
IDEA: for RP only, beepsky & securitrons stun batons are slightly weakened.
WHAT: beepsky & securitrons require a additional hit than it is now to fully stun & down someone.
WHY: makes beepskys & their ilk less antithetical to rp while retaining their function. if you are neck deep typing, you get a precious extra second to close your say window & hit the bricks.
EXAMPLE: you are antag after spending the full 90 minutes concocting & executing your plan. you are embroiled in that juicy villian rp 10000 quadrillion characters in the say window when SUDDENLY a tin can waltzing in from the door two feet over zaps you upside the head. rp dead & disrupted. everyone feels bummed out.

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