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Make Wraith Rounds More Common
I think wraiths should be much more common to the game. I have over 1.5k rounds under my belt and have gotten to play wraith three times out of those. It seems really silly that a whole part of the game should be locked out to you just because it is so ridiculously rare you'll get it maybe once a year of gameplay. Now, old wraith did have more incentive to be rare. There was a lot less crew interaction when it was old wraith, compared to other antags. Old wraith was difficult to combat other than just kinda laying salt everywhere and occasionally fighting some floating items. New wraith, however, promotes a lot more interaction between crew and antag, with the harbinger summons, portals, possessions, plague rats, and those trash monsters plague has I forget the name of. New wraith, while hard to directly kill, also doesn't actually wipe the crew in a rampage much easier than would happen on your average tot round. I will say, wraith rounds are similar to blob, rev, nukies and wiz rounds in that they can highly impact a round, diverting attention from standard crew stuff. I don't think that warrants them being the rarest (maybe second rarest?) antag. I don't really think they should be so ridiculously rare as they are. At this point, you're more likely to play an admin spawn zombie than a wraith (literally, I've been a zombie at least four times). I'm not sure the exact values of round chances and whatnot, but I think wraith should sit somewhere between the rarity of say nukies and say changeling.
I agree, I have >1000 rounds and have never played a wraith before in the last 3 years. I've seen wraiths maybe 10-15 times total, and I really wish they were more common because they're the only RP antag which I believe can really unite the station against a common threat in the same way that nukies or blobs do on classic, especially with the more healthy crew-antag interactions they have post-rework.
Yeah I would really like Wraith to be more common. It would also give more incentive to do funny things as wraith since its no longer something that you might not get a chance to play for another year. I'm sure there are plenty of wraith gimmicks that could be a lot of fun and I would like to see some of them!
I am desperate for more wraith round, but I also appreciate that making them universally more common might take the shine off them too: It's very easy to play a thoroughly boring wraith that stacks points by manifesting in walls, never engaged in a single whisper with the crew, and just acts like a slightly more spooky mobile flock or blob and I feel like part of the rarity at least encourages players to put on their "sunday best" with it.

But I also feel like there's a tweak...somewhere in here that does the best of both worlds. I don't quite know what it is, maybe a Wraith-specific mode? (we've had prior discussions on the discord at least that Wraith alongside a lot of other antagonists can be a bit much) or some kind of antag refactor where in nth amount of antag rounds you're guaranteed one wraith? I don't know.
I am kinda surprised at the low amounts of wraiths during the "Spooky Month"
I feel like the rarity of wraith also makes people less comfortable doing RP with it on 3 and 4, i've seen a few first timre wraiths say that they felt bad about doing a bad job with them because they died early / didn't know how wraith worked. But at the same time i also believe it still is a very destructive antag that is rare for a good reason while wraiths can communicate they still have some very disrupting effects and can easily remove characters from play by consuming them possibly removing some essential roles.

This is probably something that needs to be tested for a relatively long time to see if an higher spawn chance will give out "better" wraith rounds.
I would be fine with a "Week of wraiths" to have people train wraith rounds or maybe just a weekend of wraiths.
I think having wraiths be rare is good because Wraiths are overbearing and essentially dictate the entire flow of the round. I've also got ~2000 rounds under my belt and have not played wraith a single time. But that is part of the design.

What we could do is just radically ramp up wraiths around October. We have defines for this already set and many things are different in October, it'd be fitting and thematic and more people could get to try it, but then it'd be a return to normal once it ends.
(10-26-2024, 02:51 AM)Glamurio Wrote: I think having wraiths be rare is good because Wraiths are overbearing and essentially dictate the entire flow of the round. I've also got ~2000 rounds under my belt and have not played wraith a single time. But that is part of the design.

What we could do is just radically ramp up wraiths around October. We have defines for this already set and many things are different in October, it'd be fitting and thematic and more people could get to try it, but then it'd be a return to normal once it ends.

As I put above though, there are several other not nearly as rare antags that also dictate the flow of the round, perhaps even more so than Wraith I'd wager (nukies, revs, wiz[though wiz is quite rare too]). It seems like a pretty flawed design to just bar the majority of players who don't sink literally years into a game from accessing a unique part of said game.
I'm going to throw in my opinion and say that I could do with fewer wraith rounds or a complete rework of the antagonist as a whole. It feels EXTREMELY one-sided, and a wraith who knows what they're doing can make the round hell for everyone else with little effort. This goes doubly so for high population rounds that are already chaotic, with a wraith just being the icing on the cake that makes security question their life choices lol
(10-26-2024, 12:17 PM)klushy225 Wrote: I'm going to throw in my opinion and say that I could do with fewer wraith rounds or a complete rework of the antagonist as a whole. It feels EXTREMELY one-sided, and a wraith who knows what they're doing can make the round hell for everyone else with little effort. This goes doubly so for high population rounds that are already chaotic, with a wraith just being the icing on the cake that makes security question their life choices lol

The problem is also most people do not know how to deal with wraith's propperly by using salt and the candles.
(10-26-2024, 12:29 PM)Kotlol Wrote:
(10-26-2024, 12:17 PM)klushy225 Wrote: I'm going to throw in my opinion and say that I could do with fewer wraith rounds or a complete rework of the antagonist as a whole. It feels EXTREMELY one-sided, and a wraith who knows what they're doing can make the round hell for everyone else with little effort. This goes doubly so for high population rounds that are already chaotic, with a wraith just being the icing on the cake that makes security question their life choices lol

The problem is also most people do not know how to deal with wraith's propperly by using salt and the candles.

even then, it's really hard to pour salt on every nook and cranny when you have four other rampages going on. Wraiths in their current implementation just make a shift that's already stressful 10x more stressful.
I feel like the number of wraiths I see typically is right around the level I'd like to see, they're so transformative and dominating that more would feel oppressive.

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