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Beeing one-eyed should reduce your view distance, not block one side of the screen
It makes no sense that loosing an eye would black out one side of the screen, even when your 50% blind character is looking directly at it.
The loss of one full side is utterly crippling gameplay wise and most importantly not fun at all.

Now, as the game doesn't have a Project Zomboid-esque field of view, there is no efficient way to properly simulate the loss of sight on one side of your character's vision.
Because of this, I suggest a reduction of the half blinded character's view distance.
That way it would be similiar to how it looks like when your character is unconscious, although the circle of view should at the very least be twice as big, if not thrice or more.

You could also add an increased recoil accuracy penalty for one-eyed characters to simulate worse accuracy due to the lack of depth perception.

Regardless, please get rid of the complete lack of visibillity on one half of the screen, it sucks that soneone can become completely invisible by standing 1 meter east from me...
You get used to it. Utterly crippling might be an exaggeration.

But i would be cool with it being a halo of darkness, personally
I'd rather cut out a third of the screen or thereabouts, personally.
Ideally what I wanted to do for it was to change it so that you could see like 3-5 tiles to your right or left depending on which eye you lost, and then lose like 1-2 tiles of vision to your opposite side to simulate having a smaller field of vision.
that would basically be exactly what I want kyle! A reduced field of vision rather then just 'half is gone', and have it be sorta 'egg' biased.
I would love to wear an eyepatch if the graphical effect of missing one didn't make me feel kinda sick. For some reason it gives me a bit of motion sickness? I really wish I knew how to describe it better, but it makes me feel dizzy and it's really distracting.
(10-03-2024, 07:44 PM)Kateaclysm Wrote: I would love to wear an eyepatch if the graphical effect of missing one didn't make me feel kinda sick. For some reason it gives me a bit of motion sickness? I really wish I knew how to describe it better, but it makes me feel dizzy and it's really distracting.

Same here. 
Same if I have minus one eye. I instantly run to robotics and get ti fixed.
And even when I am a changeling spawning eyes... I just hide in a corner and wait cause.. UGH.
I don't get it.
Yeah. I'm of the opinion that even when blind, you should still "see" the tiles immediately around (feeling your way around)

The only time your screen should be completely obscured is when all your characters senses are disabled, such as unconscious.
Techincally when you lose an eye , yes you got abit of a blind spot on that eye side (ABIT NOT ALOT)

Close your eye and look around then look around as well. You will notice the fact both sides get a lil cut off since your other eye also adds context.
Another thing you will start lacking is DEPTH PERCEPTION. But we can't simulate that.

When I close one eye I don't get sick, but in Goon it just annoys and makes me feel sick. So yea I recommend adding like a lil bit of "blindness" Since that makes more sense.

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