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Add a drug that can cure Addiction
(07-12-2024, 11:21 AM)Glamurio Wrote: Real addictions should be minor inconveniences, but one that lasts longer and get progressively worse; think by minute 20 you notice the first symptoms and maybe by minute 40 you start really feeling the withdrawal. Any chems that cure it should also be very, very slow to kick in, should have side effects, and cure it over the course of the round rather than within minutes.

20 mins is too long to even feel a downside. Also we talking 20 mins after taking the chem or 20 mins of wearing off?
Cause 20 mins after wearing off.... to 40 mins till you feel it for real is too slow. As classic rounds is 60 mins and Rp is 90 mins.
Wich means as long as you dont do addictive stuff for atleast 20 mins on classic you will be fine. Besides it would take 10 mins before the 1st meth can show up!

if you mean 20 mins after taking it regardless and thus having to take it to reset the timer makes more sense.

I do like the idea of diminishing returns when addicted cause... yea your body is addicted to it since it "needs" it to function NORMALLY!
(07-13-2024, 05:36 AM)Kotlol Wrote:
(07-12-2024, 11:21 AM)Glamurio Wrote: Real addictions should be minor inconveniences, but one that lasts longer and get progressively worse; think by minute 20 you notice the first symptoms and maybe by minute 40 you start really feeling the withdrawal. Any chems that cure it should also be very, very slow to kick in, should have side effects, and cure it over the course of the round rather than within minutes.

20 mins is too long to even feel a downside. Also we talking 20 mins after taking the chem or 20 mins of wearing off?
Cause 20 mins after wearing off.... to 40 mins till you feel it for real is too slow. As classic rounds is 60 mins and Rp is 90 mins.
Wich means as long as you dont do addictive stuff for atleast 20 mins on classic you will be fine. Besides it would take 10 mins before the 1st meth can show up!

if you mean 20 mins after taking it regardless and thus having to take it to reset the timer makes more sense.

I do like the idea of diminishing returns when addicted cause... yea your body is addicted to it since it "needs" it to function NORMALLY!

I do mean 20 minutes after taking it regardless. The timing was just pulled out of nowhere, that can be adjusted really. Have the effect ramp up. Only make someone addicted if they actually repeatedly take a substance within X minutes. I'd personally like to avoid the "John Staffman injected me with Meth and now I'm addicted".

Essentially, drugs are bad, aside from the positive immediate effects, if you take them more than once then your body will start craving them, and depending on the kind of chem it'll have different effects. Stimulants cause fatigue and paranoia, alcohol would cause nausea and headaches (kind of what all drugs have right now), nicotine causes loss of concentration and insomnia, etc.

The diminishing returns idea is pretty great honestly. It does mean that future use of the chem yields less reward but is needed to stem the addiction effects.
I think you could have some fun counterplay with addiction where another addictive substance helps treat the withdrawal from another addictive substance.

Like you have a sort of homeostasis baseline that frequent use of one substance pushes the thresholds one way, so you can balance it back out manually.

Maybe some of the more flavorful activities like the gym, pool and sauna can also help? Take a spa day to rejuvenate
Agree with this after I realized the only way to fix addiction is sitting in a sleeper with a black screen for 3 minutes.

Maybe a nasty hangover cure the chef can make or better yet, give medical some way of doing this. Maybe the dialysis machine? That way they get interaction with medical and it's still not completely trivial to fix

Not a fan of just making it a chemical people will mass produce
(07-14-2024, 12:12 PM)Cal Wrote: Agree with this after I realized the only way to fix addiction is sitting in a sleeper with a black screen for 3 minutes.

Maybe a nasty hangover cure the chef can make or better yet, give medical some way of doing this.  Maybe the dialysis machine? That way they get interaction with medical and it's still not completely trivial to fix

Not a fan of just making it a chemical people will mass produce

A hangover cure homemade from the kitchen... a broth so strong it snaps you out of it. But drink KO.

And that kinda stuff seems fun! Better then "Take a sleep"
(07-14-2024, 12:12 PM)Cal Wrote: Agree with this after I realized the only way to fix addiction is sitting in a sleeper with a black screen for 3 minutes.

Maybe a nasty hangover cure the chef can make or better yet, give medical some way of doing this.  Maybe the dialysis machine? That way they get interaction with medical and it's still not completely trivial to fix

Not a fan of just making it a chemical people will mass produce

Bar or kitchen, or both. 

[Image: med_1644063635_00032.jpg]

I'm just saying.
Firstly, i don't think addictions should be cureable at all, ever.

You are addicted, you aren't sleeping this away like a bad hangover. This also prevents the very unfun way of curing it currently like "sleeper for 3 minutes"

Secondly, addictions appearing should actually come from abuse of the chem, not from the accidental trip. Disease code should in general move away from the "rng to progress each tick" mechanics. But, like i said, thats a big rework

Thirdly, addictions should be actually problematic and have options for managing them.

Alcohol addictions can kill you if you suddendly stop drinking. Stuff like that would actually fit in our gameplay. Have doctors prescribe pills of tequila sunrise. And maybe have a chem that is a substitute for all addictions, but is ultimatively harmless and medium - easy to produce. That would shift addictions away from something you can simply cure and move it to something that doctors have to actually manage.

(07-13-2024, 04:56 AM)Mouse Wrote: Addictions aren't punishing enough, IMO.  Oh no, I'm addicted to a stamina-boosting chem with minimal or no downsides, whatever will I do?  Guess I'll just take more of it and never suffer a single penalty.  Make addicts receive fewer benefits from the chem they're addicted to, that's what I think.

I like this suggestion, really. Addicted people can have their "effect treshold" and their overdose treshold rise with the degree of the addiction.
I'd be down for addictions becoming more dangerous/less easy to cure, but they currently are SO easy to become accidentally addicted to something from one exposure, like you said. I feel like an overall rework which both made it harder to get an addiction, but also made addictions WAY worse would be dope. They're currently just a reason to avoid getting anything interesting at the bar, because you're going to end up with some weird addiction for the rest of the round (or until you got to sleeper purgatory) off one drink -- especially now that you can see when you've hit that threshhold.
I think maybe the name itself is a misnomer. The way our addictions work right now are basically just withdrawal symptoms. Honestly, it's unrealistic by any stretch of the imagination to become addicted to a substance within a single workday. If we're going for realism here, then addictions as a whole should be relegated to traits. This has a bunch of upsides, it makes it more clear you are addicted from the start, you can realistically make the addiction last the whole round because you chose it, and most importantly, someone can't make you addicted against your will. It gets rid of having to figure out an "addiction cure" because most cures to addictions would also take longer than the span of a single day or simply just be relegated to a magical chem that will get mass produced.

What I like a lot however, is things that Frank_Stein mentioned. When suffering from withdrawal symptoms in general, a spa day actually sounds like the perfect way to realistically treat it. It gives purpose to things such as the gym, work-out equipment and perhaps even the sauna will get some use. And the best part; it's all optional. Don't pick an addiction trait and this will not affect your playstyle.

So, to recap:
- Change addictions to be traits that give +1, ideally you choose the chem from a whitelist.
- Make withdrawal symptoms stronger, but give you an out in case you cannot procure the chem in the form of a relaxation activities.
(07-13-2024, 04:56 AM)Mouse Wrote: Addictions aren't punishing enough, IMO.  Oh no, I'm addicted to a stamina-boosting chem with minimal or no downsides, whatever will I do?  Guess I'll just take more of it and never suffer a single penalty.  Make addicts receive fewer benefits from the chem they're addicted to, that's what I think.

Most high end stamina-boosting chems have downsides. Only the medicinal ones don't.
  • Methemphetamine: Brain damage that cannot be resolved while the chem is in your system; you won't be able to walk straight until it's gone if you use it for longer than a minute.
  • Aranesp: Ticking tox damage that puts you on a timer; chance to be straight up stunned which is honestly ridiculous for a drug that's supposed to make you stamina-efficient.
  • Bath Salts: Can't walk for shit, take random brute, starting tox, rads, and brain damage, and other drugs with their respective effects (namely meth). But hey! Can clear stuns, right?
  • Caffeine: Has to be taken in very large amounts, and straight up kills you if its too long in your system.
Microdosing does remove all penalty momentarily, however, you will have to actively manage your own addictions and splitting big doses into small, micro ones using chem equipment to not suffer their negative effects. If you are a confirmed antag (after going on a drug rage) that will definitely be a lot more difficult without the right access. If you are crew... Well, that's just one of the benefits of being on the right side.

(07-14-2024, 08:37 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: I think you could have some fun counterplay with addiction where another addictive substance helps treat the withdrawal from another addictive substance.

Maybe some of the more flavorful activities like the gym, pool and sauna can also help? Take a spa day to rejuvenate

Having a chem like methadone sounds neat. As for the concern of it being able to be mass produced: Just make it not a solution, but a reliever. It'll at it's lowest send addiction down to the first stage, and so until you find a reasonable method or amount of time to clear it up, you'll have to keep taking the needle, requiring micromanagement in exchange for whatever drug rage you went on. Could be sold in a cigarette vend / NanoVend and have minimal effects as a performance enhancing drug on its own.

Giving sauna a purpose also sounds good. And since it's one general place, sec will know where to look in case they've got a drugged up antag running around.

I would also like to point out that realism and goon creates an oxymoron, and that everything in space just happens 'faster.' People get brigged for murder for 5 minutes rather than hours due to shift time not being that long, and 'addictions' are also that short for the same reason. Obv I don't know anything about the direction of Goonstation, but those are some of the observations I've made that just make sense.
In my medical opinion for addiction mechanic. I suggest to make addiction has a phase that differently effect.
Phase 1 Pleasure phase
In this phase you will feel great when have substance feel a buff a feel great you might not need to rely on that chem but since it feel great so people might want to take it more which can lead to phase 2
phase 2 Addictive phase
Once prolong use of substance with addiction trait it finally become addicted right now you will need to rely You will want higher dose to make the pleasure level which can lead to phase 3 tolerance phase
Phase 3 Tolerance phase
The substance can’t help you to the pressure level anymore reduct effect from substance significantly which mean you need Much more dose to make the same effect and that will lead to the OD effect.This phase will penalty you with random sweat and mildly blur vision and many text for craving substance. Once you not get enough of substance you will become Phase 4 withdraw phase
Phase 4 withdraw phase
You might not use substance anymore might due to lack of it or you trying to stop use it by your self you will have a fever , hot flush , more text for craving substance and feel like hell , you will randomly walk or hit people nearby and random can’t even sleep by your self.

In doctoring addiction
Importantly that patient can come with vary phase which need different treatment.
Phase 1
Suggest patient to reduce / stop using substance and use anti addiction drug to prevent more addiction. This will not cure the disease but stop the patient go further phase
Phase 2
Patient might use more dose of it up the treatment still the same how ever adjust the substance to use in active way should make them effective for example change from pill from to patch from you should warning people to not take more substance because patient will gonna abusive drug use until OD
Phase 3
Patient might come with OD substance the goal is resuscitation of OD effect trying to purge substance is important the medicine for treat might need double dose
Phase 4 withdrawal
Patient will very aggressive and hardly to control them so you should admit them to treatment room and lock them in your department and trying to force your medicine to patient. You might need someone to help hold your patient cause they will not calming wait for you to inject medicine.

About medicine
- Medicine that has psychiatric effect
- ether / haloperidol / neuro depressant
- base on the post if have anti addiction chem or anti depressant
- force sleep by sleeper / NO2
- medicine for purging chem
- charcoal / Camille / space ipeace/ penteic acid

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