Posts: 1,401
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Joined: Sep 2016
BYOND Username: Aft2001
literally just the title. post them, what's your favorite way to die? or your favorite death, or even a death you hope to have! empowered superfart while on fire on the shuttle? that's
my favorite way to go, but what's yours, nerd?
bonus points for pics and videos, like the following! it may only have been burning for a moment in time, but forever in my heart. and hard drive.
Posts: 45
Threads: 7
Joined: Jul 2023
BYOND Username: Azurnite
Character Name: Aya Bell
Step 1: Grab hand label
Step 2: Suicide command
Step 3: Choose hand label
Step 4: (DEAD)
I do have one way I prefer more but it's [secret].
Posts: 103
Threads: 5
Joined: Sep 2022
BYOND Username: SupahSnowy
Character Name: Snowy Ironhart, Old Man Boney, Steven Slick, & Charlotte Willows
Getting crushed by the emergency/mining shuttle
Posts: 352
Threads: 71
Joined: Feb 2024
BYOND Username: meaow589
Character Name: Tanuki Singuloose
Jump into singulo / PTL / fart until death.
Posts: 1,636
Threads: 206
Joined: Aug 2019
BYOND Username: Cthucky
Posts: 339
Threads: 12
Joined: Apr 2023
BYOND Username: Lefinch
Character Name: Saxum/Chie/Granny/A billion random AIs
My modal favourite death tends to be the very boring "I ran out of air in the middle of space" so instead, a brief list of "favourite deaths"
- Explosive lactose intolerance to supercooled penguin milk
- A careful plot to drown the station in erebite explosions and drag a nanite swarm through the holes thwarted single-handedly by an errant cargo crate being flung out, clipping me and sending me to my death without anyone knowing.
- Nearly every experience being eaten by the ling and joining the hivemind.
- The time a rather simple arcfiend Saxum was given an execution poisoning at the bar (lovely little RP bit with plenty of time for things to play out)
- Any time an enterprising engineer builds a mech comp contraption that essentially sums up as "Person cruncher 3000"
- Special mention: Forming a death cult as a wraith, with the loyal servants bringing tribute (who cruelly, were whispered by their master their fellows intended to kill them and to make sure they killed them first) and making such an 'orrible scene the poor security officer who popped by just turned around and walked away briefly.
Posts: 141
Threads: 16
Joined: Nov 2022
BYOND Username: ChaoticTyrant
Character Name: Bichael Chain
Plasma canister suicide for me. Generally makes a mess of things
Posts: 2,401
Threads: 89
Joined: Mar 2021
BYOND Username: Kotlol
Character Name: Selena James
Super fart on the bible, cause I like going to a warmer climate!
Posts: 158
Threads: 6
Joined: Feb 2023
BYOND Username: NotChasuX5, soon Chasu
Character Name: Chasu Finley, Klaus Schmidt
A simple one-way trip to security with a TTV in my Pod's cargo hold and a signaller in my hand.
Posts: 180
Threads: 13
Joined: Nov 2022
BYOND Username: Emikamiyuki49
Character Name: Jasmine Zhang, Emilia Lettuce
Artifact accident that let into a domino effect of everyone dying.
Posts: 28
Threads: 4
Joined: Feb 2023
BYOND Username: Zhail
Character Name: David Davies
being shoved into a deep fryer a million times and dying in three seconds
Posts: 898
Threads: 14
Joined: Jul 2022
BYOND Username: Lord_Earthfire
Character Name: Heron Asimov
Smoking omega weed. Going the way every botanist strives to go.
Posts: 50
Threads: 18
Joined: Sep 2022
BYOND Username: Mikhaelcartr23
Character Name: Mikhael
Posts: 95
Threads: 5
Joined: Oct 2023
BYOND Username: Kateaclysm
Character Name: Morrow Moonhollow
Power generator artifacts with *absurd* outputs are consistently some of the funniest ways to die. Four people in a group? Dead. Random janitor walking by? Shoes blasted off and he's launched across the hallway, deep crit. Guy who touched it? Vaporized so fast he's not even aware he died.
Posts: 132
Threads: 9
Joined: Jul 2023
BYOND Username: 444explorer
Character Name: Minty
The niche, not often seen and hidden away deaths are often my favourite. QGP, Chaos Dunks and a few deaths found in adventure zones come to mind. Outside that though, one of my favourite ways to die is with the Ghost Critter suicide. It's death message just can't explain how you died and doesn't bother. Gets a laugh out of me.