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Ideas of questionable quality
In light of the recent thing where admins can spawn in a Radio host Vinyl linked to say, some youtube music that could NEVER be given to players. It would be nice to have:

>A pre-approved list of links to music that could be played by players via youtube


>A negotiated list with an admin by the host during a round that they could then freely play as it went on.

I love both of these ideas. I also think that they aren't worth it. The former is susceptible from all sorts of problems like youtube links changing and suddenly your kazoo rendition of the titanic theme being something nobody wants (because we all definitely want the kazoo). The latter turns admins into unpaid radio editors.
But I'd really like it please thnx xx
rubber chickens should be usable as surgical tools, albeit with a 100% fumble chance
Idea : rework new escape shuttle mechanic 
breifly description : make shuttle escape need to have pilot and make console that can do some stuff " like pilot control" so we can choose where we going to escape and need to interact like Fixing , Refuel , Charge power before it can start.
Intro: We have the same shuttle escape for so long and it should be great if we have something new.
i always question about pilot reward when round end that why we should have that since we didnt do any pilot i imagine about some scifi movie that pilot need to interact with console before it can warp
for example : open navigation system , check turbine , check engine , open communication system. and first of all why the shuttle come to station without people drive it at first. all of these lead me to some idea that might interesting if we have when we call shuttle.
1) When shuttle is calling the game will random choose ghost to spawn as NT-Pilot for drive shuttle to docking at station : this can open many opputunity for RP work or Rebalance when Antag is purging station.
2) More mechanic to shuttle console : normally we have 2 console 1 for anncoment and another is for authorized (which is rarely use except antag EMAG it) my suggestion is when shuttle warp to station it should have some problem that we need to fix it randomly for example : Shuttle run out of plasma fuel: , Lack of electrical power , some machine damage.Life supportive not support. which make everyone especial head command need to prepare before the shuttle arrive.not just chilling until we hear the annocment then just chillling walk to it.
3)sometime we cant drive to centercom and crash on someplace why not make it controlable for example sceneario. Captain notice that the shuttle not have enough fuel and need to land on other planet instead and lead to some more scenario which can be use for RP and for fun adventure ending.also it should be more great that planet we found is involve telesci work. for make scienitst become more important when round end.
4) Make anomaly event happen when escape and increase time before arrival. stay in escape shuttle will not garuntee safe anymore you will need to be aware if something happen .for example  asteriod , expose radiation , syndicate drone attack. martian attack or even black hole.
Allow limb critter to drive and get into pods again, but they can only drive it if an eyespider, two handspiders, and one leg spider are all inside the pod. The hands control the direction of the pod, the leg control if the pod should go or stop (like gas pedal), and the eye is the only one that can see the position of the pod and the surrounding.

Also, add medal called "forbidden one" if a headspider is inside a pod with 2 handspiders, 2 legspiders, and a buttcrab
Wearing hats or helmets for too long changes your hairstyle to something messy looking. Use a comb or brush to fix it back
(05-18-2024, 12:31 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Wearing hats or helmets for too long changes your hairstyle to something messy looking. Use a comb or brush to fix it back

That'd be so funny. Imagine a team of officers taking off their helmets on the shuttle after a tough shift and - whoosh - messy hair.  hell yeah man
(05-18-2024, 01:53 PM)Chasu Wrote:
(05-18-2024, 12:31 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Wearing hats or helmets for too long changes your hairstyle to something messy looking. Use a comb or brush to fix it back

That'd be so funny. Imagine a team of officers taking off their helmets on the shuttle after a tough shift and - whoosh - messy hair.  hell yeah man

Serious case of helmet hair
(05-18-2024, 12:31 PM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Wearing hats or helmets for too long changes your hairstyle to something messy looking. Use a comb or brush to fix it back

strong electric shocks should give you an afro
Turnex, the son of Durex, the blender for the next millennium.  This is a revolution for your kitchen - smashed tomatoes, sliced potatoes, apple juice, blueberry, raspberry, cherries, and peaches in a fraction of a second.  Turnex, the son of Durex, the only blender that can be turned into the most powerful vacuum cleaner!
Remove butterfly ghost critter for the simple reason that the sprite sucks
(05-26-2024, 04:30 PM)BadShot Wrote: Remove butterfly ghost critter for the simple reason that the sprite sucks

Replace with "AN ACTUAL BEE?!" ghost critter.
Description: "A photorealisitc bee?!"

It would just be a png of an actual bee that just moves around and shakes.
Normally I wouldn't double post but this one is very questionable... and waiting for a questionable post takes a while. *clears throat*

The TEG engine should be able to blow up by throwing a wrench into it.

Every engine has it's major problems that could lead to disaster... the TEG on the other hand.. doesn't.
The level it fears to explode gets bypassed to the best level and just shakes and shocks.
Pipes can burst and cause plasma fires but it is contained within the engine chamber.

So why not explode the damn thing or something so it can have as devastating effects as a Singuloose or a Meltdown.
Let silicons use the clothing booth
Don't actually touch artifacts on help intent. something like "You reach out to touch the thingamajig, but reconsider at the last moment."?

Probably a shitty idea since its nonintuitive and intent-based interaction is fiddly and annoying.
Mostly just spitballing since it sounds like people have a bad habit of pressing the figurative big red button by touching every fucking artifact they see completely mindlessly.
(05-29-2024, 05:29 PM)cyberTripping Wrote: Don't actually touch artifacts on help intent. something like "You reach out to touch the thingamajig, but reconsider at the last moment."?

Probably a shitty idea since its nonintuitive and intent-based interaction is fiddly and annoying.
Mostly just spitballing since it sounds like people have a bad habit of pressing the figurative big red button by touching every fucking artifact they see completely mindlessly.

Not a questionable one. I have touched so many artifacts on accident when I didn't intent to...
Remember the problem of having a weapon and putting it on the table on accident, thus disarming yourself?
This is the same, but less annoying.

Besides touching is needed sometimes to help find out what the artifact could be before it activates.
I think the fix should be: "if you wear gloves, artifacts don't activate"

This is a good idea! I'll just make a seperate suggestion.

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