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Puritan Complaint Thread (with some suggestions)
I think the biggest problem with Puritan is the name.

A Puritan is someone who wants to be Pure.. (In this sense uncloned)
But... knowing the lore of SS13, we know this isn't a thing. So by default the Puritan is in fact being fooled.

But I think Puritans as a name is just... wrong.

It should infact be named different like:
"Weak Genetics"
"RNA limited"

Something to indiciate that cloning will have mishaps (and the other things too)
Puritan means something along the lines of: "The charater wants to stay pure and thus cloning/borging/reviving is something they dont' want"
On that sense if you revive a puritan they should go mad.

But if it was named differently like a handicap (since it is).
Like maybe they have something called "Death Gene"
Now it makes sense from a medical perspective that your charater cannot be cloned, borged or revived via SR.
Cause you a gene that works against it.
2 takes from that thread:

Seems like a lot of doctors enjoy the challenge of cloning puritans. Thats cool.

If you can still be cloned with very little consequences as long as doctors know what they are doing , how is puritan a negative trait exactly ?

Another complaint I hear from time to time is that cloning is too easy, too free and pretty boring as far as medbay gameplay goes.

Seems to me that various degrees of cloning defects should be the norm, making the cloning process and aftercare more involved for doctors, while puritan (or whatever it should be renamed to) should just make you unable to be cloned, period.
Puritan is a trait that makes it much harder for you to get revived, which means there's a real possibility of it being used purely to roll for antag midrolls more efficiently. This isn't THAT bad but I think it's kind of gross and easily fixable
- I'm pretty sure admins are very aware of different methods for antag fishing

Puritan gives 2 points for something that doesn't actually hinder you in any meaningful way. This on top of the previous point makes it pretty Gamer, and I think it could use some rebalancing
- It does hinder you with a chance not to get revived... Doctors will check for puritan and treat you accordingly -usually-. Otherwise, it was a hectic round and that's when the explosion actually matters. You died in the heat of the action and don't get a chance to get back to it.

Thematically (in my opinion) puritan does not make sense. Going off the trait name, you would assume it means that the player's character does not want revival, and has a sort of DNR put in with NT, but instead it makes them violently explode. The other explanation I've seen is that the trait makes the character's genetic code non-compliant with the cloner, but this doesn't make sense either as you still pop out as a human clone, just with a bunch of toxins damage.
- Setting DNR would make it useless, because you still can respawn just under another character. Which still plays into the puritan role, you died and don't get a second chance because doctors messed up.

Puritan, the trait that is supposed to make you not cloneable, does not actually make you uncloneable. Experienced doctor players have on many occasions puricloned successfully, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of the trait
- Have you ever seen doctors do it though? The preparation? I've seen doctors dual wielding syringes and making a break for it. Let the doctors have some exciting things during rounds other than an occasional pancreatitis.

All in all, my two cents is, puritan is a good thing. You still get a chance to be revived and if that doesn't happen, make a new character.
Puritan, after all, is there for players who want to be borged after death. Many medical records have puritans and little messages how they want to be borgs.

(05-17-2024, 01:22 AM)Kotlol Wrote: I think the biggest problem with Puritan is the name.

A Puritan is someone who wants to be Pure.. (In this sense uncloned)
But... knowing the lore of SS13, we know this isn't a thing. So by default the Puritan is in fact being fooled.

But I think Puritans as a name is just... wrong.

It should infact be named different like:
"Weak Genetics"
"RNA limited"

Something to indiciate that cloning will have mishaps (and the other things too)
Puritan means something along the lines of: "The charater wants to stay pure and thus cloning/borging/reviving is something they dont' want"
On that sense if you revive a puritan they should go mad.

But if it was named differently like a handicap (since it is).
Like maybe they have something called "Death Gene"
Now it makes sense from a medical perspective that your charater cannot be cloned, borged or revived via SR.
Cause you a gene that works against it.

Maybe some lore about how the cloner actually works and tie in an allergy for it...
I think the idea that puritan doesn't hinder you is colored by being on the RP server a lot,  where Doctors are more than ready to attempt to save you because its... well, fun.
I don't think it would be a bad idea to make it a neutral trait instead of +2. I don't think the way puritan is is bad enough that it needs any drastic changes, and I like using it. But if it's frustrating other players to this degree then making it less "free trait points for people who are going to dnr anyways" as was suggested might lesson some of the friction
(05-17-2024, 07:02 AM)Cal Wrote: I think the idea that puritan doesn't hinder you is colored by being on the RP server a lot,  where Doctors are more than ready to attempt to save you because its... well, fun.

Agreed. On steessful rounds, puritan is basically permadeath, which is a very severe hinderance to yourself.
(05-16-2024, 11:15 AM)Kotomata Wrote:
  • Puritan is a trait that punishes OTHER PLAYERS ontop of the actual trait taker. Medical allergy is a trait that affects how medical interacts with a player, but if the doctors fuck up it's just you getting owned. Puritan wastes the entire saved up clone and creates a giant mess if you accidentally clone them. I think this is bad

How punish others? You died. You not being savable isnt a medical issue. They're not punished. 

I don't think anyone is entitled to revival. If they want to be revived they wouldn't take puritan
(05-17-2024, 03:36 AM)Decarcassor Wrote: 2 takes from that thread:

Seems like a lot of doctors enjoy the challenge of cloning puritans. Thats cool.

If you can still be cloned with very little consequences as long as doctors know what they are doing , how is puritan a negative trait exactly ?

Another complaint I hear from time to time is that cloning is too easy, too free and pretty boring as far as medbay gameplay goes.

Seems to me that various degrees of cloning defects should be the norm, making the cloning process and aftercare more involved for doctors, while puritan (or whatever it should be renamed to) should just make you unable to be cloned, period.
yeah that why some doctor try to use SR instead of clone
There's definitely two directions this thread is going.

1. Puritans in the true sense of the word should imply a dislike/distaste for being revived, but not so much a genetic instability. It should instead be considered more a crime, and be akin to assault/murder, as you have knowingly gone against someone's wishes, and perhaps could simply be handled via DNR.

2. The name itself could be changed and the genetic instability kept and expanded upon, making it more of a procedure to clone these individuals, if not outright making it only possible to revive them via borgification.


Personally, I have long held the belief that people who die should first and foremost consider it a privilege to come back. This is especially true for people who were not clonescanned before death. Frankly, I wouldn't be opposed to making it harder to clone people in general, both in terms of scanning and the actual procedure. If we do go down the route of renaming it to genetic instability, it wouldn't be amiss to have a little marker in the cloner records that would display it as such, just for convenience. If need be, one could even change the cloner to be only handled by medical personnel (which for some strange reason it still is not)

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