Kira Hunt Mentor App (aaa)
Usual character name: Kira Hunt / GABI3 / IO-02.sys
BYOND username: EmeraldEnergy
Discord username (if you are on our discord): orchidcollective

Recommended by (if applicable):
Goon servers you play: 3

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): 
My reason for application, boiled down to the most basic, is that I just adore teaching people, it is one of my favourite parts of the goon community. I always jump at the chance to help an assistant, and I’ve sat and helped many people through their first few rounds.

I’ve often said that there is some form of pure joy that comes from teaching someone, and then watching them do better than what you can do. I also know that the way you teach someone is extremely important. Whether you are just nudging them in the right direction, or giving them a full tutorial, or answering questions, the person asking for help shouldn’t feel  embarrassed, so I always try my best to make them feel comfortable.

I’ve been playing since late 2019, so that’s about four years of experience, and 2550 hours (thats 106 days, jesus christ). I took a small six month break in 2020, but I’ve been here ever since. Starting out, I was very nervous and shy, and therefore never asked questions, so it took me a very VERY long time to learn things that many others would learn in under a few shifts, though I think that gives me a unique perspective on how *not* to learn new things, and to be able to sniff out anyone who may need some help, but is too scared to ask.

I started on the classic servers, exclusively playing randomly generated characters, until I moved onto RP.
I know many areas of the game, security, silicon/borg/ai, medical, general querys, and civilian departments are some of my specialities. I know a bit of science, though it was never my main focus .  I was an MDir main for a solid year or so, and a sec main and an AI/borg main for even longer.

I considered applying for HoS, as teaching assistants was  a very big part of that job, but after some thought, I realised that teaching assistants was the only reason I wanted to be HoS (aside from cool cape). Nowadays, I want to be more of a “cool aunt” of sec, looking out for the trainees and defending and helping them grow.

The one area I am… lacking in, would be engineering and mechcomp . I do intend to dedicating some time to  learning it, I have a lot to do these days, and ss13 is my relaxing time, NOT stressful time, so I have to find a weekend or something.
I use mentor help sometimes (I know most of the stuff I’m doing, its mostly just things like “Hey, can this be mechscanned?” et cetera)

Im not very active on the discord, aside from the character art thread, which my little artist ass checks daily, but that is mostly because I don’t really have a reason to be. I sometimes  check in on the questions channel, but y’all always get to the questions before me. I do sometimes inject myself into conversations on  RP chat, but you guys are too cool for me :waa:

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
I do not have any bans myself, a few warnings, but I have learnt from my mistakes  space bear
I think Emerald is a wonderful, well intentioned, kind, inclusive, and fun player. They are always a joy to be around and a natural source of calm in the wild. I would be happy to see them purple.
As someone who has interacted with Emerald both in and out of game, they are a great player who always tries to help others. I'm honestly quite surprised they didn't apply sooner- In my opinion, they'd be a great mentor. They're an all around good player and knowledge.
I remember Emerald being one of the first people I interacted with for longer than just a few seconds when I first started playing on RP. They have always been a very friendly and inclusive presence in the community as far back as I can remember, and would make an excellent mentor.

+1 from me  Sleeping bee
Both friendly and quite knowledgeable in multiple departments from my experience with them. Someone who absolutely seems to adore teaching, and will normally be the first in line to offer assistance if they notice that someone is either new, or having a problem. Shown by well.. the several times they've rushed over to the nearest rookie in security or medical with a grin, in hopes of getting to help them! The only concern that I might have when it comes to Emerald is the lack of activity in the questions channel on the discord. Overall positive on this, and even more so if the discord situation improves!
Yet another individual who taught me a lot about the game over the course of these last eight months. Emerald is enthusiastic, positive, and (as Ava said) almost always willing to jump in and help someone who's new. I share similar reservations RE: lack of presence in the questions channel, but that can be easily rectified! Positive yes for me.
+1 to kira from me! Absolute joy to play with her every single time we've been in the same department. Consistently memorable shifts with her... and while all of this doesnt necessarily count towards mentorship approval, I'm confident they're a stellar teacher, too.
Kira is a player that has been around for a while. Im not sure if they have mastered every job but has alot of game knowledge and would do fine.
At this point, it's hard for me to play a round which doesn't have Kira Hunt (maybe due to timezones or something? idk). Kira's always a fantastic player to have on the station, whether as security or as a unabashed antag running some of the best gimmicks I've seen. I've also seen her instructing new players on how to do things on multiple occasions in a friendly and not-overbearing way, so I feel that she's definitely a good fit for mentor. At the very least, you can't do half the gimmicks I've seen Kira pull off without serious knowledge of the inner workings of the game. Definite approval from me.
Kira is one character I see a lot at the tail end of the time I play SS13. I often see them in medical and security and doing a good job handling situations thrown at them. They area always readily available to consult if you have questions or if anyone needs training they have it under control. It's clear they take enjoyment in teaching new things to people and answering questions. A bit more of a presence on answering questions on discord is all I see is needed for improvement. Even then they would make for a great mentor!
Quick update! I've been much more active  in the questions channel and I've been doing what I can to help. I'vebeenchecking it 5-7 times a day. I've also been playing engineering a lot more!  bee
(03-16-2024, 10:59 PM)Azurnite Wrote: Kira is one character I see a lot at the tail end of the time I play SS13. I often see them in medical and security and doing a good job handling situations thrown at them. They area always readily available to consult if you have questions or if anyone needs training they have it under control. It's clear they take enjoyment in teaching new things to people and answering questions. A bit more of a presence on answering questions on discord is all I see is needed for improvement. Even then they would make for a great mentor!

(03-25-2024, 07:32 PM)Daisybell Wrote: Quick update! I've been much more active  in the questions channel and I've been doing what I can to help. I'vebeenchecking it 5-7 times a day. I've also been playing engineering a lot more!  bee

As a follow up to my previous post, I can say that I have seen Kira actively solidifying their presence in engineering recently learning the works. I have seen an increased presence also in answering questions in the discord. Keep up the good work on the improvements!
i often see kira going the extra mile to help those who want to be taught. i think she'd make a good mentor, with that quality alone, but as others have stated, she has also shown her own desire to learn more. in my experience, mentorship is as much learning as it is teaching, so i think she'd fit right in.
Emerald has always been lovely and always seems to know what she's doing.

Chiming in with Tyrant, I feel like a lot of my rounds have Kira in it. They're friendly and calm in all situations, and with 4 years of experience under their belt it's really no surprise that they know and enjoy teaching others about how to play. Good traits for a mentor.

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