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Nerf the ID wire
I dunno when it was added, but cutting the ID wire was pretty much buffed to the moon. An ID-wire hacked door is no longer any different to anyone, and currently is as easy as cutting a specific wire in the door, which takes less than 2 seconds. AA isn't necessary to get anywhere you want anymore, a screwdriver and a wirecutter is easier, which pretty much makes access requirements completely obsolete. This was mildly mitigated by the fact that once an airlock was ID-wire hacked, it would refuse access to everyone that bumped on it, but now, there's literally no downside of hacking airlocks. I personally think that's bad design. Airlocks should have some difficulty when hacking it.

If I was to nerf it, I'd either rollback the change that made it super busted, or make the ID wire self-mend after 40 seconds of cutting it. I'd prefer the latter. But I wanna hear the opinion of you folks.
suggested fix - door panels now may not be screwdrivered closed unless the doors wiring is intact. This leaves the visual indicator on any hacked doors whilst retaining the walk into door and it opens functionality. Pulsed wires do not affect this, nor do attatched signallers, all allowing the doors panel to be closed with them in place.
Making hacking more difficult would be good. This change isn't it a good way to do it.
Having each door have different wire layouts would make door hacking more difficult, while keeping it possible to get through any door. It is a pretty huge nerf though.
(11-10-2023, 08:21 AM)Caio029 Wrote: This was mildly mitigated by the fact that once an airlock was ID-wire hacked, it would refuse access to everyone that bumped on it, but now, there's literally no downside of hacking airlocks. I personally think that's bad design. Airlocks should have some difficulty when hacking it.

It was nerfed. it now makes the same sound like when you pulse it. Which means it kinda is as loud as just pulsing the power wire and crowbarring it.

And looking at welding walls, packet hacking or the power wires, single doors are never much of a hassle. The difficulty was always doing it without getting spotted and called out. We can talk if we should make accessing areas more difficult in general. But at that point we don't only need to nerf the access wire, but other methods of access as well. Or introduce a "secure door" which has additional protection.

If we want to just bring it on par with crowbarring/power wire pulsing, i would suggest people getting shocked when trying to cut wires without insulative gloves.
I agree with a buff being needed. An idea i had would be a printable alarm device that engineers can install in doors, that will ping PDA's/AI/Radio when its tampered with.

It would give engineering a good way to interact with more departments who might want one. Maybe even have a select few doors be preinstalled with one, like armory or captains bedroom.

It could perhaps go on a door as a whole, or on induvidual wires.
(11-10-2023, 09:58 AM)EristheSlackWyrm Wrote: I agree with a buff being needed. An idea i had would be a printable alarm device that engineers can install in doors, that will ping PDA's/AI/Radio when its tampered with.

It would give engineering a good way to interact with more departments who might want one. Maybe even have a select few doors be preinstalled with one, like armory or captains bedroom.

It could perhaps go on a door as a whole, or on induvidual wires.

Already possible using mechcomp.

I guess why cutting the ID wire is so powerful is that it looks like nothing is wrong while at the same time allowing anyone to open it. Permanently.
So it won't be noticed by legitimate users (they can still open the door as before), and only users without access might notice it if they try the door.

Cutting the power wire and crowbar the door open is not that much slower, but you have to do it everytime you want access to the are. Same with packets.
In my opinion... hacking needs to be redone.
Cutting and pulsing wires ain't enough.

It would be cooler if you could re-wire wires incorrectly for hilarious effects.

Cut wires means "door isn't fuctional"
But if you want to do the infamous ID wire cutting for all access doors.
You now have to cut the ID wire and connect it to the door function wire. Now every ID opens the door.
But rewire the ID wire to the bolting door wires. Now the door will only bolt and unbolt at ID touches.

Suddenly door hacking has become more in depth and harder.
I also recommend a "network" wire to be added and if that gets cut, engineering gets an alert.
But in doing so you can get ID codes.. wich can be interresting? I dont know.
Honestly I like the idea of there being an attachable alarm, fitted to the signaller slot in a door. If the attached wire is cut/pulsed, it sounds an alarm for like 5 seconds (with a decent cooldown to prevent spam). Attempting to remove the alarm without access to the door should also trigger the alarm. Perhaps you could emag the alarm to kill it permanently.

It should come pre-installed in secure areas (Security, Command, AI) on specific wires (IDscan and main power), with more available probably in Security or Engineering.
If anything, cutting the ID access wire should make it so the door doesn't recognize any ID anymore and simply doesn't open. Having to pulse/cut the power wire and use a crowbar make more sense. Its a bit longer, make noise and leave evidence.

You could also make it so that the door bolts fall into place if the wires are tempered with making it so you need to deal with bolts before anything else. But that might make it too tedious.

Its also weird that you can just mend wires with magic and completely consequence free. You should at least maybe have wire in your hand or something.

Its fine that hacking doors is not that hard, but maybe it shouldn't be done so casualy and without any risk once you've figured the first door or the round. So different department having different wires setup, command and sec doors having extra "bad" wires, and such wouldn't be a terrible idea too.
If you make it harder to hack a door I'll just go through the wall. Also was packet hacking doors ever nerfed?
Packet hacking was a while ago made to require not just the door's ID, but also an access code that you could only get by opening its panel or being a silicon (or guessing like 50 times). It's a bit slower than wire hacking, but poses no risk of shock or suspicious noise. I'd say that, of the two (wire and packet hacking), packet hacking is probably just more convenient if you're already familiar with packets, but network diagnostics carts are limited, and you don't have the luxury of hacking other things and having overall less control of doors.
Packet-hacking is already fairly balanced. It's fairly annoying to do it for every door you want to hack, it requires actual smarts, some kind of interaction with each door, doesn't make the door useless (because it will close after opened) and also doesn't harm anyone with proper ID access. Cutting the ID wire is something else entirely.
remove the ID wire

pulse power and crowbar it open like space god intended
(11-10-2023, 08:31 PM)Mouse Wrote: remove the ID wire

pulse power and crowbar it open like space god intended

The ID wire is quite important to open doors to the public, especially for low pop or the like.

I think for a removal or rework on the ID wire we need a way for engineering to either remove access or deconstructing the door without an RCD or the access pro.

Access windows are an absolute hell to get rid off because you cannot properly bolt them remove their access (whoch makes them non-deconstructable), and i would absolutely hate it as an engineer to have the same applied to doors as well. Doors are barely acceptable because if the ID wire.

But that opinion is maybe on the pile of "construction is in a bad state"

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