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[PR] Removes additional access from Security Officers and Heads of Security on the...


About the PR

Removes the additional access levels granted to Security Officers and Heads of Security on the RP servers.

Why's this needed?

The discourse surrounding this subject has been ongoing for some time, with the latest round of discussion occuring on [this forum thread.](

While my thoughts on the matter are self-evident due to me being the progenitor of the latest forum thread, it is important that ample opportunities for discussion and testing be provided for before considering a change such as this one. The dynamic between Security, the rest of the crew, and the antagonists will be necessarily impacted.

\* Of all the potential options to address this issue, this is the most extreme.

Undoubtedly, this change will be subject to a high degree of scrutiny due to the varying differences in opinion among the playerbase. This solution may not end up being the best way to address the concerns of those who believe that the status quo is unsatisfying; in fact, it represents a sea change in how Security Officers will operate on RP in contravention of the previously established precedent. I cannot come out and determine at this stage if the new state of affairs will be better than what we presently have. However, that there is a perception that there is an issue in the first place warrants some concrete data on how such a change would actually impact the game. I simply ask that any discussion surrounding this matter remain civil and productive.


(*)Security Officers on RP now have equivalent access to those on the Classic servers.

The thread that sparked this PR can be found here.
The thread goes over alot of the major points of secoffs losing access, but I feel it should be a different story for any HoS.

To pull from another thread talking about HoS and Captain, the HoS is given p damn high authority in the pecking order comporable to the captain. Because of that, and the fact that not every joe on the street can be a HoS, I say they should keep it. Gives them the ability to make things smoother without bothering the AI, and taking them out can be a huge win for antags trying to utilize access
What access to RP sec get over classic anyway?
(10-20-2023, 01:01 AM)Dhaidburt Wrote: To pull from another thread talking about HoS and Captain, the HoS is given p damn high authority in the pecking order comporable to the captain. Because of that, and the fact that not every joe on the street can be a HoS, I say they should keep it. Gives them the ability to make things smoother without bothering the AI, and taking them out can be a huge win for antags trying to utilize access

This is a personal opinion of mine, but I really think that the greater perception of the HoS role would benefit from not being seen as highly on the pecking order as they presently are. We've got people legitimately saying that the HoS has more authority than the Captain sometimes. It makes me sad.

We can blow up doors, smash walls, and are an intrinsically trusted role on the station. Surely we can make do without the expanded access? Even HoP doesn't get the same level of access, and *they're* higher on the chain of command.
I think it's generally a very bad idea to make a PR for such a broad change when the grand majority of involved parties have indicated that they want some level of nuance to this. I don't understand the purpose of this PR other than putting unnecessary pressure on invested parties.
(10-20-2023, 02:16 AM)DisturbHerb Wrote:
(10-20-2023, 01:01 AM)Dhaidburt Wrote: To pull from another thread talking about HoS and Captain, the HoS is given p damn high authority in the pecking order comporable to the captain. Because of that, and the fact that not every joe on the street can be a HoS, I say they should keep it. Gives them the ability to make things smoother without bothering the AI, and taking them out can be a huge win for antags trying to utilize access

This is a personal opinion of mine, but I really think that the greater perception of the HoS role would benefit from not being seen as highly on the pecking order as they presently are. We've got people legitimately saying that the HoS has more authority than the Captain sometimes. It makes me sad.

We can blow up doors, smash walls, and are an intrinsically trusted role on the station. Surely we can make do without the expanded access? Even HoP doesn't get the same level of access, and *they're* higher on the chain of command.

HoS has higher authority than the Captain specifically when it comes to Security related matters.
(10-20-2023, 09:47 AM)KikiMofo Wrote: HoS has higher authority than the Captain specifically when it comes to Security related matters.

This point merits its own forum thread, actually, I never liked that very much. Even still, when it pertains to Security-related matters, I don't personally believe that it merits access to every door on the station at round start.
(10-20-2023, 02:04 AM)Frolicsome Flufficorn Wrote: What access to RP sec get over classic anyway?

Basically AA except Bridge/Head Offices. And Crematorium.

Also see the wiki for details.
Forgive me since I don't know exactly how to read the pull requests, but pertaining to HoS, are you wishing to reduce their RP access, (which looks to me would only be other command offices), or is it indented to give them the same access as officers? I would hope it's only the command offices. Otherwise I feel that'd be way too far.

DisturbHerb Wrote:
"This point merits its own forum thread, actually, I never liked that very much. Even still, when it pertains to Security-related matters, I don't personally believe that it merits access to every door on the station at round start."

This would rather defeat the purpose of even having a HoS. They are vetted and trusted to help make rounds better, so if the Captain or HoP can just overrule them on security issues...why even have one? An antag needs at least one person to fear/watch out for that can potentially find them early on. That's all I'll say here as I don't wish to derail this thread.

That being said, I have to agree with Waffleloffle. I believe there is enough reservations than to just make a blanket change like this, and in the original thread, there have been some good balance ideas suggested. I would rather see some of those balance issues put in/tested alongside this to see what works, and what doesn't.
(Apparently I am terrible at quoting and apologize for my ineptitude.)
I am fine with security not having semi-AA... the detective doesnt have it and it allows security to work more with detective tools to "check what's going on"
And also have more people stationed at the camera's to "look" inside. It makes better RP... though now security and detective are kinda on even levels.

BUT...Do not touch the HoS/NTSO access at all. They should be the exception since they are whitelisted too.
I think having the heads have Semi-AA is fine in this case since they are hired by NT themselves to keep the station safe.

This also makes the HoS a more go to person for security when it comes to checking things.

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