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[PR] Farts to have 3 second cooldown
i would personally prefer it at 3 seconds, as 5 seems a bit long for me (though i quite enjoy farts)

overall though i think the 'fart disbelief' trait holds more water
a deeply soulless pr if ive ever seen one
How long is the scream cooldown? Make it the same I suppose?
scream cooldown is 5 seconds as well
as is flipping, reciting miranda rights and birdwell
Now remove it as an Atmos gas...
Funny thought, this raises the "prestige" of farting in someone's face.
With a long cooldown, you only get one shot before they get to stand up, don't fart on the wrong tile!
this pr is controversial enough that it went stale, got closed, and then got reopened.
We should do like a poll.
bumping this as this got testmerged apparently, probably better to have the discussion on forums than github comments on the PR

I personally think If the people who support this think the community in general liked this change, we should make a poll like tyrant said
Since I don't spam the F key ever... I didn't notice this test merge.

A poll would be a good idea on Discord, Github, forums and in the patch notes to link to one.
great pr
As obnoxious fart spam be be in some situations, as funny it can be in other situations.

Really unneeded PR. Anyway, nobody cares, so so long.
I dislike this. It makes some interactions way less funny.

If the issue was people spamming farts, just make it so you have a chance of ripping your ass off after farting for X amount of times.
Emote spam can be obnoxious, but forcing the fart cooldown to be longer for everyone may not be the best way to solve this issue. Here are a few constructive ideas that may appease the community as a whole:

+ Toggle setting that mutes repetitive emote text/sound for X seconds.
With this setting enabled, you would hear and read an emote and be unable to hear or read that specific emote again until X amount of seconds has passed.

+ Players choose whether or not they hear/see specific emotes. This would be an objectively good change regardless of where this PR goes as many members of our community may be uncomfortable with these noises in general.
Quote:If the issue was people spamming farts, just make it so you have a chance of ripping your ass off after farting for X amount of times.

you know you could try coding that yourself right
(09-30-2023, 06:52 AM)Tyrant Wrote: you know you could try coding that yourself right

Not everyone can or will.

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