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Wraith Critters: Oh Hai Doggy
"Can I help you?
"Yecen ai hab a douzn red rouses plis?"

"Oh hi, Johnny! I didn't know it was you. Here you go!"
(delayed) "Daas me! [i]How much is i-""[/i]
"Here you go! Kip the cheng. Hai doggy!
"You're my favorite costumer."
"Danksalot, bi!"
-Tommy Wiseau as Johnny (The Room)  space bear

A common complaint about the Wraith antagonist is it's lack of control over it's (generally on the Harbinger path) minions, who are designed to assist the wraith. Changeling, Vampire and Traitor may also create minions, and to avoid them from doing actions against their master's interests, the mindhack clause was written. 
It is generally frowned upon tp:
Changeling pets to wander around and not assist their master, unless they are commanded to scout the station
Mindhacks to disobey their masters
Thralls to try to avoid their master

However (however) there is a spectre haunting Wraith players: Friendly Critters™
Messages from Wraiths to their critters are unnoticeable, according to many players. Also, they are not required to do anything unless commanded by their master. What does this generate?
Voidhounds to wander around, roleplaying as a doggy, and not assisting their master
Skeleton Commanders fucking over the wraith because they didn't read "a voice commands you to fart on the captain... now"
Other critters generally going against the wraith's interests.

How to fix 2023 pleae
1. Add a way for critters to communicate with their masters, as many don't even have the ability to hold radios
2. Add a way for Wraiths to disable bad critters, with a blacklist, a kill button, etc

Thanks, this is a big issue for wraith players that needs to be resolved
Me and Jan were basically saying exactly this earlier, a "wraithspeak" chat would be great.
It would be nice if the plague bringer and harbinger summons could also see the wraith at all times. and yes, they do need the mindhack clause since ive been killed by one of my summons before as a wraith smile.

I would also like the messages from the wraith to be larger for the summons as well, as mentioned above, they are created by the wraith to serve them so it makes sense that what they have to say is a bit more important
Better communication from and to the wraith would be great, i agree. Also a way for the summons to locate the wraith and vice-versa would be a neat QOL.

I can try looking into it and implementing some form of communication sometime soon if no one else wants to look into it.
I would really like it if they couldn't speal. Maybe the um..lutker and skeleton commander? Ive had sec attack me as a captain because i tried to kill a plague rat in a pet carrier that was biting people inside of the pet carrier.

I'd say a wraith chat woukd be great. And also a kill buyton for their master
(09-11-2023, 11:10 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: I would really like it if they couldn't speal. Maybe the um..lutker and skeleton commander? Ive had sec attack me as a captain because i tried to kill a plague rat in a pet carrier that was biting people inside of the pet carrier.

I'd say a wraith chat woukd be great. And also a kill buyton for their master

The thing is, most of the time, critters don't really need to communicate unless it's to create a RP scenario. Most of the times, they're jusst being stinkie  Sleeping bee

Besides, Wraiths rarely listen to them
My best wraith rounds where as a harbringer taking the time to plan with minions
I don't see what the communication of wraith summons to the crew does for the wraith? Except for allowing summons to talk to each other locally. I think it would be good to both apply mindhack clause onto summons (Sorry to hear you got killed by your own summon, that sucks) and have all messages from summons go to a special purple wraith chat or something path-colored (orange for harbringer / green for plague / purple for trickster? just a thought)

That way summons are explicitly in the interest of the wraith, and can coordinate cross-map.
Having a wraithchat would be neat, having more coordination for gimmicks would be grand.

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