(HOS application) Jack Hunter
Usual character name: Jack Hunter
BYOND username: Smallsandman
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Smallsandman #7661
Recommended by (if applicable): None
Goon servers you play: 3 (and 4 rarely)

Reason for application: There was a time where I rarely played security at all, then one day I decided that I was gonna try getting good at it. so I started playing it a bunch and now I just keep playing it. it's become a default job for me along side staff assistant. I wanted to both get feedback on how I play so I may get better and grow for this role and see what people think about me taking on this role.

Security experience (300 word minimum): Ive been doing security for some time now, I know all the basics to security such as gear usage, arrest procedures, and secmate/records editing and am willing to teach them to others. I specifically enjoy dealing with bombs (even if I end up blowing up 25% the time) due to my experience with making them in game. I believe I have a good grasp on when the armory and it's equipment is needed and when it's not. there are a few things I believe deserve some spotlight.
  • Communication is important: Everyone says this, good thing it can't be overstated! Security is a department that needs communication way more then any of the other departments. Without communication like saying why people are wanted or telling others the status of yourself or someone's arrest the team would get confused and wouldn't be able to get things done efficiently and people would constantly be asking questions about who did what and where things are happening. While rounds can get chaotic and confusing communication can lessen this as if the whole group understands what's going on it will get less confusing.
  • Handling of Antagonists and their equipment: Antagonists are the driving force of your rounds, security would not be needed without them. Killing all of them whenever they are discovered would leave you with a bunch of time with nothing to do! As such its important they get some leeway in areas. They should be treated like how you would treat the crew of the station until its proven they are not crew. whether it be giving them a chance to come in peacefully to letting them make deals. its important not to over punish for small crimes, like how you dont really need to search someone for attacking someone with a toolbox that's more a job for short brig time. now if they continually reoffend searching them would not be unreasonable. similar with one case of having contraband, if you can just convince them to hand it in there is no real need to search them. Larger crimes like murder or theft of an important item will push me to search them and take illegal equipment in addition to brig time. Now once you find contraband gear and confiscate it, it is to go in contraband and not be kept for personal use and should only be used in absolute emergencies if at all.  this part is even in space law!
  • Crew interactions and gimmicks: The crew are 80% of the players of the game they are what you are here to protect, they are important and shouldn't be ignored outright. If someone comes in reporting a vampire it may sound weird an illogical (in an RP sense) but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be looked into. now onto gimmicks. Gimmicks are a big part of the game they can make rounds more interesting if everyone JUST did their role and nothing else it would be fairly boring and uniform. Gimmicks can also be REALLY funny and I love a good laugh so its best not to shut down gimmicks when they are just getting started.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
    1: Don't keep people too long, especially without roleplay. if you have someone in there for like 20 minutes while they are figuring out what they did or why they are there. at that point just take contraband and drop them outside security, unless they were gonna be executed (unlikely to be unknown by the whole team) they have already served their sentence out and then some.
    2: Winning is not the point of security, Securities role is to be the opposition to the antagonists and to make their round less of a boring steam roll with no opposition for them and an actual challenge. "It's not about winning. its about fun!" - Talking cheese. (for all parties involved preferably)
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
    One of my favorite moments was the round where I learned how to do bomb RP, I had spawned in as a vampire but not wanting to do normal vampire things i decided I wanted to try something with TTV's, now this was one of my first RP antag rounds if I'm remembering right, so i asked the admins how to escalate TTV's as I didnt fully understand escalation at the time. I decided on wearing the TTV on my back and threatening to blow up medbay should my demands not be met. someone tried to take it off me while I was talking so I ran into a chute and ended up in the kitchen freezer. security blocks my one way out so I make demands "I want a ride out of here and ill leave the bomb with you" or something along those lines. so they get me a pod but they pod lock it so I'm standing there trying to figure out the code as I think they'll betray me. As soon as i figure out the code they tell me what it is, i start to get in and drop the bomb but they think i'm trying to leave with it so i get tazed, one officer notices i dropped the bomb so they tell the others to let me go, as I'm about to be taken in bio magnets of all things save the day bringing everyone right up on the same tile and giving me the chance to grab the bomb and set it off. all but one of security died I think. now I was dead, my round was over. then the fact i clone scanned came back into play, now I was alive and nearly all of security was dead. it wasn't to difficult avoiding the last remaining security person with the fact vamps can cancel stuns so I even made it to Central Command.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):

  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    I've enjoyed the idea of running a crew training program or security try outs on a slow round where we have crew training in the gym or showing us their skills or their "skills". 
  • Draw a picture! "I got this!"

[Image: I_got_this..png?width=1811&height=630]

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): None

Ack some of the text is black, i dont know how to fix this sorry.
At this time I cannot say I would necessarily recommend you for HoS. You are enabling of gimmicks, and you usually keep busy. But, I don't see you engaging antags alot, leading, or teaching.

My suggestion for growth and reaching further would be to try to be more pro-active. Try get out in the field and go along with people, do some more interrogations, do some more clue seeking. Share what you know and ask questions. I'm sure you have an even keeled temperment, but, a little more of all the basiscs would be the first thing I can suggest for getting a little closer to promotion, from my point of view.

Keep trying and you'll be there in no time<3
i don't think you're a bad officer or player. i think you need some refinement. from my experiences in the past few weeks:

you're very good at communicating and rping with the team; this is not a problem for you at all and you handle it with a breeze

in command roles, you do tend to discourage some people's gimmicks (paperwork hops and such), and get fed up with them or frustrated easily.

i can't say what i've seen of you as secoff is overly concerning. but when you play captain, you usually play captain with involvement in security, so i imagine it gives a sense of what hos might look like. as captain, you are a bit authoritarian and...paternalistic? i'm not sure of the exact word, but it's like you don't trust people (outside a select handful) to do what they're doing. part of hos and teamwork and all the good stuff is that you have to trust your team enough to not be over them every step of the way. unless they like, really need it. then it's a goal to get them to the point where you don't have to be over them every step.

minor minor comment on stream orbiting and meta-trusting certain people to do their jobs with preference over others.
You're a good Officer. You communicate and RP well, and generally understand how to handle Antags, but I cannot recommend you as HoS.

I rarely see you really teach, or try to take lead. This is something I would like to see a lot more of, but recently however I saw you doing just this when dealing with myself when I was an Antag. You were trying to take lead in how to handle my situation, to which you did to the best of your ability, but I'd like to see a lot more of this.

But my BIGGEST hold up about you is not even really a Security related one, and its in fact when you run Staff Assistant. Very frequently, you'll want to spend and entire round inside the Genpop Brig as a Prisoner. That in of itself isn't an issue, but the issue stems from the fact that you're absolutely relentless about it, and when told "no" you'll continue to hang around Security begging to be let in until you're eventually are. Following that, you'll usually then tend to suicide in the Brig, get cloned, and then the cycle repeats where you want to be let back in. I've seen cases where this behaviour can become VERY frustrating for people and have been told to stop, but you don't seem to be receptive to this and continue being relentless in the gimmick.

Now the reason I bring this up in a HoS app is because these actions say to me that you lack maturity and awareness which in my opinion every HoS benefits from. They need to be mature and aware enough to know when to be silly to add levity to a situation and round, and when to be serious when things really need to get done. You need to be aware enough to know when a situation needs to be escalated, or deescalated, and also be aware of your own actions and the effect they have on other players, especially as HoS. And mature enough to know that not just your own fun matters, but everyone's fun.

No one is perfect, and we all make errors in judgement. We just need to start recognising these errors and growing from them. I'd like to see you grow more as an Officer and as a player before I can recommend you as HoS.
(05-25-2023, 06:36 PM)Wrench-1 Wrote: You're a good Officer. You communicate and RP well, and generally understand how to handle Antags, but I cannot recommend you as HoS.

I rarely see you really teach, or try to take lead. This is something I would like to see a lot more of, but recently however I saw you doing just this when dealing with myself when I was an Antag. You were trying to take lead in how to handle my situation, to which you did to the best of your ability, but I'd like to see a lot more of this.

But my BIGGEST hold up about you is not even really a Security related one, and its in fact when you run Staff Assistant. Very frequently, you'll want to spend and entire round inside the Genpop Brig as a Prisoner. That in of itself isn't an issue, but the issue stems from the fact that you're absolutely relentless about it, and when told "no" you'll continue to hang around Security begging to be let in until you're eventually are. Following that, you'll usually then tend to suicide in the Brig, get cloned, and then the cycle repeats where you want to be let back in. I've seen cases where this behaviour can become VERY frustrating for people and have been told to stop, but you don't seem to be receptive to this and continue being relentless in the gimmick.

Now the reason I bring this up in a HoS app is because these actions say to me that you lack maturity and awareness which in my opinion every HoS benefits from. They need to be mature and aware enough to know when to be silly to add levity to a situation and round, and when to be serious when things really need to get done. You need to be aware enough to know when a situation needs to be escalated, or deescalated, and also be aware of your own actions and the effect they have on other players, especially as HoS. And mature enough to know that not just your own fun matters, but everyone's fun.

No one is perfect, and we all make errors in judgement. We just need to start recognising these errors and growing from them. I'd like to see you grow more as an Officer and as a player before I can recommend you as HoS.

Oh, I didnt realize it was that annoying. i thought people were acting angry for the character sake. sorry ill stop or calm down with the brig stuff from now on. Apologies to you and everyone else.
You are a good security officer, even a great security officer, both open for gimmicks and discussion with antags and with other officers, and knowing when to be serious as an officer.
However, I am unsure of whether you would or not become a good HoS for the very simple reason that I've very rarely seen you lead. On rounds where there is no HoS you tend to fall back similarly to rounds when there is one, and let the heard of cats lead itself, instead of taking the lead, shielding behind the idea that you can't lead since you are not an HoS.

I can only advise you to begin taking initiative in leading the team, with hopes of seeing you in nextish cycles.
Jack is a wonderful security officer who consistently keeps the round flowing, is always fun to play along side of and against. He's definitely got the chops. +1 from me
We appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to a lack of community response. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 2023-10-08. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep sec officering!

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