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Snakes too op??
hey gang i'm a cowboy baby recently i noticed how broken rattle snakes and other snakes are, they give you venom that kills you very quickly and there is not a lot you can do when you are bitten, plus they often spawn very late into the round when medbay is useless and you cant get any meds, this happend twice to me recently and both of the times i was an antagonist and both times i died from just 1 bite. Banging head against the wall
I keep feeling that rattlesnakes always are too much or too little. Its back to being without medical care one bite will kill you. And if there are no doctors nobody but the ai or silicons can take care of you. SO ya just die.

On the other hand peeps die. thats space.
I think it does kills slow in comparison to other poisons. So you got enough time to react. The problem is often not being able to gauge the "well, i can take it" and the "oh shit, im dying" time, but that comes down to the rather missing feedback of bloodloss. In gemeral, if you know a bit can be deadly, you can react to it in time without much problems. If medbay or the medicent got some flushers stocked.

Normally, when you reach a medivend, 1-2 charcoal injector will keep you alive. You will have slight anemia, but that regenerates over time.
I am just glad Scorpion Stingers don't happen as often and they snip you down more now.
That poison was litterly 1 sting and you gonna be in medbay for a while.
Now they mostly knock you over wich is annoying... but they won't sting you right away.

With Snakes on the other hand.. they atleast stopped being hyper aggresive. I remember when they were as aggresive as wasps and scorpions.
You open a door and... if you didn't had a reaction time of 0.5 seconds.. you are bit.

Now they only attack you if you get within 1-2 squares of them. Other wise they freeze in place when you are near. Making it easy to range overwhelm em.

So basically put... Snakes have a venom that does high damage and blood loss, but that will only happen if you fuck around.
Thus if you stay away from them and ask security to come.. Security can stun em from a distance and kill em safely.

Essentially put range is the way to beat em.
Just don't get near em and they won't attack you.
Rattlesnakes do kill you quickly, but they never really hunt for you, they'll only inject you with poison if you yourself decide to move into their range. Generally i think they work just fine as a small hazard that you have to be mindful about, but you can simply sidestep them the vast majority of the time, or just chuck a bunch of items their way from a safe distance until they keel over.

Also i do like the fact that a bite is a serious thing to be treated immediatly but still gives you enough time to haul ass to medbay if you know you've been had. If rattlesnakes didn't have that factor i feel they'd become yet another "run at them and bash them to death immediatly" type of critter which we already have plenty of. See killer tomatoes, angry rats, repairbots, skeletons, transposed scientist etc...
(07-12-2023, 02:03 AM)Bartimeus Wrote: Also i do like the fact that a bite is a serious thing to be treated immediatly but still gives you enough time to haul ass to medbay if you know you've been had. If rattlesnakes didn't have that factor i feel they'd become yet another "run at them and bash them to death immediatly" type of critter which we already have plenty of. See killer tomatoes, angry rats, repairbots, skeletons, transposed scientist etc...

Very much this, the last thing i wanted was to make another "just rush it and kill it" critter. Them having a powerful-ish venom that is dangerous when left untreated along with not being immediately aggressive is intentionally as is to encourage not picking the fight if you aren't sure you can win it outright, and discourage ignoring the effects of the poison for long.
Part of what contributes is janitors and security cant do medical if thered no doctors. Ive had to see people die because of it. I still feel 1 instant bite, even if its stunned it still bites, is a 100 percent chance of death without a doctor...rattle snakes are only fatal like 1 in 600.

Maybe it the depletion/bleed was slower? As is you lose.blood.faster then you gain it
(07-12-2023, 11:24 AM)Silent Majority Wrote: even if its stunned it still bites

I think that's a bug and should be fixed.
(07-12-2023, 01:05 AM)Kotlol Wrote: I am just glad Scorpion Stingers don't happen as often and they snip you down more now.
That poison was litterly 1 sting and you gonna be in medbay for a while.
Now they mostly knock you over wich is annoying... but they won't sting you right away.

With Snakes on the other hand.. they atleast stopped being hyper aggresive. I remember when they were as aggresive as wasps and scorpions.
You open a door and... if you didn't had a reaction time of 0.5 seconds.. you are bit.

Now they only attack you if you get within 1-2 squares of them. Other wise they freeze in place when you are near. Making it easy to range overwhelm em.

So basically put... Snakes have a venom that does high damage and blood loss, but that will only happen if you fuck around.
Thus if you stay away from them and ask security to come.. Security can stun em from a distance and kill em safely.

Essentially put range is the way to beat em.
Just don't get near em and they won't attack you.

i think they get angry at you for no reason, i saw one of the crew just walk by the snake and get bit instantly then they died so there isint really a way to avoid unless you have like guns or something + that stun bite bug
Sounds like intended mechanics? I litterly say if you get 1-2 squares close it might attack you. So if Person McCrewface in your example walked BY THE SNAKE aka CLOSE TO IT. It will attack.

Unless it was a different snake then the rattle one.. but those aren't poisonous.

So I am guessing your situation is litterly: The crewmember got too close and got punished.
(07-13-2023, 02:28 AM)Kotlol Wrote: Sounds like intended mechanics? I litterly say if you get 1-2 squares close it might attack you. So if Person McCrewface in your example walked BY THE SNAKE aka CLOSE TO IT. It will attack.

Unless it was a different snake then the rattle one.. but those aren't poisonous.

So I am guessing your situation is litterly: The crewmember got too close and got punished.

i think death isint a good punishment for just running down the hallway or trying to get to a place, most of the time people dont even notice that there was a snake and still get biten
A bite is not guaranteed death if you get your hands on some charcoal, though. And normally every nanomed has enough.

And if medbay is disfunctional and every nanomed emtpy... That is the consequence of the crews actions, really.
(07-13-2023, 12:32 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: A bite is not guaranteed death if you get your hands on some charcoal, though. And normally every nanomed has enough.

And if medbay is disfunctional and every nanomed emtpy... That is the consequence of the crews actions, really.

Not everyone has Medical Equipment access.
(07-13-2023, 06:41 PM)Mouse Wrote:
(07-13-2023, 12:32 PM)Lord_earthfire Wrote: A bite is not guaranteed death if you get your hands on some charcoal, though. And normally every nanomed has enough.

And if medbay is disfunctional and every nanomed emtpy... That is the consequence of the crews actions, really.

Not everyone has Medical Equipment access.

Youc annot treat it with charcoal. The issue is one bite will cause about 800 bleed.
(07-13-2023, 06:41 PM)Mouse Wrote: Not everyone has Medical Equipment access.

I meant the public nanomed ones.

(07-13-2023, 11:41 PM)Silent Majority Wrote: Youc annot treat it with charcoal. The issue is one bite will cause about 800 bleed.

The charcoal flush is normally enough to drastically decrease the total bleed to a degree it doesnt kill you.

That said, i wouldnt mind to see the injected amount of per bite to be decreased.

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