About the PR
This PR fundamentally reworks the maneater in a way that stays true to its former role and theme but removes out a bunch of jank and bullshit out of its behaviour and mechanics.
This fixes #13001
Beyond that, this PR also makes botany produce now support mob critters. They will get handled slightly different than items, but name-changes and quality status will be reflected properly. A new parent for botany-critter was created, `/mob/living/critter/plant`. A mob critter from this parent that is harvested calls `proc/HYPsetup_DNA`, enabling easy modifications from within the object. Also, it carries the contributors to that originating plant within `growers` for easy access within the AI-behaviour. The implementation and passing of the respectable plants gene also enables any critter of this parent to be scanned by a plantscanner and give out the respectable stats of the plant they originated from.
The maneater was changed drastically in it the way how it attacks and eats people:
Instead of insta-stunning their victim and having an invisible action that gibs the person, the maneater now need to drain their victims stamina and eat them with a visible action bar while their victim is in an aggressive grab.
The maneater's attack deals 8 - 12 brute damage to the target and drains 50 stamina while imposing a 2 second desorient. If the target gets their stamina drained completely, the target gets stunned for 5 seconds. The stun cannot be refreshed or prolonged by the maneaters attack and borgs are immune to the desorient.
If stunned and the devour ability is avaible, the maneater grabs the target and upgrades the grab. Once that is completed, it uses its ability to devour the target. **This is an 8 second action bar that cannot be interrupted by moving the maneater.** The victim needs to struggle out of the grab or needs to be grabbed out by another person to cancel the ablity. The devour ability got a 20 second cooldown.
The maneater won't try to eat while another maneater is in direct contact to the target.
Once the target is devoured, all of their equipable items are moved into the maneater. If there are more than 6 of them in the maneater, it will try to vomit out an item each minute. If the maneater is gibbed or butchered, it will eject the items as well.
Also, the maneater, if no mobs, corpses or humans are avaible, will try to eat raw slabs of meat it can find. This can lead to some interesting use-cases:
If there are botanists/contributor near the maneater, it will occasionally commicate with them, using some quotes from Audrey II.
the maneater got baseline 120 health, 200 stamina, 10 stamina regen, 25% desorient resist and receives 25% more damage from fire. Also, its movement has a heavy penalty, compareable to someone being drowsy at all time.
Atrazine (weedkiller) was changed in its behaviour to work in a new way against mob/living/plant. It deals 3 damage per tick instead of the 2 and got a 0.3 skinpen against these plant-based mobs only. This means 1 unit plashed on a maneater converts into 2 damage over the duration.
The botany-side of the maneater was changed as well.
The maneater got a genome of 12 now.
Its health no longer scales with the plant health. Instead, each point of endurance increase its health by 3. Also, each point of potency increases its stamina by 3 and grants 0.1 stamina regenration, up to 30 stamina per second at 300 potency.
Due to the scaling-changes, blood infusions got severly nerfed. The Bonus from endurance was reduced from 10 - 30 to 4 - 8. The same number was applied to the growth time as well.
If any chemical-containing plant gets spliced into the maneater, each of its attack injects 3+(yield/20) of the corresponding chem mix into the target.
Hand-feeding people into the maneater now got an action bar as well. If a maneater is fed a person while being growing, it gains a bonus of 20 - 30 endurance.
The maneater got a new snarl it uses instead of the sinistar-screams. The sound is a variation of [Hybrid Monster Growl](https://freesound.org/people/john129pats...s/146558/#) from [john129pats](https://freesound.org/people/john129pats/), published under the CC0 license.
What does that mean for the new role of maneaters?
These changes try to move the maneater away from an annoying but easy to be dealt with wall to a very menacing and threatening predator to lock down an area. On a baseline, its desorient and stamina drain enables you to move away from a single maneater when you get jumped by it and on many occasions evade the grab when you get stunned once. Also the stun is short enough that you wake up while being swallowed so you have a chance to break out of the grab. This goes so far that it will never be able to be aggressive grabed you if you got some basic amounts of stun resist.
In prolonged battles, the damage of the maneater begins to stack up and pose the main threat.
The maneater in this form is meant to be used in packs or to have single very highly-statted ones.
With many maneaters, the chances to get out of the grab quickly vanishes as the second or third one is able to stun you again before you move out far enough from the other maneater.
A high stat spliced maneater is meant to be a big station threat. Like old maneaters their health can get ludicrious high and a high potency maneater is neigh impossible to be stunned. In general, stuns should very much be discouraged to be used against maneaters. Also, while its main offensive capabilities cannot be scaled, it can be spliced to poison assailents.
The main weakness of maneaters lie in their speed. They are around half as fast as a crewmember and can be very easily be kited and bolted down in a room by the AI. Also, borgs are immune to the desorient and the potentional poison, making them somewhat capable fighters against them.
Why's this needed?
Firstly, this PR mobifies the maneater and goes a step further in mobifying obj/critter by giving botany support for critter implementation.
The main criticism of the maneater was that it was 1. not doing much and 2. insta-gibbing you in a bullshit way. This PR resolve both of these issues, making the maneater in general more responsive and fun to play with.
The scaling changes aim at leaving botanists the option to either have a good and effective pack of small maneaters or use up a good amount of time to try to have single very powerfull maneaters to lock down areas with. This adds flexibility to this mob and i look forward in people trying to splice it with weed to have an on-demand trip for botanists by punching it.
About the PR
This PR fundamentally reworks the maneater in a way that stays true to its former role and theme but removes out a bunch of jank and bullshit out of its behaviour and mechanics.
This fixes #13001
Beyond that, this PR also makes botany produce now support mob critters. They will get handled slightly different than items, but name-changes and quality status will be reflected properly. A new parent for botany-critter was created, `/mob/living/critter/plant`. A mob critter from this parent that is harvested calls `proc/HYPsetup_DNA`, enabling easy modifications from within the object. Also, it carries the contributors to that originating plant within `growers` for easy access within the AI-behaviour. The implementation and passing of the respectable plants gene also enables any critter of this parent to be scanned by a plantscanner and give out the respectable stats of the plant they originated from.
The maneater was changed drastically in it the way how it attacks and eats people:
Instead of insta-stunning their victim and having an invisible action that gibs the person, the maneater now need to drain their victims stamina and eat them with a visible action bar while their victim is in an aggressive grab.
The maneater's attack deals 8 - 12 brute damage to the target and drains 50 stamina while imposing a 2 second desorient. If the target gets their stamina drained completely, the target gets stunned for 5 seconds. The stun cannot be refreshed or prolonged by the maneaters attack and borgs are immune to the desorient.
If stunned and the devour ability is avaible, the maneater grabs the target and upgrades the grab. Once that is completed, it uses its ability to devour the target. **This is an 8 second action bar that cannot be interrupted by moving the maneater.** The victim needs to struggle out of the grab or needs to be grabbed out by another person to cancel the ablity. The devour ability got a 20 second cooldown.
The maneater won't try to eat while another maneater is in direct contact to the target.
Once the target is devoured, all of their equipable items are moved into the maneater. If there are more than 6 of them in the maneater, it will try to vomit out an item each minute. If the maneater is gibbed or butchered, it will eject the items as well.
Also, the maneater, if no mobs, corpses or humans are avaible, will try to eat raw slabs of meat it can find. This can lead to some interesting use-cases:
If there are botanists/contributor near the maneater, it will occasionally commicate with them, using some quotes from Audrey II.
the maneater got baseline 120 health, 200 stamina, 10 stamina regen, 25% desorient resist and receives 25% more damage from fire. Also, its movement has a heavy penalty, compareable to someone being drowsy at all time.
Atrazine (weedkiller) was changed in its behaviour to work in a new way against mob/living/plant. It deals 3 damage per tick instead of the 2 and got a 0.3 skinpen against these plant-based mobs only. This means 1 unit plashed on a maneater converts into 2 damage over the duration.
The botany-side of the maneater was changed as well.
The maneater got a genome of 12 now.
Its health no longer scales with the plant health. Instead, each point of endurance increase its health by 3. Also, each point of potency increases its stamina by 3 and grants 0.1 stamina regenration, up to 30 stamina per second at 300 potency.
Due to the scaling-changes, blood infusions got severly nerfed. The Bonus from endurance was reduced from 10 - 30 to 4 - 8. The same number was applied to the growth time as well.
If any chemical-containing plant gets spliced into the maneater, each of its attack injects 3+(yield/20) of the corresponding chem mix into the target.
Hand-feeding people into the maneater now got an action bar as well. If a maneater is fed a person while being growing, it gains a bonus of 20 - 30 endurance.
The maneater got a new snarl it uses instead of the sinistar-screams. The sound is a variation of [Hybrid Monster Growl](https://freesound.org/people/john129pats...s/146558/#) from [john129pats](https://freesound.org/people/john129pats/), published under the CC0 license.
What does that mean for the new role of maneaters?
These changes try to move the maneater away from an annoying but easy to be dealt with wall to a very menacing and threatening predator to lock down an area. On a baseline, its desorient and stamina drain enables you to move away from a single maneater when you get jumped by it and on many occasions evade the grab when you get stunned once. Also the stun is short enough that you wake up while being swallowed so you have a chance to break out of the grab. This goes so far that it will never be able to be aggressive grabed you if you got some basic amounts of stun resist.
In prolonged battles, the damage of the maneater begins to stack up and pose the main threat.
The maneater in this form is meant to be used in packs or to have single very highly-statted ones.
With many maneaters, the chances to get out of the grab quickly vanishes as the second or third one is able to stun you again before you move out far enough from the other maneater.
A high stat spliced maneater is meant to be a big station threat. Like old maneaters their health can get ludicrious high and a high potency maneater is neigh impossible to be stunned. In general, stuns should very much be discouraged to be used against maneaters. Also, while its main offensive capabilities cannot be scaled, it can be spliced to poison assailents.
The main weakness of maneaters lie in their speed. They are around half as fast as a crewmember and can be very easily be kited and bolted down in a room by the AI. Also, borgs are immune to the desorient and the potentional poison, making them somewhat capable fighters against them.
Why's this needed?
Firstly, this PR mobifies the maneater and goes a step further in mobifying obj/critter by giving botany support for critter implementation.
The main criticism of the maneater was that it was 1. not doing much and 2. insta-gibbing you in a bullshit way. This PR resolve both of these issues, making the maneater in general more responsive and fun to play with.
The scaling changes aim at leaving botanists the option to either have a good and effective pack of small maneaters or use up a good amount of time to try to have single very powerfull maneaters to lock down areas with. This adds flexibility to this mob and i look forward in people trying to splice it with weed to have an on-demand trip for botanists by punching it.
(*)The syndicate supplies its botanists with a majorly changed and more responsive man-eating plant strain! Check the minor changes for details.
(+)Man-eating plants don't insta-stun anymore. Instead, they got a stamina draining attack that stuns if you run out of stamina
(+)Man-eating plants now need to aggressive-grab their victims to devour them. They show a visible action bar.
(+)The items of it's devoured victims can be retreived by butchering/gibbing the plant. It can occasionally vomit them out as well.
(+)The scaling of the maneater got changed. Its health scales with endurance, its stamina and stamina regeneration with potency.
(+)Feeding meat/people to the maneater increases endurance now. Even if it is already out of its tray!
(+)If any chem-producing plant was spliced into the man-eating plant, it will inject its victim with this chemicals. The amount scales with yield.
(+)Atrazine now works as an effective skin-penetrating poison against maneaters
(+)Maneater seeds now start with "dominant genome", "inhibited potential" and "temporary spliceability" gene strains