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[CLOSED PR] Prevents Non-antags from Mindhacking Players
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About the PR
This pr changes mindhack implants so that they can't be implanted into someone as a non-antag. Note: This is really hard to test on local, so let me know if this either breaks something, or doesn't work.

Why's this needed?
Crew, especially sec, having the ability to de-antag someone with the click of a mouse is really bad, cause at least with executing them they have the chance to roll a mid-round antag. This also stops things such as shutting down a shambler by mindhacking as sec and telling the shambler to crusher themselves.


(*)Mindhack implants can now only be implanted by antagonists

Mind hacks used to by non antags is fine in my opinion cause it leads to some funny scenerios, but is ahelpable.

THAT SAID.. Mindhacks are never "De-antagonized"
Even if your orders are NOT TO KILL. You are STILL an antagonist.
Mindhacking is simply being like a borg but with "antag subtones"

If an antag is mind hacked it means they have restrictions and orders to follow.
But if you order an antagonist to "fix the engine"
And their interpertation of the engine "It's fucked, we need a new one" and proceeds to blow it up and say: "I did it for the insurance money"

That is the spice of Goon station. If imcompetence is fine, so is an antag under mindhacking fucking up a situation fine.

That is all.
General opposition to this in its current form. Sure, the scenarios in which mindhacks might be abused by non-antags stink, but mechanically preventing their use by non-antags is, in my opinion, too extreme.
If you get arrested with unused mindhacks in your inventory and they get confiscated, that's a consequence of your decisions.

If you get disarmed while holding one and the person retaliates by picking it up and using in you, that's also a consequence of your decisions.

At the end of the day this feels like a guardrail against scenarios that are both entirely preventable with smart antagonist play and intrude on player agency. If someone is abusing mindhacks by collecting them for use on people other than the attempted mindhacker that's potentially more of a player issue that should be handled through adjudication of the game's rules. But I also can't recall any specific instances of that happening, even if I'm sure it probably has at some point.

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